" Vim Code Dark (color scheme)
" https://github.com/tomasiser/vim-code-dark
scriptencoding utf-8
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name="codedark"
" Highlighting function (inspiration from https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-vim)
if &t_Co >= 256
let g:codedark_term256=1
elseif !exists("g:codedark_term256")
let g:codedark_term256=0
fun! <sid>hi(group, fg, bg, attr, sp)
if !empty(a:fg)
exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=" . a:fg.gui . " ctermfg=" . (g:codedark_term256 ? a:fg.cterm256 : a:fg.cterm)
if !empty(a:bg)
exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=" . a:bg.gui . " ctermbg=" . (g:codedark_term256 ? a:bg.cterm256 : a:bg.cterm)
if a:attr != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . a:attr . " cterm=" . a:attr
if !empty(a:sp)
exec "hi " . a:group . " guisp=" . a:sp.gui
" Choose old or new name for Treesitter groups depending on Neovim version
fun! <sid>hiTS(g_new, g_old, fg, bg, attr, sp)
call <sid>hi(has("nvim-0.8.0") ? a:g_new : a:g_old, a:fg, a:bg, a:attr, a:sp)
fun! <sid>hiTSlink(g_new, g_old, link)
exec "hi! link " . (has("nvim-0.8.0") ? a:g_new : a:g_old) . " " . a:link
" ------------------
" Color definitions:
" ------------------
" Terminal colors (base16):
let s:cterm00 = "00"
let s:cterm03 = "08"
let s:cterm05 = "07"
let s:cterm07 = "15"
let s:cterm08 = "01"
let s:cterm0A = "03"
let s:cterm0B = "02"
let s:cterm0C = "06"
let s:cterm0D = "04"
let s:cterm0E = "05"
if exists('base16colorspace') && base16colorspace == "256"
let s:cterm01 = "18"
let s:cterm02 = "19"
let s:cterm04 = "20"
let s:cterm06 = "21"
let s:cterm09 = "16"
let s:cterm0F = "17"
let s:cterm01 = "00"
let s:cterm02 = "08"
let s:cterm04 = "07"
let s:cterm06 = "07"
let s:cterm09 = "06"
let s:cterm0F = "03"
" General appearance colors:
" (some of them may be unused)
" Transparent background
if !exists("g:codedark_transparent")
let g:codedark_transparent=0
if !exists("g:codedark_modern")
let g:codedark_modern=0
let s:cdNone = {'gui': 'NONE', 'cterm': 'NONE', 'cterm256': 'NONE'}
let s:cdFront = {'gui': '#D4D4D4', 'cterm': s:cterm05, 'cterm256': '188'}
let s:cdBack = {'gui': '#1E1E1E', 'cterm': s:cterm00, 'cterm256': '234'}
if g:codedark_modern | let s:cdBack = {'gui': '#1f1f1f', 'cterm': 'NONE', 'cterm256': '234'} | endif
if g:codedark_transparent | let s:cdBack = {'gui': 'NONE', 'cterm': 'NONE', 'cterm256': 'NONE'} | endif
let s:cdTabCurrent = {'gui': '#1E1E1E', 'cterm': s:cterm00, 'cterm256': '234'}
if g:codedark_modern | let s:cdTabCurrent = {'gui': '#1f1f1f', 'cterm': s:cterm00, 'cterm256': '234'} | endif
let s:cdTabOther = {'gui': '#2D2D2D', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '236'}
if g:codedark_modern | let s:cdTabOther = {'gui': '#181818', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '236'} | endif
let s:cdTabOutside = {'gui': '#252526', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '235'}
if g:codedark_modern | let s:cdTabOutside = {'gui': '#181818', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '236'} | endif
let s:cdLeftDark = {'gui': '#252526', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '235'}
let s:cdLeftMid = {'gui': '#373737', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '237'}
if g:codedark_modern | let s:cdLeftMid = {'gui': '#181818', 'cterm': 'NONE', 'cterm256': '237'} | endif
let s:cdLeftLight = {'gui': '#3F3F46', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '238'}
let s:cdPopupFront = {'gui': '#BBBBBB', 'cterm': s:cterm06, 'cterm256': '250'}
let s:cdPopupBack = {'gui': '#2D2D30', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '236'}
let s:cdPopupHighlightBlue = {'gui': '#073655', 'cterm': s:cterm0D, 'cterm256': '24'}
let s:cdPopupHighlightGray = {'gui': '#3D3D40', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '237'}
let s:cdSplitLight = {'gui': '#898989', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '245'}
let s:cdSplitDark = {'gui': '#444444', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '238'}
let s:cdSplitThumb = {'gui': '#424242', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '238'}
let s:cdCursorDarkDark = {'gui': '#222222', 'cterm': s:cterm01, 'cterm256': '235'}
let s:cdCursorDark = {'gui': '#51504F', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '239'}
let s:cdCursorLight = {'gui': '#AEAFAD', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '145'}
let s:cdSelection = {'gui': '#264F78', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '24'}
let s:cdLineNumber = {'gui': '#5A5A5A', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '240'}
let s:cdDiffRedDark = {'gui': '#4B1818', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '52'}
if g:codedark_modern | let s:cdDiffRedDark = {'gui': '#da3633', 'cterm': 'NONE', 'cterm256': '52'} | endif
let s:cdDiffRedLight = {'gui': '#6F1313', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '52'}
let s:cdDiffRedLightLight = {'gui': '#FB0101', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '09'}
let s:cdDiffGreenDark = {'gui': '#373D29', 'cterm': s:cterm0B, 'cterm256': '237'}
if g:codedark_modern | let s:cdDiffGreenDark = {'gui': '#238636', 'cterm': 'NONE', 'cterm256': '237'} | endif
let s:cdDiffGreenLight = {'gui': '#4B5632', 'cterm': s:cterm09, 'cterm256': '58'}
let s:cdDiffBlueLight = {'gui': '#87d7ff', 'cterm': s:cterm0C, 'cterm256': '117'}
let s:cdDiffBlue = {'gui': '#005f87', 'cterm': s:cterm0D, 'cterm256': '24'}
let s:cdSearchCurrent = {'gui': '#4B5632', 'cterm': s:cterm09, 'cterm256': '58'}
if g:codedark_modern | let s:cdSearchCurrent = {'gui': '#9e6a03', 'cterm': s:cterm09, 'cterm256': '58'} | endif
let s:cdSearch = {'gui': '#264F78', 'cterm': s:cterm03, 'cterm256': '24'}
" Syntax colors:
if !exists("g:codedark_conservative")
let g:codedark_conservative=0
" Italicized comments
if !exists("g:codedark_italics")
let g:codedark_italics=0
let s:cdGray = {'gui': '#808080', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '08'}
let s:cdViolet = {'gui': '#646695', 'cterm': s:cterm04, 'cterm256': '60'}
let s:cdBlue = {'gui': '#569CD6', 'cterm': s:cterm0D, 'cterm256': '75'}
let s:cdDarkBlue = {'gui': '#223E55', 'cterm': s:cterm0D, 'cterm256': '73'}
let s:cdLightBlue = {'gui': '#9CDCFE', 'cterm': s:cterm0C, 'cterm256': '117'}
