path: root/tw
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tw')
10 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tw/task_capture_completed.pl b/tw/task_capture_completed.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a478ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/task_capture_completed.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use autodie;
+use feature qw(say);
+my $project = $ARGV[0];
+my @tw_output = qx/task status:completed project:$project all/;
+# print "$_\n" foreach @x;
+my %tasks;
+my $id;
+foreach my $line (@tw_output) {
+ my @data = split / /, $line;
+ if (defined($data[4])) {
+ if ($data[4] =~ /\S{8}/) {
+ $tasks{$data[4]} = (
+ [`task _get $data[4].description`,
+ `task _get $data[4].end`]
+ )
+ }
+ }
+while ( (my $key, my $value) = each %tasks ) {
+ print "$key => @{ $value }\n";
diff --git a/tw/task_next_projects.pl b/tw/task_next_projects.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d87d8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/task_next_projects.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use JSON;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
+sub pending_work {
+ my $tw = qx(task project:w status:pending export);
+ my $text = $json->decode( $tw );
+ foreach my $h (@{$text}) {
+ printf ("%-16s: %s\n", ${$h}{'project'}, ${$h}{'description'});
+ }
+sub pending_home {
+ my $tw = qx(task project:h status:pending export);
+ my $text = $json->decode( $tw );
+ foreach my $h (@{$text}) {
+ printf ("%-16s: %s\n", ${$h}{'project'}, ${$h}{'description'});
+ }
+print "Work:\n-----\n";
+print "\nHome:\n-----\n";
diff --git a/tw/tw_hooks/first_attempt.pl b/tw/tw_hooks/first_attempt.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5423180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/tw_hooks/first_attempt.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use feature qw(say);
+use JSON;
+use DateTime;
+use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
+# a test hook in Perl for taskwarrior
+# Parse the due attribute from TW
+# Convert it into Remind format
+# Log into remote server
+# Check for presece or remind file
+# If it is there, back it up
+# Append the Remind formatted line to the original remind file
+my @short_months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
+my @days_of_week = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);
+# this must be JSON - this gets passed in my taskwarrior
+my $added_task = <STDIN>;
+my $hashref = decode_json $added_task;
+sub parse_scheduled
+ my $sched_date = shift;
+ return DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($sched_date);
+if ($hashref->{scheduled}) {
+ my $scheduled_dt = parse_scheduled $hashref->{scheduled};
+ print "Scheduled Date:\n";
+ print "---------------\n";
+ print "Year is: ".$scheduled_dt->year() . "\n";
+ print "Month is: ".$scheduled_dt->month() . "\n";
+ print "Month again is: ".$short_months[$scheduled_dt->month()-1] . "\n";
+ print "Day is: ".$scheduled_dt->day() . "\n";
+ # O
+ # # wday() is builtin?
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10919585/extract-day-of-week-using-perl-and-mysql-date-format
+ # https://metacpan.org/pod/Time::Piece
+ print "Day of week is: ".$days_of_week[$scheduled_dt->day_of_week() % 7] . "\n";
+ print "Quarter is: ".$scheduled_dt->quarter(). "\n";
+ print "\n";
+# if ($hashref->{scheduled}) {
+# my $sched_date = $hashref->{scheduled};
+# my $year = substr $sched_date, 0, 4;
+# my $month = substr $sched_date, 4, 2;
+# my $day = substr $sched_date, 6, 2;
+# my $dt = DateTime->new(
+# year => $year,
+# month => $month,
+# day => $day,
+# time_zone => 'Europe/London',
+# );
+# print "Year is: $dt->year" . "\n";
+# print "Month is: $dt->month" . "\n";
+# print "Day is: $dt->$day" . "\n";
+# print "\n";
+# }
+my $original_description = ${$hashref}{description};
+# my $original_description = $hashref->{description}; # alternative (and
+# preferred)
+my $tags = ${$hashref}{tags}; # alternative - not using -> in the ref
+$hashref->{description} = "DfT Task: " . $original_description if scalar grep {$_ eq "dft" } @{$tags};
+# same as
+# $hashref->{description} = "DfT Task: " . $original_description if scalar grep {$_ eq "dft" } @$tags;
+# You don't need the {} brackets! see perlreftut - The Rest section near the
+# end.
