blob: 875011334888ee0198ccd7b7790c531f99c976c6 (
plain) (
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
[default default default italic underline success warning error])
["black" "red3" "ForestGreen" "yellow3" "blue" "magenta3" "DeepSkyBlue" "gray50"])
'(auto-revert-verbose nil)
'(company-begin-commands (quote (self-insert-command)))
'(company-global-modes (quote (not shell-mode eaf-mode)))
'(company-idle-delay 0.1)
'(company-minimum-prefix-length 1)
'(company-quickhelp-color-background "#4F4F4F")
'(company-quickhelp-color-foreground "#DCDCCC")
'(company-require-match (quote never))
'(company-show-numbers t)
'(company-tooltip-align-annotations t)
'(custom-enabled-themes (quote (wheatgrass)))
("a22f40b63f9bc0a69ebc8ba4fbc6b452a4e3f84b80590ba0a92b4ff599e53ad0" "bffa9739ce0752a37d9b1eee78fc00ba159748f50dc328af4be661484848e476" "947190b4f17f78c39b0ab1ea95b1e6097cc9202d55c73a702395fc817f899393" "8f97d5ec8a774485296e366fdde6ff5589cf9e319a584b845b6f7fa788c9fa9a" default)))
'(delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
'(dired-dwim-target t)
'(dired-recursive-copies (quote always))
'(dired-recursive-deletes (quote always))
("" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "")))
'(fci-rule-color "#383838")
'(global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers t)
'(helm-completion-style (quote emacs))
(("TODO" . "#dc752f")
("NEXT" . "#dc752f")
("THEM" . "#2d9574")
("PROG" . "#4f97d7")
("OKAY" . "#4f97d7")
("DONT" . "#f2241f")
("FAIL" . "#f2241f")
("DONE" . "#86dc2f")
("NOTE" . "#b1951d")
("KLUDGE" . "#b1951d")
("HACK" . "#b1951d")
("TEMP" . "#b1951d")
("FIXME" . "#dc752f")
("XXX+" . "#dc752f")
("\\?\\?\\?+" . "#dc752f"))))
'(ivy-count-format "【%d/%d】")
'(ivy-height 10)
'(ivy-magic-slash-non-match-action (quote ivy-magic-slash-non-match-create))
'(ivy-on-del-error-function nil)
'(ivy-use-virtual-buffers t)
'(ivy-wrap t)
'(lsp-ui-doc-border "wheat")
'(lsp-ui-doc-enable t)
'(lsp-ui-doc-header t)
'(lsp-ui-doc-include-signature t)
'(lsp-ui-doc-position (quote top))
'(lsp-ui-sideline-enable nil)
'(lsp-ui-sideline-ignore-duplicate t)
'(lsp-ui-sideline-show-code-actions nil)
("#CC9393" "#DFAF8F" "#F0DFAF" "#7F9F7F" "#BFEBBF" "#93E0E3" "#94BFF3" "#DC8CC3")))
'(org-sort-agenda-notime-is-late nil)
(python-pytest password-store csv-mode expand-region org-gcal lsp-python-ms ace-window discover-my-major popup-kill-ring amx gnu-elpa-keyring-update auto-package-update monokai-theme color-theme-monokai color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow dracula-theme evil-mode yasnippet-snippets highlight-symbol rainbow-delimiters git-gutter Ivy org-caldav which-key-mode org-plus-contrib use-package ac-cider magit blacken py-autopep8 flycheck elpy yasnippet company-lsp company lsp-ui go-autocomplete lsp-mode go-mode markdown-mode gruvbox-theme helm org cider slime evil)))
'(pdf-view-midnight-colors (quote ("#fdf4c1" . "#282828")))
'(pos-tip-background-color "#36473A")
'(pos-tip-foreground-color "#FFFFC8")
'(recentf-auto-cleanup "05:00am")
((expand-file-name package-user-dir)
".cache" ".cask" ".elfeed" "bookmarks" "cache" "ido.*" "persp-confs" "recentf" "undo-tree-hist" "url" "COMMIT_EDITMSG\\'")))
'(recentf-mode t)
'(setq "05:00am" t)
'(vc-annotate-background "#2B2B2B")
((20 . "#BC8383")
(40 . "#CC9393")
(60 . "#DFAF8F")
(80 . "#D0BF8F")
(100 . "#E0CF9F")
(120 . "#F0DFAF")
(140 . "#5F7F5F")
(160 . "#7F9F7F")
(180 . "#8FB28F")
(200 . "#9FC59F")
(220 . "#AFD8AF")
(240 . "#BFEBBF")
(260 . "#93E0E3")
(280 . "#6CA0A3")
(300 . "#7CB8BB")
(320 . "#8CD0D3")
(340 . "#94BFF3")
(360 . "#DC8CC3"))))
'(vc-annotate-very-old-color "#DC8CC3")
("*Completions*" "*Compile-Log*" "*inferior-lisp*" "*Fuzzy Completions*" "*Apropos*" "*Help*" "*cvs*" "*Buffer List*" "*Ibuffer*" "*esh command on file*"))))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(lsp-ui-doc-background ((t (:background nil))))
'(lsp-ui-doc-header ((t (:inherit (font-lock-string-face italic))))))