if g:codedark_conservative | let s:cdLightBlue = s:cdFront | endif
let s:cdGreen = {'gui': '#6A9955', 'cterm': s:cterm0B, 'cterm256': '65'}
let s:cdBlueGreen = {'gui': '#4EC9B0', 'cterm': s:cterm0F, 'cterm256': '43'}
let s:cdLightGreen = {'gui': '#B5CEA8', 'cterm': s:cterm09, 'cterm256': '151'}
let s:cdRed = {'gui': '#F44747', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '203'}
if g:codedark_modern | let s:cdRed = {'gui': '#f85149', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '203'} | endif
let s:cdOrange = {'gui': '#CE9178', 'cterm': s:cterm0F, 'cterm256': '173'}
let s:cdLightRed = {'gui': '#D16969', 'cterm': s:cterm08, 'cterm256': '167'}
if g:codedark_conservative | let s:cdLightRed = s:cdOrange | endif
let s:cdYellowOrange = {'gui': '#D7BA7D', 'cterm': s:cterm0A, 'cterm256': '179'}
let s:cdYellow = {'gui': '#DCDCAA', 'cterm': s:cterm0A, 'cterm256': '187'}
if g:codedark_conservative | let s:cdYellow = s:cdFront | endif
let s:cdPink = {'gui': '#C586C0', 'cterm': s:cterm0E, 'cterm256': '176'}
if g:codedark_conservative | let s:cdPink = s:cdBlue | endif
let s:cdSilver = {'gui': '#C0C0C0', 'cterm': s:cterm05, 'cterm256': '7'}
" UI (built-in)
call <sid>hi('Normal', s:cdFront, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('ColorColumn', {}, s:cdCursorDarkDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Cursor', s:cdCursorDark, s:cdCursorLight, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CursorLine', {}, s:cdCursorDarkDark, 'none', {})
hi! link CursorColumn CursorLine
call <sid>hi('Directory', s:cdBlue, s:cdNone, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('DiffAdd', s:cdFront, s:cdDiffGreenLight, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('DiffChange', s:cdFront, s:cdDiffBlue, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('DiffDelete', s:cdFront, s:cdDiffRedLight, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('DiffText', s:cdBack, s:cdDiffBlueLight, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('EndOfBuffer', s:cdLineNumber, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('ErrorMsg', s:cdRed, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('VertSplit', s:cdSplitDark, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Folded', s:cdLeftLight, s:cdLeftDark, 'underline', {})
call <sid>hi('FoldColumn', s:cdLineNumber, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('SignColumn', {}, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('IncSearch', s:cdNone, s:cdSearchCurrent, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('LineNr', s:cdLineNumber, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CursorLineNr', s:cdPopupFront, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('MatchParen', s:cdNone, s:cdCursorDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('ModeMsg', s:cdFront, s:cdLeftDark, 'none', {})
hi! link MoreMsg ModeMsg
call <sid>hi('NonText', s:cdLineNumber, s:cdNone, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Pmenu', s:cdPopupFront, s:cdPopupBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PmenuSel', s:cdPopupFront, s:cdPopupHighlightBlue, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PmenuSbar', {}, s:cdPopupHighlightGray, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PmenuThumb', {}, s:cdPopupFront, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Question', s:cdBlue, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Search', s:cdNone, s:cdSearch, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('SpecialKey', s:cdBlue, s:cdNone, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('StatusLine', s:cdFront, s:cdLeftMid, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('StatusLineNC', s:cdFront, s:cdLeftDark, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TabLine', s:cdFront, s:cdTabOther, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TabLineFill', s:cdFront, s:cdTabOutside, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TabLineSel', s:cdFront, s:cdTabCurrent, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Title', s:cdNone, s:cdNone, 'bold', {})
call <sid>hi('Visual', s:cdNone, s:cdSelection, 'none', {})
hi! link VisualNOS Visual
call <sid>hi('WarningMsg', s:cdOrange, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('WildMenu', s:cdNone, s:cdSelection, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('netrwMarkFile', s:cdFront, s:cdSelection, 'none', {})
" Legacy groups for official git.vim and diff.vim syntax
hi! link diffAdded DiffAdd
hi! link diffChanged DiffChange
hi! link diffRemoved DiffDelete
if g:codedark_italics | call <sid>hi('Comment', s:cdGreen, {}, 'italic', {}) | else | call <sid>hi('Comment', s:cdGreen, {}, 'none', {}) | endif
call <sid>hi('Constant', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('String', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Character', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Number', s:cdLightGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Boolean', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
hi! link Float Number
call <sid>hi('Identifier', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Function', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Statement', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Conditional', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Repeat', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Label', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Operator', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Keyword', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Exception', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PreProc', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Include', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Define', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Macro', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('PreCondit', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Type', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('StorageClass', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Structure', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Typedef', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Special', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('SpecialChar', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Tag', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Delimiter', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
