diff options
4 files changed, 46 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/alphabetlearning/payments/tests/test_views.py b/alphabetlearning/payments/tests/test_views.py
index 24bb19a..aebb040 100644
--- a/alphabetlearning/payments/tests/test_views.py
+++ b/alphabetlearning/payments/tests/test_views.py
@@ -21,3 +21,38 @@ def test_add_resource_to_cart(client, resource, user):
response = client.get(url)
# resdirects to the shopping cart
assert response.status_code == 302
+@pytest.mark.django_db # Marks the test function as utilizing the Django database.
+def test_cart_contains_resource_with_correct_price(client, resource, user):
+ # Create a Price object associated with the given resource, with a specified price and Stripe price ID.
+ # strip works with cents, so 2000 is 2.00
+ price = Price.objects.create(resource=resource, price=2000, stripe_price_id="price_1")
+ # Add the created price object to the resource's price objects.
+ # This is a many-to-many relationship, so we use the add method to add the price object to the resource's price_obj field.
+ resource.price_obj.add(price)
+ # Generate the URL for adding the resource to the shopping basket using a reverse lookup.
+ addurl = reverse("payments:add_to_basket", kwargs={"resource_id": resource.id})
+ # Generate the URL for viewing the shopping cart.
+ carturl = reverse("payments:cart_detail")
+ # Log in the user for the test client to simulate an authenticated user session.
+ client.force_login(user)
+ # Send a GET request to the addurl to attempt to add the resource to the basket and store the response.
+ addresponse = client.get(addurl)
+ # Check that the response status code indicates a successful redirection (302).
+ assert addresponse.status_code == 302
+ # Send a GET request to the carturl to retrieve the cart's contents and store the response.
+ cartresponse = client.get(carturl)
+ # Assert that the resource's name is included in the cart response content, confirming it was added.
+ assert resource.name in str(cartresponse.content)
+ # Assert that the correct price (formatted as '2.00') is displayed in the cart response content.
+ assert "2.00" in str(cartresponse.content)
diff --git a/alphabetlearning/resources/factories.py b/alphabetlearning/resources/factories.py
index 0f0194b..c8d2df4 100644
--- a/alphabetlearning/resources/factories.py
+++ b/alphabetlearning/resources/factories.py
@@ -37,11 +37,9 @@ class ResourceModelFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
model = Resource
name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: f"Default Resource {n}")
- # price = factory.Faker("pydecimal", left_digits=4, right_digits=2, positive=True)
thumbnail_filenames = factory.List(
[factory.Faker("file_name", extension="jpg") for _ in range(3)]
- # price_obj = factory.RelatedFactoryList("alphabetlearning.payments.factories.PriceFactory", size=1)
resource_type = factory.SubFactory(ResourceTypeModelFactory)
main_resource_category = factory.SubFactory(ResourceCategoryModelFactory)
subcategories = factory.RelatedFactoryList(ResourceCategoryModelFactory, size=2)
diff --git a/alphabetlearning/templates/base.html b/alphabetlearning/templates/base.html
index 2e28333..0fe30c5 100644
--- a/alphabetlearning/templates/base.html
+++ b/alphabetlearning/templates/base.html
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
{% endblock title %}
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
- <meta name="description" content="Joanna Lemon Resources"/>
+ <meta name="description" content="Alphabet Learning Educational Resources"/>
<meta name="author" content="Matthew Lemon"/>
<link rel="icon" href="{% static 'images/favicons/al.png' %}"/>
{% block extra_css %}
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index cd75303..399897b 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ django_settings_module = "config.settings.local"
# Exclude a variety of commonly ignored directories.
+line-length = 100
exclude = [
@@ -157,15 +158,13 @@ extend-unsafe-fixes = [
# Allow unused variables when underscore-prefixed.
dummy-variable-rgx = "^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$"
-# Same as Django: https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter-django/issues/4792.
-line-length = 100
-indent-width = 4
-target-version = "py312"
-quote-style = "double"
-indent-style = "space"
-skip-magic-trailing-comma = false
-line-ending = "auto"
+# [tool.ruff.format]
+# # Same as Django: https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter-django/issues/4792.
+# target-version = "py312"
+# quote-style = "double"
+# indent-style = "space"
+# skip-magic-trailing-comma = false
+# line-ending = "auto"
-force-single-line = true
+# [tool.ruff.lint.isort]
+# force-single-line = true