blob: fb39c8617e00df5d67e5f9d2a276482182875aaa (
plain) (
# from
# automatically add new windows to the current group
sticky yes
color activeborder #fccfcf
borderwidth 1
# snap windows to edges at 4 pixels distance
snapdist 4
# gaps top bottom left? right?
gap 0 0 0 0
# set font for menus
fontname "fixed:pixelsize=15:style=semicondensed"
# remove all default keybindings
unbind-key all
# 4 = mod (windows key)
# S = shift
# C = control
# M = meta (alt)
# mod + enter = new xterm
bind-key 4-Return terminal
# ctrl + alt + L = lock screen (xlock)
bind-key CM-l lock
# mod + backspace = hide window
bind-key 4-BackSpace window-hide
# mod + down arrow = lower window's focus
bind-key 4-Down window-lower
# mod + up arrow = raise window's focus
bind-key 4-Up window-raise
# mod/alt + tab = cycle through current windows
bind-key 4-Tab window-cycle
bind-key M-Tab window-cycle
# mod/alt + shift + tab = same thing in reverse
bind-key 4S-Tab window-rcycle
bind-key MS-Tab window-rcycle
#bind-key 4-w window-delete
bind-key 4S-q window-delete
# set a window's label
bind-key 4-n window-menu-label
# mod + $N = show only windows for group $N
# (you can think of this as switching to virtual desktop $N)
bind-key 4-1 group-only-1
bind-key 4-2 group-only-2
bind-key 4-3 group-only-3
bind-key 4-4 group-only-4
bind-key 4-5 group-only-5
bind-key 4-6 group-only-6
bind-key 4-7 group-only-7
bind-key 4-8 group-only-8
bind-key 4-9 group-only-9
# mod + shift +$N = move window to group $N
bind-key 4S-1 window-movetogroup-1
bind-key 4S-2 window-movetogroup-2
bind-key 4S-3 window-movetogroup-3
bind-key 4S-4 window-movetogroup-4
bind-key 4S-5 window-movetogroup-5
bind-key 4S-6 window-movetogroup-6
bind-key 4S-7 window-movetogroup-7
bind-key 4S-8 window-movetogroup-8
bind-key 4S-9 window-movetogroup-9
# mod + A = toggle showing windows from all groups
bind-key 4-a group-toggle-all
# mod + G = toggle current window's group membership
bind-key 4-g window-group
# mod + right arrow = cycle through the window groups
# (you can think of this as switching to the next virtual desktop)
bind-key 4-Right group-cycle
# mod + left arrow = same thing in reverse
bind-key 4-Left group-rcycle
# mod + S = stick current window to be visible in all groups
bind-key 4-s window-stick
# mod + F = make current window fullscreen
bind-key 4-f window-fullscreen
# mod + M = maximize current window
bind-key 4-m window-maximize
# mod + equals = maximize window in vertical direction only
bind-key 4-equal window-vmaximize
# mod + shift + equals = maximize window in horizontal direction only
bind-key 4S-equal window-hmaximize
moveamount 4
# mod + H,J,K,L = move window left, down, up, right 10 pixels
bind-key 4-h window-move-left-big
bind-key 4-j window-move-down-big
bind-key 4-k window-move-up-big
bind-key 4-l window-move-right-big
# mod + shift + H,J,K,L = resize window left, down, up, right by 10 pixels
bind-key 4S-h window-resize-left-big
bind-key 4S-j window-resize-down-big
bind-key 4S-k window-resize-up-big
bind-key 4S-l window-resize-right-big
# mod + V = tile windows vertically, current window to the left
bind-key 4-v window-vtile
# mod + V = tile windows horizontally, current window to the top
bind-key 4-c window-htile
# mod + / = show popup menu of current windows
bind-key 4-slash menu-window
# mod + shift + d = show popup menu to run a command (configured below)
bind-key 4S-d menu-cmd
# mod + ? = show popup menu to run an arbitrary command
bind-key 4-question menu-exec
# mod + . = show popup menu of known ssh hosts to connect to
bind-key 4-period menu-ssh
# mod + shift + R = restart cwm, reloading configuration
bind-key 4S-r restart
# mod + shift + E = log out
bind-key 4S-e quit
# unbind default mouse actions
unbind-mouse M-1
unbind-mouse CM-1
unbind-mouse M-2
unbind-mouse M-3
unbind-mouse CMS-3
# mod + left click drag = move window
bind-mouse 4-1 window-move
# mod + right click drag = resize window
bind-mouse 4-3 window-resize
# mod + middle click = lower window's focus
bind-mouse 4-2 window-lower
# mod + shift + middle click = hide window
bind-mouse 4S-2 window-hide
# these commands will appear in the command menu
command xterm xterm
#command chrome "chrome --enable-unveil"
command chrome "chrome --enable-unveil"
command xclock xclock
command xcalc xcalc
command dmenu "dmenu_run -m dmenumon"
command passmenu "/home/lemon/bin/"
bind-key 4-d "dmenu_run -m dmenumon"
bind-key 4S-p "/home/lemon/bin/"
# ignore these windows when tiling/cycling
ignore xclock