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+ <p>If you are buying a house your lender or insurer may have requested a report on the trees.</p>
+ <p>Our report format is recognised by all the UK’s major insurers and lenders.</p>
+ <p>We identify the risk factors such as underlying soil; we then survey all the trees and identify:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Whether any trees are structurally unsound</li>
+ <li>Whether any trees pose a future risk by way of subsidence damage</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>In addition we identify whether there are any Conservation Areas or if the property is affected by a Tree Preservation Order.</p>
+ <p>All our reports are supported by high-quality drawings and give clear advice.</p>
+ <p>We have over 15 years’ experience and work to a 5 working day delivery to smooth the purchase process.</p>
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+ <h4>Case Studies</h4>
+ <a class="btn btn-default-sexed btn-group-justified" href="#" role="button">Mortgage Report</a>
+ <h4>Focus On</h4>
+ <a class="btn btn-default-sexed btn-group-justified" href="#" role="button">Buying a House - Subsidence</a>
+ <a class="btn btn-default-sexed btn-group-justified" href="#" role="button">Buying a House in a Conservation Area</a>
+ <a class="btn btn-default-sexed btn-group-justified" href="#" role="button">Buying a House with a TPO</a>
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