+my $output = encode_json $hashref;
+print $output;
+exit 0;
diff --git a/tw/tw_hooks/hook_test.pl b/tw/tw_hooks/hook_test.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3db593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/tw_hooks/hook_test.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use JSON;
+use Data::Dumper;
+# a test hook in Perl for taskwarrior
+# this must be JSON - this gets passed in my taskwarrior
+my $added_task = <STDIN>;
+my $hashref = decode_json $added_task;
+my $original_description = $hashref->{description};
+my $tags = $hashref->{tags};
+print $tags->[1];
+print "\n";
+print Dumper($hashref);
+$hashref->{description} =~ s/LEMON/BOLLOCKS/g;
+my $output = encode_json $hashref;
+# print $hashref->{"status"};
+# print "\n";
+# print $hashref->{scheduled};
+print $output;
+exit 0;
diff --git a/tw/tw_hooks/on-add_scheduled_work_task.pl b/tw/tw_hooks/on-add_scheduled_work_task.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b3dbeec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/tw_hooks/on-add_scheduled_work_task.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use feature qw(say);
+use JSON;
+use DateTime;
+use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
+use Net::OpenSSH;
+my @short_months = qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December);
+#my @short_months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
+# subs
+sub parse_scheduled {
+ my $sched_date = shift;
+ return DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($sched_date);
+my %token_regexes = (
+ tdelta => qr/\+(\d+)/, # +INT (see remind man page)
+ trepeat => qr/\*(\d+)/, # *INT (see remind man page)
+ delta => qr/D\+(\d+)/,
+ repeat => qr/D\*(\d+)/,
+my $added_task = <STDIN>;
+my $work_rem_file = '~/.reminders/work.rem';
+my $decoded_task = decode_json $added_task;
+my $original_description = ${$decoded_task}{description};
+my $tdelta;
+my $trepeat;
+my $delta;
+my $repeat;
+if ( ( $original_description =~ m/$token_regexes{delta}/g ) ) {
+ $delta = "+$1";
+ $original_description =~
+ s/$token_regexes{delta}//g; # remove the delta token
+else {
+ $delta = "";
+if ( ( $original_description =~ m/$token_regexes{repeat}/g ) ) {
+ $repeat = "*$1";
+ $original_description =~
+ s/$token_regexes{repeat}//g; # remove the repeat token
+else {
+ $repeat = "";
+if ( ( $original_description =~ m/$token_regexes{tdelta}/g ) ) {
+ $tdelta = "+$1"
+ ; # corresponds to tdelta in remind: how many minutes prior to reminder it reminds
+ $original_description =~
+ s/$token_regexes{tdelta}//g; # remove the delta time token
+else {
+ $tdelta = "";
+if ( ( $original_description =~ m/$token_regexes{trepeat}/g ) ) {
+ if ( $tdelta eq "" ) {
+ die "Cannot have a repeat token without a delta token";
+ }
+ $trepeat = "*$1"
+ ; # corresponds to trepeat in remind: how many minutes within tdelta it pings repeatedly
+ $original_description =~
+ s/$token_regexes{trepeat}//g; # remove the delta time token
+else {
+ $trepeat = "";
+my $tags = ${$decoded_task}{tags}; # alternative - not using -> in the ref
+my $scheduled_dt;
+if ( $decoded_task->{scheduled} and ( scalar grep { $_ eq "dft" } @{$tags} ) ) {
+ $scheduled_dt = parse_scheduled $decoded_task->{scheduled};
+ # my @test_task = `task add Bobbins from Perl`;
+ my $port = 22;
+ my $date = $scheduled_dt->day();
+ my $month = $short_months[ $scheduled_dt->month() - 1 ];
+ my $year = $scheduled_dt->year();
+ my $hr = $scheduled_dt->hour();
+ my $min = $scheduled_dt->minute();
+ my $time = substr $scheduled_dt->hms(), 0,
+ 5; # we do not want seconds in the time format
+ # Convert it into Remind format with %" bits that mean you don't get the
+ # shit in wyrd
+ $original_description =~ s/\s+$//; # trim white space from end of string
+ my $remind_line =
+"REM $date $month $year $delta $repeat AT $time $tdelta $trepeat MSG \%\"$original_description\%\" \%b\n";
+ $remind_line =~ s/ +/ /g;
+ # Log into remote server
+ or die "Cannot get TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_HOST environment variable";
+ or die "Cannot get TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_USER environment variable";
+ # use correct port
+ if ( $host =~ m/.*\.xyz$/ ) { $port = 2222 }
+ say "Trying to establish connection at $host:$port ...";
+ my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new( $host, user => $user, port => $port );
+ $ssh->error and die "Couldn't establish SSH connection: " . $ssh->error;
+ # Check for presence or remind file
+ if ( $ssh->test("ls $work_rem_file") != 1 ) {
+ die "Cannot find $work_rem_file on $host.";
+ }
+ # If it is there, back it up
+ $ssh->system("cp $work_rem_file $work_rem_file.bak")
+ or die "Cannot create a back-up of remind file.";
+ # Append the Remind formatted line to the original remind file
+ $ssh->system( { stdin_data => $remind_line }, "cat >> $work_rem_file" )
+ or die "Cannot append text: " . $ssh->error;
+ # Get content of remind file
+ my @out_file = $ssh->capture("cat $work_rem_file");
+ print qq/
+Contents of $work_rem_file on $host is now:\n/, @out_file;
+ # TODO - we need to strip away the %:MIN syntax from the original
+ # description - need to substitute it here!
