package reader
import (
const (
maxCols = 16384
maxAlphabets = (maxCols / 26) - 1
type (
// Data from the sheet.
SheetData map[string]ExtractedCell
// Data from the file.
FileData map[string]SheetData
// Data from the file, filtered by a Datamap.
ExtractedData map[string]map[string]xlsx.Cell
var colstream = cols(maxAlphabets)
//DatamapLine - a line from the datamap.
type DatamapLine struct {
Key string
Sheet string
Cellref string
//ExtractedCell is data pulled from a cell.
type ExtractedCell struct {
Cell *xlsx.Cell
ColL string
RowLidx int
Value string
//sheetInSlice is a helper which returns true
// if a string is in a slice of strings.
func sheetInSlice(list []string, key string) bool {
for _, x := range list {
if x == key {
return true
return false
//getSheetNames returns the number of Sheet field entries
// in a slice of DatamapLine structs.
func getSheetNames(dmls []DatamapLine) []string {
var sheetNames []string
for _, dml := range dmls {
if sheetInSlice(sheetNames, dml.Sheet) == false {
sheetNames = append(sheetNames, dml.Sheet)
return sheetNames
//ReadDML returns a slice of DatamapLine structs.
func ReadDML(path string) ([]DatamapLine, error) {
var s []DatamapLine
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return s, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find file: %s", path)
r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(string(data)))
for {
record, err := r.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return s, errors.New("Cannot read line %s")
if record[0] == "cell_key" {
// this must be the header
dml := DatamapLine{
Key: strings.Trim(record[0], " "),
Sheet: strings.Trim(record[1], " "),
Cellref: strings.Trim(record[2], " ")}
s = append(s, dml)
return s, nil
//alphabet generates all the letters of the alphabet.
func alphabet() []string {
letters := make([]string, 26)
for idx := range letters {
letters[idx] = string('A' + byte(idx))
return letters
//cols generates the alpha column compont of Excel cell references
//Adds n alphabets to the first (A..Z) alphabet.
func cols(n int) []string {
out := alphabet()
alen := len(out)
tmp := make([]string, alen)
copy(tmp, out)
for cycle := 0; cycle < n; cycle++ {
for y := 0; y < alen; y++ {
out = append(out, out[(cycle+2)-2]+tmp[y])
return out
//ReadXLSX returns the file's data as a map,
// keyed on sheet name. All values are returned as strings.
// Paths to a datamap and the spreadsheet file required.
func ReadXLSX(dm string, ssheet string) FileData {
// TODO - to implement filtering by Datamap,
// pull the data first, then go through each
// item in the dmlData slice to check for sheet/cellref
// matches, and then return them. Duplicate this func
// to do so
// open the files
excelData, err := xlsx.OpenFile(ssheet)
if err != nil {
dmlData, err := ReadDML(dm)
if err != nil {
sheetNames := getSheetNames(dmlData)
output := make(FileData, len(sheetNames))
// get the data
for _, sheet := range excelData.Sheets {
data := make(SheetData)
for rowLidx, row := range sheet.Rows {
for colLidx, cell := range row.Cells {
ex := ExtractedCell{
Cell: cell,
ColL: colstream[colLidx],
RowLidx: rowLidx + 1,
Value: cell.Value}
cellref := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", ex.ColL, ex.RowLidx)
data[cellref] = ex
output[sheet.Name] = data
return output
//Extract returns the file's data as a map,
// keyed on sheet name. All values are returned as strings.
// Paths to a datamap and the spreadsheet file required.
func Extract(dm string, ssheet string) ExtractedData {
data := ReadXLSX(dm, ssheet)
dmlData, err := ReadDML(dm)
if err != nil {
sheetNames := getSheetNames(dmlData)
output := make(ExtractedData, len(sheetNames))
for _, i := range dmlData {
sheet := i.Sheet
cellref := i.Cellref
if val, ok := data[sheet][cellref]; ok {
// TODO check what is happening here...
// ddg "golang assingment to entry in nil map"
// first SO entry, but I don't think I totally understand
inner := make(map[string]xlsx.Cell)
inner[cellref] = *val.Cell
output[sheet] = inner
return output