diff options
authorMatthew Lemon <>2024-02-10 08:01:27 +0000
committerMatthew Lemon <>2024-02-10 08:01:27 +0000
commit82adfdf3d143c0c5eb00f09c93f23ac0b35a254d (patch)
parent2850115626533b2959b8f8b7c333a833e79ebfad (diff)
Updates quicknotes
2 files changed, 90 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/content/techjournal/ b/content/techjournal/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39b9323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/techjournal/
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+title: "Quicknote capture 10 February 24"
+date: 2024-02-10T07:40:48Z
+draft: false
+categories: ['Tech']
+tags: ['quicknotes']
+- This guy sets up taskwarrior and taskserver to use Lets Encrypt instead of the default bobbins that taskwarrior requires: [Task&nbsp;management | Colin Watson&#39;s blog](
+- I am starting to dislike the hype around HTMX. Just shut the fuck up about HTMX will you. Anyway: [HTMX and Web Components: a Perfect Match](
+- [Web Components - Web APIs | MDN](
+- [jordan orelli](
+- Go template engine: [GitHub - CloudyKit/jet: Jet template engine](
+- This is a really good run through of development and DevOps stuff - Go, Python, Linux, nmap, etc: [Web stuff](
+- [ElephantSQL - Documentation | ElephantSQL - PostgreSQL database PaaS](
+- This is a good example of how to write a UserService in Go, interfacing with a database. Check out the whole repo too, there is a lot to learn from it: [go-echo-sql-tutorial/internal/service/user_service.go at main · go-tutorials/go-echo-sql-tutorial · GitHub](
+- Some big database as a service thing in the cloud: [Supabase | The Open Source Firebase Alternative](
+- [Organising Database Access in Go &ndash; Alex Edwards](
+- This is pretty good: [Golang Interfaces Explained &ndash; Alex Edwards](
+- Useful interfaces in the Go standard library: [Go (Golang) Standard Library Interfaces (Selected) · GitHub](
+- [Understanding Mutexes &ndash; Alex Edwards](
+- Tremendously useful explanation about what is going on with Go handlers and servmuxes, and compares the Go world to the MVC world I'm more used to: [An Introduction to Handlers and Servemuxes in Go &ndash; Alex Edwards](
+- This is why I like this guy! He talks sense about woke!: [Adding Cluster Support To Hollywood Actor Framework - YouTube](
+- [Omitting dev dependencies in Go binaries | Redowan's Reflections](
+- This is a sensible article: [You (probably) don’t need to learn C | Ned Batchelder](
+- [32-Bit Cafe](
+- Interesting wrapper around ledger files, but not interested at the moment: [Paisa](
+- Lots of interesting local information here. Useful for snoopers: [UK House Prices](
+- All the issues of the classic comic I used to love getting every week, Champ: [Champ from D.C. Thomson & Co.](
+- This is good on Nix, but don't care too much at the moment: [Nix from the bottom up](
+- This is referenced in the Let's Go book: [Organizing a Go module - The Go Programming Language](
+- [Writing WebSocket servers - Web APIs | MDN](
+- Alternatives to proprietary software: [ | Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software](
+- [GNU source code repositories overview](
+- [Welcome [Savannah]](
+- Why not indeed? Plenty of reasons, and as of February 2024, I am currently in full agreement about why Github should be avoided by people who care about software freedom: [Why Not Github?](
+- [What’s New in Go 1.22: slices.Concat &#183; The Ethically-Trained Programmer](
+- I'm not sure, but this guy wants to say... [Microsoft, there is a way to win our trust | Dave Lane](
