diff options
3 files changed, 1970 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..419d3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+FROM golang:alpine
+COPY go.mod ./
+RUN go mod download && go mod verify
+COPY . .
+RUN go build -v -o /usr/local/bin/app ./cmd/api
+CMD ["app"]
+EXPOSE 4000
diff --git a/resources/curl b/resources/curl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac6668b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/curl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+curl -X POST -F "file=@./resources/datamap.csv" -F "name=bobbins" -F "description=This is a long description of the datamap." http://localhost:4000/v1/datamaps|jq > /tmp/dm.json
diff --git a/resources/datamap.csv b/resources/datamap.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6bd663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/datamap.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,1959 @@
+Project/Programme Name,Introduction,TEXT,C11
+Delivery Body,Introduction,TEXT,C10
+GMPP - IPA ID Number,Introduction,TEXT,C12
+Controls Project ID number,Introduction,TEXT,C13
+Project Type (for IPA use),Introduction,TEXT,C14
+GMPP (GMPP - formally joined GMPP),Introduction,TEXT,C16
+Reporting period (GMPP - Snapshot Date),Introduction,TEXT,C17
+Snapshot Date,Introduction,TEXT,C18
+Senior Responsible Owner (SRO),Introduction,TEXT,C21
+Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C22
+Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) - ID number,Introduction,TEXT,C23
+SRO Sign-Off,Introduction,TEXT,C24
+Project Director (PD),Introduction,TEXT,C26
+Project Director (PD) - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C27
+Project Director (PD) - ID number,Introduction,TEXT,C28
+Date Report Approved by PD?,Introduction,TEXT,C29
+Working Contact Name,Introduction,TEXT,C31
+Working Contact Email,Introduction,TEXT,C32
+Project Accountant with responsibility for Spend - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C33
+Project Benefits Mngr with responsibility for Benefits - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C34
+Project Planner with responsibility for Milestones - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C35
+IPA's Departmental Single Point of Contact,Introduction,TEXT,C38
+IPA's Departmental Single Point of Contact - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C39
+IPA Analysis & Insight Unit (AIU) Lead,Introduction,TEXT,C40
+IPA Analysis & Insight Unit (AIU) Lead - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C41
+Date Report Approved by AIU?,Introduction,TEXT,C42
+IPA Strategic Delivery Advisor (SDA) - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C43
+Date Report Approved by SDA?,Introduction,TEXT,C44
+Departmental PPM HoP copied in submission email?,Introduction,TEXT,C46
+Departmental PPM HoP - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C47
+Departmental HR HoP copied in submission email?,Introduction,TEXT,C48
+Departmental HR HoP - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C49
+Departmental Finance HoP copied in submission email?,Introduction,TEXT,C50
+Departmental Finance HoP - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C51
+Departmental Economics HoP copied in submission email?,Introduction,TEXT,C52
+Departmental Economics HoP - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C53
+Departmental Legal HoP copied in submission email?,Introduction,TEXT,C54
+Departmental Legal HoP - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C55
+Departmental Commercial l HoP copied in submission email?,Introduction,TEXT,C56
+Departmental Commercial HoP - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C57
+Departmental IT HoP copied in submission email?,Introduction,TEXT,C58
+Departmental IT HoP - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C59
+HMT Spending Team Lead copied in submission email?,Introduction,TEXT,C60
+HMT Spending Team Lead - Email,Introduction,TEXT,C61
+Quarter Joined,Introduction,TEXT,C66
+DFT ID Number,Introduction,TEXT,C65
+Working Contact Telephone,Introduction,TEXT,C67
+DfT Group,Introduction,TEXT,C63
+DfT Division,Introduction,TEXT,C64
+Brief project description (GMPP - brief descripton),1 - Project Info,TEXT,E6
+GMPP - Dept,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E7
+Agency or delivery partner (GMPP - Delivery Organisation primary),1 - Project Info,TEXT,E8
+Delivery Organisation Secondary,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E9
+Project status,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E10
+Is the SRO for this project an MPLA Graduate?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E11
+Is the PD for this project an MPLA Graduate?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E12
+Does the Project have an issued SRO appointment letter?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E13
+Has the SRO issued an appointment letter to the PD?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E14
+Delivery Structure,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E17
+Change Delivery Methodology,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E18
+Delivery Narrative,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E19
+DN Type 1,1 - Project Info,TEXT,D23
+DN Description 1,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E23
+DN Type 2,1 - Project Info,TEXT,D24
+DN Description 2,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E24
+DN Type 3,1 - Project Info,TEXT,D25
+DN Description 3,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E25
+DN Type 4,1 - Project Info,TEXT,D26
+DN Description 4,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E26
+DN Type 5,1 - Project Info,TEXT,D27
+DN Description 5,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E27
+Primary Category,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E30
+Secondary Category,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E31
+Tertiary Category,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E32
+GMPP Annual Report Category,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E33
+Significant Steel Requirement,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E34
+For all construction infrastructure or capital investment procurements >10M have you adopted the Government's Balanced Scorecard approach,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E35
+GMPP - Main reason for joining GMPP,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E36
+Second reason for joining GMPP (if applicable),1 - Project Info,TEXT,E37
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 1),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D41
+IO1,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G41
+IO1 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H41
+IO1 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J41
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 2),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D42
+IO2,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G42
+IO2 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H42
+IO2 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J42
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 3),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D43
+IO3,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G43
+IO3 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H43
+IO3 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J43
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 4),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D44
+IO4,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G44
+IO4 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H44
