shell/bash-scriptsScripts that I have written, copied or stolen.36 hours
dotfiles/debian-dotfilesdotfiles for Debian-based machines.3 days
python/pyblackbirdblackbird written in Python (Django)8 days
html/ web site.2 weeks
go/blackbirdShifting educational resources.4 weeks
dotfiles/arch-dotfilesdotfiles for Arch-based machines.4 weeks
go/dbasik-goAn API for dbasik written in Go.4 weeks
html/jo-rebrandFront page for weeks
config/openbsddotfilesdotfiles for OpenBSD machines.6 weeks
python/dbasikPutting bcompiler on the web.2 months
go/coordsCalculating Excel coordinates.2 months
go/datamaps-goExperimental project; datamaps written in Go.2 months
docker/bind9-configBasic docker compose config for running a bind9 DNS server2 months
go/snippetboxThe project that accompanies the Let's Go book.3 months
go/jobbyloggerTracking essential movements for IBD sufferers...3 months
go/ded-go-coreDED in Go using stdlib.3 months
config/nvim-homemadeA homemade neovim config.3 months
clojure/ded-clojureSerious Clojure prototype of DED.4 months
python/ctrackDjango-powered CRM to track DfT NIS Cyber Assessment Framework submissions.4 months
python/complyiqOpen source business management application prototype.4 months
java/chicken-defenderSpigot plugin for Minecraft.4 months
c++/journalFantastically rudimentary grep for some specific directories - but it does searc...4 months
python/python-scriptsPython scripts.4 months
python/dedThe original DED written in Python.4 months
go/ded-goDED in Go using Echo framework.4 months
html/matthewlemonA web site.4 months
ruby/ded-railsDED written in Ruby.4 months
html/twentyfoursoftwareTwenty Four Software web site.4 months
go/joWrapper around hugo to aid setting up static site.4 months
html/twentyfour-contactTwenty Four Software contact web site.4 months
ruby/quicknote-rubyquicknote written in Ruby.4 months
config/nixconfigConfig for NixOS4 months
python/bcompiler-engineUse spreadsheets as forms for collecting data on a large scale.4 months
python/datamapsCLI front-end to bcompiler-engine - a tool for compiling data from Excel spreads...4 months
c/journalcFantastically rudimentary grep for some specific directories - but it does searc...4 months
html/jollage-hugo-templateHugo template.4 months
go/jo-hugo-siteNew site for Jo in Go. Mirror of site on GitLab (for big images).4 months
perl/perlscriptsPerl scripts.4 months
go/edenDaily journalling from the command line.4 months
go/journalgSearching through journal files with Go.4 months
go/quicknoteQuicknote appends links from the clipboard to a file which gets uploaded to yulq...4 months
forks/nvim-nvchadFork of NvChad with my config.
config/emacsConfig for Emacs