path: root/content/techjournal/
blob: 168408ffc401c7214240e88093c2a8b1ba20526c (plain) (tree)

title: "Quicknote capture Tuesday 4 June 2024"
date: 2024-06-04T14:06:02
draft: false
categories: ["Tech"]
tags: ['quicknotes']

A quickish turnaround this time because I want to see if the script I have written in Perl to post the page to the blog works properly, plus I've actually been quicknoting quite a lot of the last week or so. Topics include: Elgar, Go, git, cgit, lots of vim, and PHP! Crikey.

- [Debian dismisses AI-contributions policy []](
- 1.04:24 [Why do C Programmers Always Obfuscate Their Code?](
- [How To Take Smart Notes With Org-mode · Jethro Kuan](
- [Live: Emacs DENOTE unit testing](
- [Emacs: new Denote developments (version 2.1.0-dev\)](
- [Denote Emacs Configuration // Take on Rules](
- [Taking Notes With the Emacs Denote Package](
- [Denote as a Zettelkasten - Prof. Dr. Stefan Thesing](
- Interesting that this article is written by ChatGPT: [A Personal Touch in my Org Agenda | macOS & (open-source\) Software](
- [docker run | Docker Docs](
- [Live coding](
- [(R\)?ex, the friendly automation framework](
- [Installing Elasticsearch and Nginx on CentOS using Rex](
- [GitHub - Tecate/bitmap-fonts: Monospaced bitmap fonts for X11, good for terminal use.](
- [Building a Compiler in C - Lexical Analysis](
- [Course Management Application in Mojolicious](
- An example of a cgitrc config file: [Cgit solution for my network | Knowledge Base](
- This helped me get the Mardown files rendering properly in cgit: [Floating Octothorpe: Markdown readme files in cgit](
- man page for cgitrc: [cgitrc.5.txt - cgit - A hyperfast web frontend for git repositories written in C.](
- [Inside Container Debugging with GO - DEV Community](
- [Go Simple HTTP File Upload Tutorial](
- [Vimrc with two LSP plugins: poc/.vimrc at master · nir9/poc · GitHub](
- [Making Minimalist Web Server in C on Windows](
- [Vim Tutorial - Fold HTML Tags](
- [How to Add Language Servers to Vim](
- [3 Cool Vim Tricks to Save Time](
- [Effects Showroom - TerminalTextEffects Docs](
- [David Heinemeier Hansson on SQLite | High Performance SQLite](
- [Old Dogs, new CSS Tricks | Max Böck](
- [macOS Virtual Machine on Linux With Unique Serial #](
- [Advanced Vim Workflows](
- [irian](
- [Debian Production Releases](
- Elgar's 1st Symphony - a recommeded recording and a great Adagio as far as I can tell: [Elgar: Symphony No. 1 in A flat major, Op. 55 - Decca: 4789353 - download | Presto Music](
- Elgar's 1st Symphony - recommended as the best recording on BBC Radio 3 on 1 June 2024: [Elgar - Symphony No.1 etc Orchestral & Concertos  Chandos](
- [GitHub - golang-standards/project-layout: Standard Go Project Layout](
- 'Or perhaps we are witnessing the effects of screen additction, which leaves people grumpier, more credulous and with shorter attentions spans.': [Trump's verdict means it will take a miracle for American democracy to survive the next six months](
- [Testing your API client in Go - a method  - DEV Community](
- Decent: [Get Started Testing an API Built With Golang | Twilio](
- [Go Class: 38 Testing - YouTube](
- This guy thinks that multi-part forms are outdated! Here he is talking about Go microservices and multi-part forms. Interesting stuff.: [Building Microservices with Go: 11 HTTP multi-part requests - YouTube]( - This guy!
- [X11 color names - Wikipedia](
- Fucking brilliant from Dennis: [lastmiles ranting against UEFI](
- The only datatypes in sqlite: [Datatypes In SQLite](
- [PHP Tutorial](
- [This is Nigel Farage's finest hour: it will make the man](
- I used this to bootstrap my first php server: [Isolate websites on FreeBSD with Nginx, PHP-FPM,, MySQL](
- [Demystifying Nginx and PHP-FPM](
- [Just a moment...](
- [PHP Tutorial](