+IO4 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J44
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 5),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D45
+IO5,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G45
+IO5 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H45
+IO5 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J45
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 6),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D46
+IO6,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G46
+IO6 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H46
+IO6 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J46
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 7),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D47
+IO7,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G47
+IO7 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H47
+IO7 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J47
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 8),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D48
+IO8,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G48
+IO8 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H48
+IO8 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J48
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 9),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D49
+IO9,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G49
+IO9 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H49
+IO9 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J49
+List Strategic Outcomes (GMPP - Intended Outcome 10),1 - Project Info,TEXT,D50
+IO10,1 - Project Info,TEXT,G50
+IO10 - Monetised?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,H50
+IO10 PESTLE,1 - Project Info,TEXT,J50
+Primary investment Objective,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E54
+IO11 Monetised,1 - Project Info,TEXT,K54
+Secondary Investment Objective,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E55
+IO12 Monetised,1 - Project Info,TEXT,K55
+Is successful completion of this project dependent on another GMPP project?,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E58
+Dependency 1 - Department,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E59
+Dependency 1 - GMPP Project,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E60
+Dependency 2 - Department,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E61
+Dependency 2 - GMPP Project,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E62
+Dependency 3 - Department,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E63
+Dependency 3 - GMPP Project,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E64
+Project Scope,1 - Project Info,TEXT,E67
+Departmental DCA,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E7
+Departmental DCA Narrative,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E8
+GMPP - IPA DCA,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E10
+GMPP - IPA DCA Commentary,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E11
+Risk Level (RPA),2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E12
+Risk Level (RPA) Date,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E13
+Brief Risk Decription 1,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,D17
+BRD 1Risk Category,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E17
+BRD 1 Primary Risk to,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,G17
+BRD 1 Internal Control,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,I17
+BRD 1 Residual Impact,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,J17
+BRD 1 Residual Likelihood,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,K17
+Brief Risk Decription 2,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,D18
+BRD 2 Risk Category,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E18
+BRD 2 Primary Risk to,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,G18
+BRD 2 Internal Control,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,I18
+BRD 2 Residual Impact,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,J18
+BRD 2 Residual Likelihood,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,K18
+Brief Risk Decription 3,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,D19
+BRD 3 Risk Category,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E19
+BRD 3 Primary Risk to,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,G19
+BRD 3 Internal Control,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,I19
+BRD 3 Residual Impact,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,J19
+BRD 3 Residual Likelihood,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,K19
+Brief Risk Decription 4,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,D20
+BRD 4 Risk Category,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E20
+BRD 4 Primary Risk to,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,G20
+BRD 4 Internal Control,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,I20
+BRD 4 Residual Impact,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,J20
+BRD 4 Residual Likelihood,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,K20
+Brief Risk Decription 5,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,D21
+BRD 5 Risk Category,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,E21
+BRD 5 Primary Risk to,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,G21
+BRD 5 Internal Control,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,I21
+BRD 5 Residual Impact,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,J21
+BRD 5 Residual Likelihood,2 - DCA & Risk,TEXT,K21
+1st Scope Change - Description / Type,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E6
+SC1 Date Scope Change Implemented,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E7
+SC1 Date Implemented: Actual or Forecast?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,K7
+SC1 Impact on Project End Date?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E8
+SC1 Is change in Project End Date solely due to the scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E9
+SC1 Impact on Costs?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E10
+SC1 Is change in Costs solely due to the scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E11
+SC1 Impact on Intended Outcomes?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E12
+SC1 Has the Business Case been updated as a result of this scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E13
+SC1 If Yes new Business Case Type?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,K14
+SC1 New Business Case Version Number,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E14
+SC1 Has HMT approved this new business case?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E15
+2nd Scope Change - Description / Type,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E18
+SC2 Date Scope Change Implemented,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E19
+SC2 Date Implemented: Actual or Forecast?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,K19
+SC2 Impact on Project End Date?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E20
+SC2 Is change in Project End Date solely due to the scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E21
+SC2 Impact on Costs?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E22
+SC2 Is change in Costs solely due to the scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E23
+SC2 Impact on Intended Outcomes?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E24
+SC2 Has the Business Case been updated as a result of this scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E25
