path: root/nvim/after/plugin/neotest-python.lua
diff options
authorMatthew Lemon <y@yulqen.org>2023-04-07 20:56:19 +0100
committerMatthew Lemon <y@yulqen.org>2023-04-07 20:56:19 +0100
commit7798ccbe30c3b82ca4ae164eace30f1e82997bc7 (patch)
tree08c867ed77d96ad119ae83c03bd5f2029ed9baa7 /nvim/after/plugin/neotest-python.lua
parent3fde8747b178ab76788e245419653f3c173a2abc (diff)
DAP debugging set up - but not as impressive as pdb
This has UI for debugging but it is nothing compared to vim-test and pdbpp.
Diffstat (limited to 'nvim/after/plugin/neotest-python.lua')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/nvim/after/plugin/neotest-python.lua b/nvim/after/plugin/neotest-python.lua
index 9df429d..404695b 100644
--- a/nvim/after/plugin/neotest-python.lua
+++ b/nvim/after/plugin/neotest-python.lua
@@ -1,28 +1,107 @@
- adapters = {
- require("neotest-python")({
- -- Extra arguments for nvim-dap configuration
- -- See https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy/wiki/Debug-configuration-settings for values
- dap = { justMyCode = false },
- -- Command line arguments for runner
- -- Can also be a function to return dynamic values
- args = {"--log-level", "DEBUG"},
- -- Runner to use. Will use pytest if available by default.
- -- Can be a function to return dynamic value.
- runner = "pytest",
- -- Custom python path for the runner.
- -- Can be a string or a list of strings.
- -- Can also be a function to return dynamic value.
- -- If not provided, the path will be inferred by checking for
- -- virtual envs in the local directory and for Pipenev/Poetry configs
- python = ".venv/bin/python",
- -- Returns if a given file path is a test file.
- -- NB: This function is called a lot so don't perform any heavy tasks within it.
- })
- }
+ quickfix = {
+ open = false,
+ enabled = false,
+ },
+ status = {
+ enabled = true,
+ signs = true, -- Sign after function signature
+ virtual_text = false
+ },
+ icons = {
+ child_indent = "│",
+ child_prefix = "├",
+ collapsed = "─",
+ expanded = "╮",
+ failed = "✘",
+ final_child_indent = " ",
+ final_child_prefix = "╰",
+ non_collapsible = "─",
+ passed = "✓",
+ running = "",
+ running_animated = { "/", "|", "\\", "-", "/", "|", "\\", "-" },
+ skipped = "↓",
+ unknown = ""
+ },
+ floating = {
+ border = "rounded",
+ max_height = 0.9,
+ max_width = 0.9,
+ options = {}
+ },
+ summary = {
+ open = "botright vsplit | vertical resize 60"
+ },
+ highlights = {
+ adapter_name = "NeotestAdapterName",
+ border = "NeotestBorder",
+ dir = "NeotestDir",
+ expand_marker = "NeotestExpandMarker",
+ failed = "NeotestFailed",
+ file = "NeotestFile",
+ focused = "NeotestFocused",
+ indent = "NeotestIndent",
+ marked = "NeotestMarked",
+ namespace = "NeotestNamespace",
+ passed = "NeotestPassed",
+ running = "NeotestRunning",
+ select_win = "NeotestWinSelect",
+ skipped = "NeotestSkipped",
+ target = "NeotestTarget",
+ test = "NeotestTest",
+ unknown = "NeotestUnknown"
+ },
+ adapters = {
+ require("neotest-python")({
+ -- Extra arguments for nvim-dap configuration
+ -- See https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy/wiki/Debug-configuration-settings for values
+ dap = { justMyCode = false },
+ -- Command line arguments for runner
+ -- Can also be a function to return dynamic values
+ args = {"--log-level", "DEBUG"},
+ -- Runner to use. Will use pytest if available by default.
+ -- Can be a function to return dynamic value.
+ runner = "pytest",
+ -- Custom python path for the runner.
+ -- Can be a string or a list of strings.
+ -- Can also be a function to return dynamic value.
+ -- If not provided, the path will be inferred by checking for
+ -- virtual envs in the local directory and for Pipenev/Poetry configs
+ python = ".venv/bin/python",
+ -- Returns if a given file path is a test file.
+ -- NB: This function is called a lot so don't perform any heavy tasks within it.
+ })
+ },
library = { plugins = { "neotest" }, types = true },
+vim.keymap.set("n", "tn", function()
+ require("neotest").run.run()
+vim.keymap.set("n", "tf", function()
+ require("neotest").run.run(vim.fn.expand("%"))
+vim.keymap.set("n", "tr", function()
+ local neotest = require("neotest")
+ neotest.run.run()
+ neotest.summary.open()
+{ noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true })
+vim.keymap.set("n", "to", function()
+ local neotest = require("neotest")
+ neotest.output.open({ last_run = true, enter = true })
+{ noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true })
+vim.keymap.set("n", "tt", function()
+ local neotest = require("neotest")
+ neotest.summary.toggle()
+{ noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true })