syntax on filetype plugin indent on "load plugin and indent files associated a detected filetype set backspace=indent,eol,start " more powerful backspacing set nocompatible set showmatch "highlights matching brackets on cursor hover set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab set ai set number set hlsearch set ruler set nohlsearch "highlights searches set incsearch "incremental search (searches character by character) set ignorecase "ignores the case of a search set smartcase "only ignores case if there are no capital letters in search (only works after ignorecase has been set) set splitbelow " split horiz below set noswapfile set nobackup set splitright " split new to the right when doing vertical set path+=** set nocp set t_Co=256 set grepprg=/usr/local/bin/ag "" Quick Editing vimrc nnoremap ev sjL:e $MYVIMRC " clear search highlights nnoremap :noh:call clearmatches() " manual highlights set background=dark colorscheme elflord highlight Visual ctermfg=black ctermbg=LightMagenta highlight Comment ctermfg=DarkGray " ignore wrapping. you can move to the visual start of end of a line with `g0` " and `g$`, respectively. noremap j gj noremap k gk