use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Text::CSV;
use JSON;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new(
{ sep_char => ',',
binary => 1,
my %transaction;
my @jlist; # used to create the categories json fil0
my $cat_json;
my @uncategorised;
# given a list, make it unique
# this works because a hash cannot have duplicate keys
# so you can keep adding keys to a temp_hash with an
# arbitary value (in this case 0), then extract the keys
# from the hash at the end - they will all have to be unique
sub uniq {
my %temp_hash = map { $_, 0 } @_;
return keys %temp_hash;
my $file = $ARGV[0] or die "Need to get CSV file on the command line\n";
open( my $csvdata, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file )
or die "Could not open '$file' $!\n";
open( my $category_file, '<', "categories.json" )
or die "Could not open category file $!\n";
local $/ = undef; # slurp mode!
$cat_json = <$category_file>;
my $catref = decode_json $cat_json;
my $cats = $catref->{"data"};
# say qq($catref_d->[0]->{"desc"});
my @descs = map $_->{"desc"}, @{$cats};
# self-explanatory
sub get_category_from_desc {
my $desc = shift;
for my $hsh ( @{$cats} ) {
if ( $desc eq $hsh->{"desc"} ) {
return $hsh->{"category"};
return "UNKNOWN -> $desc";
while ( my $line = <$csvdata> ) {
# remove the BOM from first line
$line =~ s/^\N{BOM}//;
# TODO working on this
# $line =~ s/.*"(\d+),(\d+\.\d+)"/.*"$1$2"/;
chomp $line;
if ( $csv->parse($line) ) {
my @fields = $csv->fields();
# parse the date
# everything ends up in the transaction hash
$transaction{day} = substr $fields[0], 0, 2;
$transaction{month} = substr $fields[0], 3, 2;
$transaction{year} = substr $fields[0], 6, 4;
$transaction{date} = $fields[0];
# default expense type
$transaction{exp_type} = "expenses:UNKNOWN";
# remove extraneous spaces from description
$fields[1] =~ s/\s+/ /g;
# used to create the categories json file - see below
push @jlist, { "desc" => $fields[1], "category" => "expenses:UKNOWN" };
# add the description and cost
$transaction{desc} = $fields[1];
$transaction{cost} = $fields[2];
my $c = get_category_from_desc $transaction{desc};
if ( $c =~ /^UNKNOWN ->.*$/ ) {
push @uncategorised, $transaction{desc};
else { $transaction{exp_type} = $c }
# parse the transaction type. Unused in ledger journal at moment
if ( $fields[1] =~ /^.+(VIS|DR|DD|TFR|CR|SO|ATM|\)\)\))$/ ) {
$transaction{type} = $1;
else { die("CANNOT DETERMINE TYPE!\n") }
# if the cost is negative, it is an expense category
if ( $fields[2] =~ /^\-/ ) {
$transaction{expense} = 1;
else { $transaction{expense} = 0; }
# write out the three line block representing the transaction
# in the ledger journal file
print join "",
$transaction{year}, "/", $transaction{month}, "/",
$transaction{day}, " ", "*", " ",
if ( $transaction{expense} == 1 ) {
( my $cost = $transaction{cost} ) =~ s/^\-//;
chomp $cost;
print qq(\t$transaction{exp_type}\t$cost\n);
print "\tassets:hsbc current\t$transaction{cost}\n";
print "\n";
else {
print "\tincome:UNKNOWN\t-$transaction{cost}\n";
print "\tassets:hsbc current\t$transaction{cost}\n";
print "\n";
else { warn "Line could not be parsed: $line\n"; }
say "Unrecognized payees that need to be added to categories.json:";
for ( uniq @uncategorised ) { say "* $_" }
# The following code is used to output a JSON file
# to be used for categories. Uncomment for use.
# my $data = encode_json {data => \@jlist};
# open(my $fh, '>', "/tmp/categories.json") or die "Could not open file '/tmp/toss.json' $!";
# print $fh $data;
# close $fh;
# print "done\n";