if g:codedark_italics | call <sid>hi('SpecialComment', s:cdGreen, {}, 'italic', {}) | else | call <sid>hi('SpecialComment', s:cdGreen, {}, 'none', {}) | endif
call <sid>hi('Debug', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Underlined', s:cdNone, {}, 'underline', {})
call <sid>hi("Conceal", s:cdFront, s:cdBack, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Ignore', s:cdBack, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('Error', s:cdRed, s:cdBack, 'undercurl', s:cdRed)
call <sid>hi('Todo', s:cdNone, s:cdLeftMid, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('SpellBad', s:cdRed, s:cdBack, 'undercurl', s:cdRed)
call <sid>hi('SpellCap', s:cdRed, s:cdBack, 'undercurl', s:cdRed)
call <sid>hi('SpellRare', s:cdRed, s:cdBack, 'undercurl', s:cdRed)
call <sid>hi('SpellLocal', s:cdRed, s:cdBack, 'undercurl', s:cdRed)
" Make neovim specific groups load only on Neovim
if has("nvim")
" nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter (github)
call <sid>hiTSlink('@error', 'TSError', 'ErrorMsg')
call <sid>hiTSlink('@punctuation.delimiter', 'TSPunctDelimiter', 'Delimiter')
call <sid>hiTSlink('@punctuation.bracket', 'TSPunctBracket', 'Delimiter')
call <sid>hiTSlink('@punctuation.special', 'TSPunctSpecial', 'Delimiter')
" Constant
call <sid>hiTS('@constant', 'TSConstant', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTSlink('@constant.builtin', 'TSConstBuiltin', 'Constant')
call <sid>hiTS('@constant.macro', 'TSConstMacro', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTSlink('@string', 'TSString', 'String')
call <sid>hiTSlink('@string.regex', 'TSStringRegex', 'String')
call <sid>hiTS('@string.escape', 'TSStringEscape', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTSlink('@character', 'TSCharacter', 'Character')
call <sid>hiTSlink('@number', 'TSNumber', 'Number')
call <sid>hiTS('@boolean', 'TSBoolean', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTSlink('@float', 'TSFloat', 'Float')
call <sid>hiTS('@annotation', 'TSAnnotation', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@attribute', 'TSAttribute', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@namespace', 'TSNamespace', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
" Functions
call <sid>hiTSlink('@function.builtin', 'TSFuncBuiltin', 'Function')
call <sid>hiTSlink('@function', 'TSFunction','Function')
call <sid>hiTSlink('@function.macro', 'TSFuncMacro','Function')
call <sid>hiTS('@parameter', 'TSParameter', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@parameter.reference', 'TSParameterReference', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@method', 'TSMethod', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@field', 'TSField', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@property', 'TSProperty', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@constructor', 'TSConstructor', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
" Keywords
call <sid>hiTSlink('@conditional', 'TSConditional', 'Conditional')
call <sid>hiTSlink('@repeat', 'TSRepeat', 'Repeat')
call <sid>hiTS('@label', 'TSLabel', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@keyword', 'TSKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@keyword.function', 'TSKeywordFunction', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@keyword.operator', 'TSKeywordOperator', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@operator', 'TSOperator', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@exception', 'TSException', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@type', 'TSType', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTSlink('@type.builtin', 'TSTypeBuiltin', 'Type')
call <sid>hi('TSStructure', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTSlink('@include', 'TSInclude', 'Include')
" Variable
call <sid>hiTS('@variable', 'TSVariable', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@variable.builtin', 'TSVariableBuiltin', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" Text
call <sid>hiTS('@text', 'TSText', s:cdFront, s:cdNone, 'bold', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@text.strong', 'TSStrong', s:cdFront, s:cdNone, 'bold', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@text.emphasis', 'TSEmphasis', s:cdYellowOrange, s:cdNone, 'italic', {})
call <sid>hiTSlink('@text.underline', 'TSUnderline', 'Underlined')
call <sid>hiTS('@text.title', 'TSTitle', s:cdBlue, {}, 'bold', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@text.literal', 'TSLiteral', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@text.uri', 'TSURI', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
" Tags
call <sid>hiTS('@tag', 'TSTag', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hiTS('@tag.delimiter', 'TSTagDelimiter', s:cdGray, {}, 'none', {})
" hrsh7th/nvim-cmp (github)
call <sid>hi('CmpItemAbbrDeprecated', s:cdGray, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CmpItemAbbrMatch', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
hi! link CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy CmpItemAbbrMatch
call <sid>hi('CmpItemKindVariable', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CmpItemKindInterface', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CmpItemKindText', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CmpItemKindFunction', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CmpItemKindMethod ', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CmpItemKindKeyword', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CmpItemKindProperty', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CmpItemKindUnit', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
" MARKDOWN (built-in)
call <sid>hi('markdownH1', s:cdBlue, {}, 'bold', {})
hi! link markdownH2 markdownH1
hi! link markdownH3 markdownH1
hi! link markdownH4 markdownH1
hi! link markdownH5 markdownH1
hi! link markdownH6 markdownH1
call <sid>hi('markdownHeadingDelimiter', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('markdownBold', s:cdBlue, {}, 'bold', {})