+- Salient, and something I have been thinking about the UK Government for some time: [New Zealand: dependence on the Microsoft Corporation | Dave Lane](
+- Decent cgit confit: [Git Web and CGit &#8212; Generic Config](
+- Eventually cribbed this config for cgit: [Cgit configurations · GitHub](
+- Recommended by Networkchuck to learn Kubernetes. Networkchuck!: [Docker AND Kubernetes Course: The Big Picture | Pluralsight](
+- I fly to this place in X-Plane: [The Glenforsa Hotel](
+- Nerd game: [The Official Ancient Domains Of Mystery (ADOM) Homepage](
+- Bash in vim: [Shell from vi](
+- [Vimways ~ From .vimrc to .vim](
+- I am using this backup solution: [GNU Linux Cryto - Backups](
+- [Duplicity backup program](
+- I probably already have this linked somewhere: [Beej's Guide to Network Programming](
+- This is ALL you need to know to write C programs: [Beej's Guide to C Programming](
+- And this one...: [Beej's Guide to Network Concepts](
+- I'm in two minds about all this fucking around in Neovim. Neovim is becoming a big "thing" in nerdspace, like htmx. I want to say fuck Lua-configured Neovim but once it is configured, it is pretty nice. This is a plugin to add fancy links to Markdown documents: [Marksman LSP](
+- This vegan's zettlekasten system basted on Neovim: [403 Forbidden](
+- For free screencasting and videocasting:
+- Good presentation on Wireguard:
+- Good presentationon SSH:
+- Eric Raymond at it: [Rootless Root](
+- Good overview of a mail server and all the component parts: [Mail server - ArchWiki](
+- Testing MX records for email servers: [MX Toolbox](
+- I love mutt. Neomutt. Whatever: [Useful Programs - NeoMutt](
+- [Hypermedia Systems](
+- [Pylsp setup for Neovim in 2023 - jdhao's digital space](
+- The guy from the Linux podcasts I listen to in the car does music: [Music / Joe Ressington]( )
+- Fuck zsh. But anyway: [Some zshrc tricks](
+- Classic: [The Art of Unix Programming](
+- Rob Pike is worth listening to: [Rob Pike: Notes on Programming in C](
+- The issues raised in this article about corporate capture of the internet are important:
+- Andrew Kelley is worth listening to, too: [Why We Can't Have Nice Software - Andrew Kelley](
+- Moustachioed Kool-Aid drinking extraordinaire: [HTMX &amp; Go with ThePrimeagen | Preview - YouTube](
+- If you want to know more about DNS: [LPIC 1 - 076 - 109.4 - Client Side DNS configuration - YouTube](
+- [LPIC 1 (version 500) Course - YouTube](
+- [Panopto | Record, Share, and Manage Videos Securely](
+- [Panopto](
+- Local roofer is trying to rip you off? Have a look: [Which? - Typical Roofer Costs](
+- Might be a useful tool to combat verbosity of database/sql package in Golang, recommended in the Let's Go book: [GitHub - blockloop/scan: Tiny lib to scan SQL rows directly to structs, slices, and primitive types](
+- Another useful tool to combat verbosity of database/sql package in Golang, recommended in the Let's Go book: [GitHub - jmoiron/sqlx: general purpose extensions to golang&#39;s database/sql](
+- Well said...: [The anti-racists want me to hate Britain](
+- A software development contractor working for DfT in the UK... As usual, bending over backwards to be hip. VSCode users: [Methods](
+- [A search engine in 80 lines of Python](
+- I'm starting to think jQuery might be the answer after all: [You Might Not Need jQuery](
+- I'm starting to think jQuery might be the answer after all: [jQuery 4.0.0 BETA! | Official jQuery Blog](
+- I'm starting to think jQuery might be the answer after all: [jQuery Learning Center](
diff --git a/content/techjournal/ b/content/techjournal/
