BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterswitch of cursor column in vimMatthew Lemon3 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-04-22switch of cursor column in vimHEADmasterMatthew Lemon
2024-04-22Tweak to mpv configMatthew Lemon
2024-04-22Moves main tools to gruvboxMatthew Lemon
2024-04-22Adds Cascadia Code as the fontMatthew Lemon
2024-04-21Adds emmet to vimMatthew Lemon
2024-04-21Reduces default volume of mpvMatthew Lemon
2024-04-21Landscape display layout out and xtermMatthew Lemon
2024-04-21pinentry settingMatthew Lemon
2024-04-21Trying to start ssh-agent properly in fishMatthew Lemon
2024-04-21Lots of font tinkeringMatthew Lemon