path: root/ui/html/base.tmpl.html
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authorYulqen <>2024-04-23 11:22:21 +0100
committerGitHub <>2024-04-23 11:22:21 +0100
commitceca6fa956b21c43263e53c328d619c4ede21914 (patch)
treea48384210cdc168e3bd3ccff6d6d516eeed9e748 /ui/html/base.tmpl.html
parent8b084e9fe7a5f3a04c32daf9a24f7f2cf67300f9 (diff)
parent0f951dcf029d4af284467543a3afdf5bf6581a20 (diff)
Merge pull request #22 from defencedigital/pyswitch
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