import re
import datetime
import logging
import unicodedata
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple, Iterable, Optional, Any
from ..utils import project_data_from_master
from ..process.cleansers import DATE_REGEX_4
from .temporal import Quarter
from openpyxl import load_workbook
logger = logging.getLogger('bcompiler.utils')
class ProjectData:
ProjectData class
def __init__(self, d: dict) -> None:
:py:func:`OrderedDict` is easiest to get from project_data_from_master[x]
self._data = d
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._data)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._data[item]
def key_filter(self, key: str) -> List[Tuple]:
Return a list of (k, v) tuples if k in master key.
data = [item for item in self._data.items() if key in item[0]]
if not data:
raise KeyError("Sorry, there is no matching data")
return (data)
def pull_keys(self, input_iter: Iterable, flat=False) -> List[Tuple[Any, ...]]:
Returns a list of (key, value) tuples from ProjectData if key matches a
key. The order of tuples is based on the order of keys passed in the iterable.
if flat is True:
# search and replace troublesome EN DASH character
xs = [item for item in self._data.items()
for i in input_iter if item[0].strip().replace(unicodedata.lookup('EN DASH'), unicodedata.lookup('HYPHEN-MINUS')) == i]
xs = [_convert_str_date_to_object(x) for x in xs]
ts = sorted(xs, key=lambda x: input_iter.index(x[0].strip().replace(unicodedata.lookup('EN DASH'), unicodedata.lookup('HYPHEN-MINUS'))))
ts = [item[1] for item in ts]
return ts
xs = [item for item in self._data.items()
for i in input_iter if item[0].replace(unicodedata.lookup('EN DASH'), unicodedata.lookup('HYPHEN-MINUS')) == i]
xs = [item for item in self._data.items()
for i in input_iter if item[0] == i]
xs = [_convert_str_date_to_object(x) for x in xs]
ts = sorted(xs, key=lambda x: input_iter.index(x[0].replace(unicodedata.lookup('EN DASH'), unicodedata.lookup('HYPHEN-MINUS'))))
return ts
def __repr__(self):
return f"ProjectData() - with data: {id(self._data)}"
def _convert_str_date_to_object(d_str: tuple) -> Tuple[str, Optional[]]:
if re.match(DATE_REGEX_4, d_str[1]):
ds = d_str[1].split('-')
return (d_str[0],[0]), int(ds[1]), int(ds[2])))
except TypeError:
return d_str
return d_str
except TypeError:
return d_str
class Master:
"""A Master object, representing the main central data item in ``bcompiler``.
quarter (:py:class:`bcompiler.api.Quarter`): creating using ``Quarter(1, 2017)`` for example.
path (str): path to the master xlsx file
A master object is a composition between a :py:class:`bcompiler.api.Quarter` object and an
actual master xlsx file on disk.
You create one, either by creating the Quarter object first, and using that as the first
parameter of the ``Master`` constructor, e.g.::
from bcompiler.api import Quarter
from bcompiler.api import Master
q1 = Quarter(1, 2016)
m1 = Master(q1, '/tmp/master_1_2016.xlsx')
or by doing both in one::
m1 = Master(Quarter(1, 2016), '/tmp/master_1_2016.xlsx')
Once you have a ``Master`` object, you can access project data from it, like this::
project_data = m1['Project Title']
The following *attributes* are available on `m1` once created as such, e.g.::
data =
quarter = m1.quarter
filename = m1.filename
def __init__(self, quarter: Quarter, path: str) -> None:
self._quarter = quarter
self.path = path
self._data = project_data_from_master(self.path)
self._project_titles = [item for item in]
self.year = self._quarter.year
def __getitem__(self, project_name):
return ProjectData(self._data[project_name])
def data(self):
"""Return all the data contained in the master in a large, nested dictionary.
The resulting data structure contains a dictionary of :py:class:`colletions.OrderedDict` items whose
key is the name of a project::
"Project Name": OrderedDict("key": "value"
This object can then be further interrogated, for example to obtain all key/values
from a partictular project, by doing::
d =
project_data = d['PROJECT_NAME']
return self._data
def quarter(self):
"""Returns the ``Quarter`` object associated with the ``Master``.
q1 = m.quarter
``q1`` can then be further interrogated as documented in :py:class:`core.temporal.Quarter`.
return self._quarter
def filename(self):
"""The filename of the master xlsx file, e.g. ``master_1_2017.xlsx``.
p = Path(self.path)
def projects(self):
"""A list of project titles derived from the master xlsx.
return self._project_titles
def duplicate_keys(self, to_log=None):
"""Checks for duplicate keys in a master xlsx file.
to_log (bool): Optional True or False, depending on whether you want to see duplicates reported in a ``WARNING`` log message. This is used mainly for internal purposes within ``bcompiler``.
duplicates (set): a set of duplicated keys
wb = load_workbook(self.path)
ws =
col_a = next(ws.iter_cols())
col_a = [item.value for item in col_a]
seen: set = set()
uniq = []
dups: set = set()
for x in col_a:
if x not in seen:
if to_log and len(dups) > 0:
for x in dups:
logger.warning(f"{self.path} contains duplicate key: \"{x}\". Masters cannot contain duplicate keys. Rename them.")
return True
elif to_log and len(dups) == 0:"No duplicate keys in {self.path}")
return False
elif len(dups) > 0:
return dups
return False
def __repr__(self):
return f"Master({self.path}, {self.quarter.quarter}, {self.quarter.year})"