index 5c1e45b..ef94b7f 100644
--- a/content/techjournal/
+++ b/content/techjournal/
@@ -35,12 +35,13 @@ Rails, Bootstrap, Neovim and then a bunch of flight simming links, then back to
- [LSP in Neovim. Thanks to BILL GATES?! | FREE COURSE // EP 3 - YouTube](
- GOOD, and can easily be fine in TiddlyWiki: [Insight through Dialogue in Roam Research]( )
- [Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing” (08 Dec 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow]( )
-- [I Love Ruby / Elise Shaffer]( )
+- Ok, I'm fascinated by Ruby at the moment, but this is going to change. Next month I ditch Ruby and go back to Go: [I Love Ruby / Elise Shaffer]( )
- [TakeTuesday E01: nvim-cmp - YouTube](
- [Problem discovery comes before problem solving]( )
- [Setup nvim-lspconfig + nvim-cmp / Devlog]( )
- [The Ultimate LuaSnip Tutorial for Beginners / Neovim Lua Snippet Engine]( )
-- [Musical Elitism is Everywhere]( )- [How To Setup Linting & Formatting In Neovim And Replace null-ls](
+- Yes it is, and isn't every fucking musician under the age of 50 simply tripping over themselves to be cool. This is why I stopped using Ableton Live: [Musical Elitism is Everywhere]( )
+- [How To Setup Linting & Formatting In Neovim And Replace null-ls](
- [Challenging projects every programmer should try - Austin Z. Henley](
- Decent plane for fseconomy, referenced [here]( [Flysimware C414AW Chancellor MSFS2020](
- This is a good start when listing payware aircraft from Microsoft Flight Simulator: [List of all payware aircraft for MSFS (Updated 5/21/22, 132 releases) - Aircraft - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums](
@@ -49,21 +50,21 @@ Rails, Bootstrap, Neovim and then a bunch of flight simming links, then back to
- [Capital Aircraft Finance / What's in Your Hangar?]( )
- [Host Your Own Encrypted DNS Server]( )
- GOOD - Instal OpenBSD on lxd: [tobhe]( )
-- [OpenBSD Unbound DNS Server Setup]( )
+- I'm not using OpenBSD at the moment, but if I was....: [OpenBSD Unbound DNS Server Setup]( )
- [Encrypt Your DNS (STOP Your ISP SNOOPING!)]( )
- Protectli Vault FW4B - 4 Port, Firewall Micro Appliance/Mini PC - Intel Quad Core (Celeron J3160), AES-NI, Barebone - Compatible with pfSense/OPNsense etc
- [You won't believe how UNSAFE your home router is!]( )
- GOOD [MSFS20 - FSEconomy - Buying and Managing FBOs / Renting Passenger Terminals-MS Flight Simulator 2020]( )
-- [MSFS 20 - FSEconomy - Buying and Managing Aircraft]( )
+- I AM GOING TO BUY MY OWN PLANE: [MSFS 20 - FSEconomy - Buying and Managing Aircraft]( )
- [The SUV of Islands Hoping - BN2 Islander / X-Plane 12]( )
-- [Why I use Xplane vs MSFS 2020]( )
+- Because, Micro$ft, d'uh (and X-Plane is better): [Why I use Xplane vs MSFS 2020]( )
- [What are your must have addons/etc - X-Plane 12 Technical Support - X-Plane.Org Forum]( )
- [TRIP REPORT | Britten-Norman BN2 - Island Hopping in Germany | day trip from Norddeich to Juist - YouTube](
- [Aerobask / Aircraft for X-Plane flight simulator]( )
- [15+ Best Freeware X-Plane 12 & 11 Add-ons Mega List For 2023]( )
- [What are some absolute must-have mods/add-ons for X-Plane? : r/flightsim]( )
- [They Found The iPhone Backdoor]( )
-- [What the hell is NULL-LS / FREE COURSE // EP 4]( )
+- I'm already tiring of Neovim: [What the hell is NULL-LS / FREE COURSE // EP 4]( )
- [My Flight Sim Virtual Hangar - Favorite Planes for X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12]( )
- That guy's favourite:[vFlyteAir Simulations - Piper Arrow III Gallery]( )
- [No Money Mondays: Starvingpilot’s Metroliner III for X-Plane 11 - Threshold]( )