#browser "w3m %u" auto-reload no # confirm-mark-feed-read no run-on-startup toggle-show-read-feeds bind-key j down bind-key k up bind-key j next articlelist bind-key k prev articlelist bind-key J next-feed articlelist bind-key K prev-feed articlelist bind-key G end bind-key g home bind-key d pagedown bind-key u pageup #bind-key l open bind-key h quit bind-key a toggle-article-read bind-key n next-unread bind-key N prev-unread bind-key D pb-download bind-key U show-urls bind-key x pb-delete refresh-on-startup no define-filter "Linux articles" "title =~ \"Linux\"" color info color15 color6 #macro y set browser "mpv %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser "elinks %u" #color listfocus color15 color0 #color listfocus color14 color0 #color listfocus_unread color15 color0 bold #highlight-article "title =~ \"Productivity\"" white red bold #highlight-article "title =~ \"Setup\"" yellow red bold #highlight all "Linux" yellow red bold notify-program "notify-send" notify-screen yes notify-xterm yes max-items 40 download-path "~/Downloads" player mpv browser /home/lemon/openbsd-dotfiles/lynx/lynx macro m set browser "mpv %u" ; open-in-browser ; set browser "/home/lemon/dotfiles/lynx/lynx %u" # # press ,y to log the url - you can type a comment to prefix the URL in the log file but it doesn't prompt you... # massive hack but it works macro y set browser "get-newsboat-comment.sh %u" ; open-in-browser ; set browser "/home/lemon/dotfiles/lynx/lynx %u" # color light #include /usr/local/share/doc/newsboat/contrib/colorschemes/light # # solarized # color background default default # color listnormal default default # color listnormal_unread default default # color listfocus black cyan # color listfocus_unread black cyan # color info default black # color article default default confirm-mark-all-feeds-read no confirm-mark-feed-read no show-read-articles no # highlights highlight article "^(Title):.*$" blue default highlight article "https?://[^ ]+" red default highlight article "\\[image\\ [0-9]+\\]" green default