call <sid>hi('markdownRule', s:cdBlue, {}, 'bold', {})
call <sid>hi('markdownCode', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
hi! link markdownCodeDelimiter markdownCode
call <sid>hi('markdownFootnote', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
hi! link markdownFootnoteDefinition markdownFootnote
call <sid>hi('markdownUrl', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'underline', {})
call <sid>hi('markdownLinkText', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('markdownEscape', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
" ASCIIDOC (built-in)
call <sid>hi("asciidocAttributeEntry", s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocAttributeList", s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocAttributeRef", s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocHLabel", s:cdBlue, {}, 'bold', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocListingBlock", s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocMacroAttributes", s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocOneLineTitle", s:cdBlue, {}, 'bold', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocPassthroughBlock", s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocQuotedMonospaced", s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocTriplePlusPassthrough", s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocMacro", s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocAdmonition", s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocQuotedEmphasized", s:cdBlue, {}, 'italic', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocQuotedEmphasized2", s:cdBlue, {}, 'italic', {})
call <sid>hi("asciidocQuotedEmphasizedItalic", s:cdBlue, {}, 'italic', {})
hi! link asciidocBackslash Keyword
hi! link asciidocQuotedBold markdownBold
hi! link asciidocQuotedMonospaced2 asciidocQuotedMonospaced
hi! link asciidocQuotedUnconstrainedBold asciidocQuotedBold
hi! link asciidocQuotedUnconstrainedEmphasized asciidocQuotedEmphasized
hi! link asciidocURL markdownUrl
" JSON (built-in)
call <sid>hi('jsonKeyword', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsonEscape', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsonNull', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsonBoolean', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" HTML (built-in)
call <sid>hi('htmlTag', s:cdGray, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('htmlEndTag', s:cdGray, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('htmlTagName', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
hi! link htmlSpecialTagName htmlTagName
call <sid>hi('htmlArg', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" PHP (built-in)
call <sid>hi('phpClass', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
hi! link phpUseClass phpClass
hi! link phpStaticClasses phpClass
call <sid>hi('phpMethod', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('phpFunction', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('phpInclude', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('phpRegion', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('phpMethodsVar', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" CSS (built-in)
call <sid>hi('cssBraces', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssInclude', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssTagName', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssClassName', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssPseudoClass', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssPseudoClassId', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssPseudoClassLang', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssIdentifier', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssProp', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssDefinition', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssAttr', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssAttrRegion', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssColor', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssFunction', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssFunctionName', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssVendor', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssValueNumber', s:cdOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssValueLength', s:cdLightGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssUnitDecorators', s:cdLightGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssStyle', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssImportant', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssSelectorOp', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('cssKeyFrameProp2', s:cdLightGreen, {}, 'none', {})
" JavaScript:
call <sid>hi('jsVariableDef', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsFuncArgs', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsFuncBlock', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsRegexpString', s:cdLightRed, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsThis', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsOperatorKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsDestructuringBlock', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsObjectKey', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsGlobalObjects', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsModuleKeyword', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsClassDefinition', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsClassKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsExtendsKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsExportDefault', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsFuncCall', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsObjectValue', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsParen', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsObjectProp', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsIfElseBlock', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsParenIfElse', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsSpreadOperator', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('jsSpreadExpression', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" Vue:
