blob: e2c1e299b2a4322a0e6bc199dfe8ded2d064454f (
plain) (
# Automatic cleanup
trap 'rm -f "$tmpfile"' EXIT
tmpfile=$(mktemp) || exit 1
trap 'rm -f "$ledgertmp"' EXIT
ledgertmp=$(mktemp) || exit
# Check for presence of transaction file
if [[ -a ~/Downloads/$tf ]]; then tpath=~/Downloads/$tf
elif [[ -a "$(pwd)/$tf" ]]; then tpath="$(pwd)/$tf"
else "Cannot find $tf. Expecting it either in ~/Downloads or in current folder."; exit 1
# remove the BOM (
sed -i $'1s/^\uFEFF//' "$tpath"
# read the file and process lines
while read -r line; do
echo -e "$line\n$(cat "$tmpfile")" > "$tmpfile"
done < "$tpath"
# how to append to a text file in bash
echo -e "Date,Description,Amount\n$(cat "$tmpfile")" > "$tmpfile"
# use ledger to convert to ledger format
ledger convert --input-date-format "%d/%m/%Y" "$tmpfile" > "$ledgertmp"
# Remove the erroneous Equity lines
sed -i '/Equity:Unknown/d' "$ledgertmp"
# dump to sdout for further redirection
cat "$ledgertmp"