+ $decoded_task->{description} = $original_description;
+ print encode_json $decoded_task;
+ exit 0;
+else {
+ print $added_task;
+ print("Add hook not used.\n");
+ exit 0;
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+=item C<task add Meaningless event at work +dft scheduled:2021-10-10>
+This will create an untimed reminder for 10 October 2021.
+=item C<task add Meaningless event at work D+2 +dft scheduled:2021-10-10>
+This will create an untimed reminder for 10 October 2021 and remind you of it 2 days in advance.
+=item C<task add Meaningless event at work D*2 +dft scheduled:2021-10-10>
+This will create an untimed reminder for 10 October 2021 and every other day subsequently.
+=item C<task add Meaningless event at work D*2 +dft scheduled:2021-10-10T10:00Z>
+This will create a reminder for 10 October 2021 at 11:00BST and every other day subsequently at the same time.
+=item C<task add Meaningless meeting at work +dft scheduled:2021-10-10T10:00Z>
+This will create a reminder for 11:00BST for 10 October 2021.
+=item C<task add Meaningless meeting at work +10 +dft scheduled:2021-10-10T10:00Z>
+This will create a reminder for 11:00BST for 10 October 2021, and hassle you once 10 minutes before the meeting.
+=item C<task add Meaningless meeting at work +10 *1 +dft scheduled:2021-10-10T10:00Z>
+This will create a reminder for 11:00BST for 10 October 2021, and hassle you once 10 minutes before the meeting AND each minute
+from then until the start of the meeting.
+This is a Taskwarrior hook for interacting with the remind calendar on a remote server. It currently only
+works under a specific set of circumstances which will be explained here.
+The current implementation will add a remind item for a taskwarrior item which has the tag "dft" and is "scheduled"
+for a time and date.
+=item * A remote server and its IP address or domain name with remind already set up, and ssh access to it.
+=item * Taskwarrior - with this perl script at ~/.task/hooks/on-add_scheduled_work_task.pl
+=item * An environment variable TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_HOST set with the IP address or domain name of the remote server which hosts remind.
+=item * An environment variable TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_USER set with the username on the remote server which ssh requires to log in.
+=item * The following perl dependences: JSON, Net::OpenSSH, DateTime and DateTime::Format::ISO8601 installed.
+C<REM [ONCE] [date_spec] [back] [delta] [repeat] [PRIORITY prio] [SKIP | BEFORE | AFTER] [OMIT omit_list] [OMITFUNC omit_function] [AT time
+[tdelta] [trepeat]] [SCHED sched_function] [WARN warn_function] [UNTIL expiry_date] [SCANFROM scan_date | FROM start_date] [DURATION
+duration] [TAG tag] E<lt>MSG | MSF | RUN | CAL | SATISFY | SPECIAL special | PS | PSFILEE<gt> body>
+The elements we are interested in are:
+=item * delta (for advanced warning of the date)
+=item * repeat (for repeating from the trigger date)
+=item * tdelta (for advanced warning of the AT time)
+=item * trepeat (for repeating the advanced reminder)
+=head2 Advance warning (delta)
+For some reminders, it is appropriate to receive advance warning of the event. For example, you may wish to be reminded of someone's birthday
+several days in advance. The delta portion of the REM command achieves this. It is specified as one or two "+" signs followed by a number n.
+Again, the difference between the "+" and "++" forms will be explained under the OMIT keyword. Remind will trigger the reminder on computed
+trigger date, as well as on each of the n days before the event. Here are some examples:
+C<REM 6 Jan +5 MSG Remind me of birthday 5 days in advance.>
+The above example would be triggered every 6th of January, as well as the 1st through 5th of January.
+=head2 Recurring events (repeat)
+However, events that do not repeat daily, weekly, monthly or yearly require another approach. The repeat component of the REM command fills this
+need. To use it, you must completely specify a date (year, month and day, and optionally weekday.) The repeat component is an asterisk
+followed by a number specifying the repetition period in days.
+For example, suppose you get paid every second Wednesday, and your last payday was Wednesday, 28 October, 1992. You can use:
+C<REM 28 Oct 1992 *14 MSG Payday>
+This issues the reminder every 14 days, starting from the calculated trigger date. You can use delta and back with repeat. Note, however, that the
+back is used only to compute the initial trigger date; thereafter, the reminder repeats with the specified period. Similarly, if you specify
+a weekday, it is used only to calculate the initial date, and does not affect the repetition period.
+The hook is only triggered when a new task is added with a "dft" tag and is "scheduled".
+=head2 Example using tdelta and trepeat (a remind command with AT/timed element)
+The syntax for tdelta and trepeat must be included in the task description. It matches the equivalent remind syntax (+10 and *1).