call <sid>hi('VueComponentName', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('VueValue', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('VueBrace', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('VueExpression', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('VueTag', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('VueKey', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
" Typescript:
call <sid>hi('typescriptLabel', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptTry', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptExceptions', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptBraces', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptEndColons', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptParens', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptDocTags', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptDocComment', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptLogicSymbols', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptImport', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptBOM', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptVariableDeclaration', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptVariable', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptExport', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptAliasDeclaration', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptAliasKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptClassName', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptAccessibilityModifier', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptOperator', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptArrowFunc', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptMethodAccessor', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptMember', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptTypeReference', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptDefault', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptTemplateSB', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptArrowFuncArg', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptParamImpl', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptFuncComma', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptCastKeyword', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptCall', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptCase', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptReserved', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptDefault', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptDecorator', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptPredefinedType', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptClassHeritage', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptClassExtends', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptClassKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptBlock', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptDOMDocProp', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptTemplateSubstitution', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptClassBlock', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptFuncCallArg', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptIndexExpr', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptConditionalParen', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptArray', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptES6SetProp', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptObjectLiteral', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptTypeParameter', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptEnumKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptEnum', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptLoopParen', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptParenExp', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptModule', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptAmbientDeclaration', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptModule', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptFuncTypeArrow', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptInterfaceHeritage', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptInterfaceName', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptInterfaceKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptInterfaceExtends', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptGlobal', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptFuncKeyword', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptGlobalMethod', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptPromiseMethod', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptIdentifierName', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('typescriptCacheMethod', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
" XML:
call <sid>hi('xmlTag', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('xmlTagName', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('xmlEndTag', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
" Ruby:
call <sid>hi('rubyClassNameTag', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('rubyClassName', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('rubyModuleName', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('rubyConstant', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
" Golang:
