path: root/writing_tools/random_line.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'writing_tools/random_line.pl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/writing_tools/random_line.pl b/writing_tools/random_line.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4723f0d..0000000
--- a/writing_tools/random_line.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use English;
-use Regexp::Common qw(URI);
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-use HTML::TreeBuilder 5 -weak;
-use HTML::HeadParser;
-use feature qw(say);
-# How to read each file in a directory $dir
-my $numargs = $#ARGV + 1;
-sub usage {
- say "Pass a search term. All lines in the journal will be matched and URLs quoted will be extracted.";
- exit;
-if ($numargs != 1) {
- usage();
-my @targetlines;
-my $searchterm = $ARGV[0];
-my @urls;
-my $dir = '/home/lemon/Notes/journal';
-foreach my $f (glob("$dir/*.md")) {
- # printf "%s\n", $f;
- open my $fh, "<", $f or die "Cannot open that file '$f': $OS_ERROR";
- while (<$fh>) {
- if ($_ =~ m/$searchterm/) {
- # printf " %s", $_;
- push @targetlines, $_;
- }
- }
- close $fh or die "can't read close file '$f': $OS_ERROR";
-sub striptime {
- my $url = shift;
- $url =~ s/\?t=\d*//;
- return $url;
-# Let's interact with the World Wide Web!
-my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-foreach my $line (@targetlines) {
- # if ($line =~ /(http.*$)/) {
- if ($line =~ m/$RE{URI}{HTTP}{-scheme => qr<https?>}{-keep}/) {
- my$t = $1;
- $t =~ s/\.$//; # remove the fullstop if it has one at the end
- push @urls => striptime($t)
- # my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $t);
- # $req->header(Accept => "text/html");
- # my $res = $ua->request($req);
- # my $p = HTML::HeadParser->new;
- # $p->parse($res->content) and print "not finished";
- # print $p->header('Title'), "\n";
- # my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($res->content);
- # my $title = $root->look_down('_tag' => 'title');
- # my $value = $title->attr('value');
- }
-# get rid of duplicates from array or urls
-# see perlfaq4
-my %riddups = map { $_, 1 } @urls;
-my @uniqueurls = keys %riddups;
-sub create_mdlink {
- my ($url, $title) = @_;
- return "[".$title."]"."(".$url.")"
-foreach my $url (@uniqueurls) {
- my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
- $req->header(Accept => "text/html");
- my $res = $ua->request($req);
- my $p = HTML::HeadParser->new;
- $p->parse($res->content) and print "not finished";
- my $title = $p->header('Title');
- print create_mdlink($url, $title), "\n";
-# foreach my $url (@urls) {
-# print $url;
-# my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
-# $req->header(Accept => "text/html");
-# my $res = $ua->request($req);
-# my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($req->content);
-# print $root;
-# # my @elements = $root->look_down(_tag => "title");
-# # foreach my $thing (@elements) {
-# # print $thing->as_text, "\n";
-# # }
-# }
-# if ($res->is_success) {
-# $tree->parse($res->as_string);
-# }
-# else {
-# print $res->status_line, "\n";
-# }