+SC2 If Yes new Business Case Type?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E26
+SC2 New Business Case Version Number,3 - Scope History,TEXT,K26
+SC2 Has HMT approved this new business case?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E27
+3rd Scope Change - Description / Type,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E30
+SC3 Date Scope Change Implemented,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E31
+SC3 Date Implemented: Actual or Forecast?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,K31
+SC3 Impact on Project End Date?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E32
+SC3 Is change in Project End Date solely due to the scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E33
+SC3 Impact on Costs?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E34
+SC3 Is change in Costs solely due to the scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E35
+SC3 Impact on Intended Outcomes?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E36
+SC3 Has the Business Case been updated as a result of this scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E37
+SC3 If Yes new Business Case Type?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E38
+SC3 New Business Case Version Number,3 - Scope History,TEXT,K38
+SC3 Has HMT approved this new business case?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E39
+4th Scope Change - Description / Type,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E42
+SC4 Date Scope Change Implemented,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E43
+SC4 Date Implemented: Actual or Forecast?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,K43
+SC4 Impact on Project End Date?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E44
+SC4 Is change in Project End Date solely due to the scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E45
+SC4 Impact on Costs?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E46
+SC4 Is change in Costs solely due to the scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E47
+SC4 Impact on Intended Outcomes?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E48
+SC4 Has the Business Case been updated as a result of this scope change?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E49
+SC4 If Yes new Business Case Type?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E50
+SC4 New Business Case Version Number,3 - Scope History,TEXT,K50
+SC4 Has HMT approved this new business case?,3 - Scope History,TEXT,E51
+SRO Is this position currently filled?,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E6
+GMPP - SRO ID,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E7
+SRO Last Name,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E8
+SRO First Name,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E9
+SRO Full Name,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E10
+SRO Email,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E11
+SRO Phone No.,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E12
+SRO Tenure Start Date,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E13
+SRO Tenure End Date,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E14
+SRO Length of tenure (years),4 - Leaders,TEXT,E15
+If SRO Tenure End Date change please advise reason,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E16
+Job Title / Grade,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E17
+SRO Grade,4 - Leaders,TEXT,K17
+SRO Career Anchor - Primary,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E18
+SRO Career Anchor - Secondary,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E19
+Percentage of time spent on SRO Role,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E20
+If new SRO reason for change,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E21
+SRO - SRO or PD on a Previous GMPP Project,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E22
+SRO - Most Recent GMPP Project?,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E23
+If there are further SROs please name and explain why?,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E24
+PD Is this position currently filled?,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E27
+GMPP - PD ID,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E28
+PD Last Name,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E29
+PD First Name,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E30
+PD Full Name,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E31
+PD Email,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E32
+PD Phone No.,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E33
+PD Tenure Start Date,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E34
+PD Tenure End Date,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E35
+PD Length of tenure (years),4 - Leaders,TEXT,E36
+If PD Tenure End Date change please advise reason and Type,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E37
+Job Title,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E38
+PD Grade,4 - Leaders,TEXT,K38
+PD Career Anchor - Primary,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E39
+PD Career Anchor - Secondary,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E40
+Percentage of time spent on PD Role,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E41
+If new PD reason for change,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E42
+PD - SRO or PD on a Previous GMPP Project,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E43
+PD - Most Recent GMPP Project?,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E44
+Secondary PDs please name?,4 - Leaders,TEXT,E45
+No public sector employees working on the project,5 - People,TEXT,E6
+No external contractors working on the project,5 - People,TEXT,E7
+Total Number working in the project team FTEs,5 - People,TEXT,E8
+No employees funded to work on project,5 - People,TEXT,E9
+Total Number or vacancies on the project,5 - People,TEXT,E10
+Resource Gap (%),5 - People,TEXT,E11
+Project Team Turnover since last Quarter - Qualitative Assessment,5 - People,TEXT,E12
+Resources commentary,5 - People,TEXT,E13
+Digital - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E17
+Digital - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G17
+Digital Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I17
+Information Technology - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E18
+Information Technology - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G18
+Information Technology Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I18
+Legal Commercial Contract Management - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E19
+Legal Commercial Contract Management - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G19
+Legal Commercial & Contract Management Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I19
+Project Delivery - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E20
+Project Delivery - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G20
+Project Delivery Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I20
+Change Implementation - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E21
+Change Implementation - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G21
+Change Implementation Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I21
+Technical - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E22
+Technical - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G22
+Technical Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I22
+Industry Knowledge - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E23
+Industry Knowledge - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G23
