# unbind Y to paste #bind \cy '' if status is-interactive # Commands to run in interactive sessions can go here set -gx EDITOR vim set -gx GPG_TTY (tty) set -gx LEDGER_FILE $HOME/Budget/hledger/budget.ledger set -gx BORG_PASSCOMMAND "pass borg-passphrase" end # https://gist.github.com/josh-padnick/c90183be3d0e1feb89afd7573505cab3 # if test -z (pgrep ssh-agent) eval (ssh-agent -c) > /dev/null set -Ux SSH_AUTH_SOCK $SSH_AUTH_SOCK set -Ux SSH_AGENT_PID $SSH_AGENT_PID # end #. ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/perlbrew.fish #direnv prints all the variables whenever I start a new shell direnv hook fish | source # recommended to use this line to stop the env variables being printed every time #eval (direnv hook fish)