call <sid>hi('goPackage', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goImport', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goVar', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goConst', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goStatement', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goType', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goSignedInts', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goUnsignedInts', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goFloats', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goComplexes', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goBuiltins', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goBoolean', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goPredefinedIdentifiers', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goTodo', s:cdGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goDeclaration', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goDeclType', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goTypeDecl', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goTypeName', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goVarAssign', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goVarDefs', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goReceiver', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goReceiverType', s:cdFront, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goFunctionCall', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goMethodCall', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('goSingleDecl', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" Python:
call <sid>hi('pythonStatement', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonOperator', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonException', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonExClass', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonBuiltinObj', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonBuiltinType', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonBoolean', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonNone', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonTodo', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonClassVar', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('pythonClassDef', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
" TeX:
call <sid>hi('texStatement', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('texBeginEnd', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('texBeginEndName', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('texOption', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('texBeginEndModifier', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('texDocType', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('texDocTypeArgs', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" GIT (built-in)
call <sid>hi('gitcommitHeader', s:cdGray, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('gitcommitOnBranch', s:cdGray, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('gitcommitBranch', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('gitcommitComment', s:cdGray, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('gitcommitSelectedType', s:cdGreen, {}, 'none', {})
hi! link gitcommitSelectedFile gitcommitSelectedType
call <sid>hi('gitcommitDiscardedType', s:cdRed, {}, 'none', {})
hi! link gitcommitDiscardedFile gitcommitDiscardedType
hi! link gitcommitOverflow gitcommitDiscardedType
call <sid>hi('gitcommitSummary', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('gitcommitBlank', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
" Lua:
call <sid>hi('luaFuncCall', s:cdYellow, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('luaFuncArgName', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('luaFuncKeyword', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('luaLocal', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('luaBuiltIn', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" SH:
call <sid>hi('shDeref', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('shVariable', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" SQL:
call <sid>hi('sqlKeyword', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('sqlFunction', s:cdYellowOrange, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('sqlOperator', s:cdPink, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('yamlKey', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('yamlConstant', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
" C++:
call <sid>hi('CTagsClass', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CTagsStructure', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CTagsNamespace', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CTagsGlobalVariable', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CTagsDefinedName ', s:cdBlue, {}, 'none', {})
highlight def link CTagsFunction Function
highlight def link CTagsMember Identifier
" C++ color_coded
call <sid>hi('StructDecl', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('UnionDecl', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('ClassDecl', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TypeRef', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TypedefDecl', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TypeAliasDecl', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('EnumDecl', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TemplateTypeParameter', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TypeAliasTemplateDecl', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('ClassTemplate', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('FunctionTemplate', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TemplateRef', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('TemplateTemplateParameter', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('UsingDeclaration', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('MemberRef', s:cdLightBlue, {}, 'italic', {})
call <sid>hi('MemberRefExpr', s:cdYellow, {}, 'italic', {})
call <sid>hi('Namespace', s:cdSilver, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('NamespaceRef', s:cdSilver, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('NamespaceAlias', s:cdSilver, {}, 'none', {})
" C++ lsp-cxx-highlight
call <sid>hi('LspCxxHlSymClass', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('LspCxxHlSymStruct', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('LspCxxHlSymEnum', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('LspCxxHlSymTypeAlias', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('LspCxxHlSymTypeParameter', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('LspCxxHlSymConcept', s:cdBlueGreen, {}, 'italic', {})
call <sid>hi('LspCxxHlSymNamespace', s:cdSilver, {}, 'none', {})
" Coc Explorer:
call <sid>hi('CocHighlightText', {}, s:cdSelection, 'none', {})
call <sid>hi('CocExplorerIndentLine', s:cdCursorDark, {}, 'none', {})