+These are removed from the description before saving and are used in the C<AT> clause in remind.
+C<task add Meaningless meeting +10 *1 +dft scheduled:2021-10-09T10:00Z>
+The C<Z> is optional, but the time specified is in Zulu time, so take that into account. When in BST it will take an hour off.
+Although this is a meaningless meeting, it is important enough to be reminded of it 10 minutes before 10am (C<+10>), with a repeat
+every minute (C<*1>) between the initial reminder and the time of the meeting itself.
+The additional C<tdelta> and C<trepeat> tags (+10 and *1) are removed from the task description before either getting to remind
+or to taskwarrior.
+=head2 Example using delta (a remind command with advanced warning in days)
+The only way that delta is different from tdelta inside the remind REM command is from it's placement: delta relates to the date aspect
+whereas tdelta relates to time in the C<AT> clause. We wish to retain the use of "+" but we must distinguise it inside the task description
+from tdelta so for delta we prefix with C<D>: e.g. C<D+10> which says that this must give us advance warning of 10 days. At this point, we
+are only using one C<+>, not two because use of the C<OMIT> keyword is not yet implemented.
+C<task add Meaningless meeting D+2 +dft scheduled:2021-10-09T10:00Z>
+This will pre-warn us 2 days in advance of the meaningless meeting scheduled to take place on 9 October 2021 at 11:00BST. The advance
+warning triggers will not trigger at the time of the meeting; instead the calendar will show that the meaningless meeting is happening in X days.
+=head2 Example using repeat (a remind command which creates a repeating event)
+This will set an event for the specified date/date and time and will repeat X days following.
+C<task add Meaningless meeting D*2 +dft scheduled:2021-10-09T10:00Z>
+All tokens: C<delta>, C<repeat>, C<tdelta> and C<trepeat> can be mixed and matched in the C<task> description.
diff --git a/tw/tw_hooks/scratch_test.pl b/tw/tw_hooks/scratch_test.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7473b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/tw_hooks/scratch_test.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::Simple tests => 2;
diff --git a/tw/tw_hooks/simple_test.t b/tw/tw_hooks/simple_test.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b58f996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/tw_hooks/simple_test.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::Simple tests => 2;
+ok(2+2==4, "Addition of two numbers");
+ok(6-4==2, "Subtraction of two numbers");
diff --git a/tw/tw_hooks/ssh.pl b/tw/tw_hooks/ssh.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a846637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/tw_hooks/ssh.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Net::OpenSSH;
+use JSON;
+my $host = "";
+# my $host = "";
+my $user = "lemon";
+my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($host, user => $user);
+$ssh->error and die "Couldn't establish SSH connection: " . $ssh->error;
+# $ssh->system("ls -al ~") or die "remote command failed: " . $ssh->error;
+my $remote_host = $ssh->capture("hostname");
+print "Working on $remote_host.\n";
+# my @required_file = $ssh->capture("cat ~/.bashrc") or die "Cannot get requested file";
+# for (@required_file) {
+# # print $_ if $_ =~ /^if*/;
+# # print $_;
+# # print $_ if !($_ =~ /^#/); # strips the comments
+# print $_ if ($_ =~ /^#/); # just the comments
+# }
+# print("\n");
+# append to bollocks
+# my $append_text = "Tits\n";
+# $ssh->system({stdin_data => $append_text}, "cat >> bollocks.txt") or die "Cannot append text: " . $ssh->error;
+my %test_hash = ('first_name' => 'Matthew', 'surname' => 'Lemon');
+my $json_text = encode_json \%test_hash;
+print "$json_text\n";
diff --git a/tw/tw_hooks/test_remind.rem b/tw/tw_hooks/test_remind.rem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cbda3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/tw_hooks/test_remind.rem
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+REM Monday AT 13:00 +5 SKIP MSG Bird Talk
+REM Thursday AT 13:00 +15 MSG Coding with William Grarnt %1
+REM 21 October 2020 AT 13:30 +10 Test Baws %b
diff --git a/tw/tw_hooks/tw_scheduled_task_remind b/tw/tw_hooks/tw_scheduled_task_remind
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e08b855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/tw_hooks/tw_scheduled_task_remind
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+.\" Manpage for tw_scheduled_remind
+.\" Contact y@yulqen.org to correct errors or typos.
+.TH man 7 "24 November 2020" "1.0" "tw_scheduled_remind man page"
+tw_scheduled_remind \- create Remind event upon adding new Taskwarrior task with schedule set
+task add "Task name [%:10]" schedule:2020-10-10 +dft
+tw_scheduled_remind is a hook for Taskwarrior written in Perl. It's sets a new Remind event for the task, given a suitable "schedule" attribute.
+task(5), taskrc(5)
+Plenty of them.
+Matthew Lemon (y@yulqen.org)