local M = { "mfussenegger/nvim-dap", commit = "6b12294a57001d994022df8acbe2ef7327d30587", event = "VeryLazy", } function M.config() local dap = require "dap" local dap_ui_status_ok, dapui = pcall(require, "dapui") if not dap_ui_status_ok then return end dap.listeners.after.event_initialized["dapui_config"] = function() dapui.open() end dap.listeners.before.event_terminated["dapui_config"] = function() dapui.close() end dap.listeners.before.event_exited["dapui_config"] = function() dapui.close() end dap.adapters.codelldb = { type = "server", port = "${port}", executable = { -- provide the absolute path for `codelldb` command if not using the one installed using `mason.nvim` command = "codelldb", args = { "--port", "${port}" }, -- On windows you may have to uncomment this: -- detached = false, }, } dap.configurations.c = { { name = "Launch file", type = "codelldb", request = "launch", program = function() local path vim.ui.input({ prompt = "Path to executable: ", default = vim.loop.cwd() .. "/build/" }, function(input) path = input end) vim.cmd [[redraw]] return path end, cwd = "${workspaceFolder}", stopOnEntry = false, }, } end M = { "ravenxrz/DAPInstall.nvim", commit = "8798b4c36d33723e7bba6ed6e2c202f84bb300de", lazy = true, config = function() require("dap_install").setup {} require("dap_install").config("python", {}) end, } return M