+Industry Knowledge Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I23
+Finance - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E24
+Finance - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G24
+Finance Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I24
+Analysis Now,5 - People,TEXT,E25
+Analysis - future,5 - People,TEXT,G25
+Analysis Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I25
+Communications & Stakeholder Engagement - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E26
+Communications & Stakeholder Engagement - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G26
+Communications & Stakeholder Engagement Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I26
+Additional Capability 1 Descriptor,5 - People,TEXT,D27
+Additional Capability 1 Now,5 - People,TEXT,E27
+Additional Capability 1 Future,5 - People,TEXT,G27
+Additional Capability 1 Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I27
+Additional Capability 2 Descriptor,5 - People,TEXT,D28
+Additional Capability 2 Now,5 - People,TEXT,E28
+Additional Capability 2 Future,5 - People,TEXT,G28
+Additional Capability 2 Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I28
+Additional Capability 3 Descriptor,5 - People,TEXT,D29
+Other Capability 3 - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E29
+Other Capability 3 - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G29
+Additional Capability 3 Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I29
+Additional Capability 4 Descriptor,5 - People,TEXT,D30
+Other Capability 4 - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E30
+Other Capability 4 - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G30
+Additional Capability 4 Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I30
+Additional Capability 5 Descriptor,5 - People,TEXT,D31
+Additional Capability 5 Now,5 - People,TEXT,E31
+Additional Capability 5 Future,5 - People,TEXT,G31
+Additional Capability 5 Short Narrative (Amber or Red),5 - People,TEXT,I31
+Overall Resource DCA - Now,5 - People,TEXT,E35
+Overall Resource DCA - Future,5 - People,TEXT,G35
+Approval MM1,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D7
+Approval MM1 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E7
+Approval MM1 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F7
+Approval MM1 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G7
+Approval MM1 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H7
+Approval MM1 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I7
+Approval MM1 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J7
+Approval MM1 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K7
+Approval MM2,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D8
+Approval MM2 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E8
+Approval MM2 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F8
+Approval MM2 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G8
+Approval MM2 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H8
+Approval MM2 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I8
+Approval MM2 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J8
+Approval MM2 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K8
+Approval MM3,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D9
+Approval MM3 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E9
+Approval MM3 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F9
+Approval MM3 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G9
+Approval MM3 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H9
+Approval MM3 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I9
+Approval MM3 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J9
+Approval MM3 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K9
+Approval MM4,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D10
+Approval MM4 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E10
+Approval MM4 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F10
+Approval MM4 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G10
+Approval MM4 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H10
+Approval MM4 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I10
+Approval MM4 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J10
+Approval MM4 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K10
+Approval MM5,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D11
+Approval MM5 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E11
+Approval MM5 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F11
+Approval MM5 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G11
+Approval MM5 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H11
+Approval MM5 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I11
+Approval MM5 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J11
+Approval MM5 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K11
+Approval MM6,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D12
+Approval MM6 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E12
+Approval MM6 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F12
+Approval MM6 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G12
+Approval MM6 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H12
+Approval MM6 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I12
+Approval MM6 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J12
+Approval MM6 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K12
+Approval MM7,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D13
+Approval MM7 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E13
+Approval MM7 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F13
+Approval MM7 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G13
+Approval MM7 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H13
+Approval MM7 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I13
+Approval MM7 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J13
+Approval MM7 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K13
+Approval MM8,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D14
+Approval MM8 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E14
+Approval MM8 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F14
+Approval MM8 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G14
+Approval MM8 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H14
+Approval MM8 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I14
+Approval MM8 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J14
+Approval MM8 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K14
+Approval MM9,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D15
+Approval MM9 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E15
+Approval MM9 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F15
+Approval MM9 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G15
+Approval MM9 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H15
+Approval MM9 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I15
+Approval MM9 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J15
+Approval MM9 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K15
+Approval MM10,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D16
+Approval MM10 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E16
+Approval MM10 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F16
+Approval MM10 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G16
+Approval MM10 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H16
+Approval MM10 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I16
+Approval MM10 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J16
