blob: 221c43341db2a7fa36548d0e94746532bf24e45e (
plain) (
{% extends "base_stakeholder.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% block content %}
<div class="container mt-3">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 pl-0 my-2">
<h2>{{ org }} <span class="badge badge-light">{{ org.submode }}</span></h2>
<p><span class="text-muted">{{ org.person_set.first }}</span></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="border border-success p-2 rounded bg-light">
<p>Please note that important notices go in here. This is the NIS Directive
portal for DfT. Etc.</p>
<p>Your lead inspector is <a href="#">Bob McKinnon</a>.</p>
<p>Other important messages will appear here when we deem it necessary.
Please ensure you remain in touch with what appears in this box because it
<strong>WILL</strong> be updated periodically.</p>
<span class="text-muted"><a href="#">Help</a> |
<a href="#">NIS Regulations</a> |
<a href="#">Improvement Plan Information</a> |
<a href="#">Report a problem</a></span>
<div class="row">
<div class="col md-12">
<h2>Incident Reporting</h2>
{% if irs.count > 0 %}
<table class="table">
<th scope="col">Incident</th>
<th scope="col">Date</th>
<th scope="col">Details</th>
<th scope="col">Status</th>
{% for ir in irs %}
<td>{{ ir.incident_type}}</td>
<td>{{ ir.date_time_incident_detected }}</td>
<td>{{ ir.summary }}</td>
{% if ir.dft_handle_status == "QUEUED" %}
<td><span class="badge badge-primary">{{ ir.dft_handle_status }}</span></td>
{% elif ir.dft_handle_status == "REVIEWING"%}
<td><span class="badge badge-info">{{ ir.dft_handle_status }}</span></td>
{% elif ir.dft_handle_status == "WAITING"%}
<td><span class="badge badge-secondary">{{ ir.dft_handle_status }}</span></td>
{% else %}
<td><span class="badge badge-secondary">{{ ir.dft_handle_status }}</span></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No incidents reported</p>
{% endif %}
<a class="btn btn-primary" id="id_submit_incident_button" href="{% url "organisations:create_incident_report" org.slug %}">Report a NIS incident</a>
<div class="row">
<div class="col md-12">
<h2>Compliance Events</h2>
<table class="table">
<th scope="col">Date</th>
<th scope="col">Type</th>
<th scope="col">Location</th>
<th scope="col">Notes</th>
<th scope="col">CAF scope</th>
<th scope="col">Status</th>
<th scope="col">Report</th>
<td>23 October 2020</td>
<td>Follow up to <a href="#">July call</a></td>
<span class="badge badge-warning">A2.c</span>
<span class="badge badge-danger">B2.a</span>
<td><span class="badge badge-warning">SCHEDULED</span></td>
<td>5 June 2020</td>
<span class="badge badge-danger">A2.c</span>
<span class="badge badge-secondary">B5.c</span>
<span class="badge badge-secondary">B6</span>
<span class="badge badge-secondary">B7</span>
<td><span class="badge badge-success">RESOLVED</span></td>
<td><a href="#">DfT-NIS-2302A</a></td>
<td>19 January 2020</td>
<span class="badge badge-secondary">Obj C</span>
<td><span class="badge badge-success">RESOLVED</span></td>
<div class="row">
<div class="col md-12">
<h2>NIS systems</h2>
<table class="table">
<th scope="col">System Name</th>
<th scope="col">Description</th>
<th scope="col">CAF</th>
{% for system in systems %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ system.description }}</td>
<td>{{ system.caf }} | <small><a href="#">Update WebCAF</a></small></td>
{% endfor %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col md-12">
<h2>DfT Engagement</h2>
{% if engagement_events|length > 0 %}
<table class="table table-md">
{% for event in engagement_events %}
<th>DfT Comments</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ event.type}}</td>
<td>{{ event.short_description }}</td>
<td>{{ event.comments }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No engagement with DfT currently scheduled</p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}