FROM # Switch to Root to update USER 0 # Uninstalling BIND to avoid CVE-2023-2828, CVE-2023-2828 & CVE-2023-2828 # NGINX shouldn't need BIND, unless it's specfically doing DNS related things (famous last words) RUN rpm -e bind-license-9.16.23-11.el9.noarch bind-libs-9.16.23-11.el9.x86_64 bind-utils-9.16.23-11.el9.x86_64 # Switch back the default user USER 1001 # Copy your Nginx configuration file COPY nginx-conf/nginx.conf "${NGINX_CONF_PATH}" COPY nginx-conf/nginx.conf "${NGINX_CONF_PATH}" COPY nginx-conf/logging.conf /opt/app-root/etc/nginx.d/logging.conf # COPY nginx-conf/nginx-default-cfg/*.conf "${NGINX_DEFAULT_CONF_PATH}" # COPY nginx-conf/nginx-cfg/*.conf "${NGINX_CONFIGURATION_PATH}" # Run script uses standard ways to run the application CMD nginx -g "daemon off;"