+Approval MM10 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K16
+Approval MM11,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D17
+Approval MM11 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E17
+Approval MM11 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F17
+Approval MM11 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G17
+Approval MM11 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H17
+Approval MM11 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I17
+Approval MM11 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J17
+Approval MM11 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K17
+Approval MM12,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D18
+Approval MM12 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E18
+Approval MM12 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F18
+Approval MM12 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G18
+Approval MM12 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H18
+Approval MM12 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I18
+Approval MM12 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J18
+Approval MM12 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K18
+Approval MM13,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D19
+Approval MM13 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E19
+Approval MM13 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F19
+Approval MM13 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G19
+Approval MM13 Forecast - Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H19
+Approval MM13 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I19
+Approval MM13 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J19
+Approval MM13 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K19
+Approval MM14,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D20
+Approval MM14 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E20
+Approval MM14 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F20
+Approval MM14 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G20
+Approval MM14 Forecast - Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H20
+Approval MM14 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I20
+Approval MM14 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J20
+Approval MM14 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K20
+Approval MM15,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D21
+Approval MM15 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E21
+Approval MM15 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F21
+Approval MM15 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G21
+Approval MM15 Forecast - Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H21
+Approval MM15 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I21
+Approval MM15 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J21
+Approval MM15 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K21
+Approval MM16,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D22
+Approval MM16 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E22
+Approval MM16 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F22
+Approval MM16 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G22
+Approval MM16 Forecast - Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H22
+Approval MM16 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I22
+Approval MM16 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J22
+Approval MM16 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K22
+Approval MM17,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D23
+Approval MM17 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E23
+Approval MM17 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F23
+Approval MM17 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G23
+Approval MM17 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H23
+Approval MM17 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I23
+Approval MM17 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J23
+Approval MM17 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K23
+Approval MM18,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D24
+Approval MM18 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E24
+Approval MM18 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F24
+Approval MM18 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G24
+Approval MM18 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H24
+Approval MM18 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I24
+Approval MM18 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J24
+Approval MM18 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K24
+Approval MM19,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D25
+Approval MM19 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E25
+Approval MM19 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F25
+Approval MM19 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G25
+Approval MM19 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H25
+Approval MM19 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I25
+Approval MM19 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J25
+Approval MM19 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K25
+Approval MM20,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D26
+Approval MM20 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E26
+Approval MM20 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F26
+Approval MM20 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G26
+Approval MM20 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H26
+Approval MM20 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I26
+Approval MM20 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J26
+Approval MM20 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K26
+Approval MM21,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D27
+Approval MM21 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E27
+Approval MM21 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F27
+Approval MM21 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G27
+Approval MM21 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H27
+Approval MM21 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I27
+Approval MM21 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J27
+Approval MM21 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K27
+Approval MM22,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D28
+Approval MM22 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E28
+Approval MM22 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F28
+Approval MM22 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G28
+Approval MM22 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H28
+Approval MM22 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I28
+Approval MM22 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J28
+Approval MM22 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K28
+Approval MM23,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D29
+Approval MM23 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E29
+Approval MM23 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F29
+Approval MM23 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G29
+Approval MM23 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H29
+Approval MM23 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I29
+Approval MM23 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J29
+Approval MM23 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K29
+Approval MM24,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D30
+Approval MM24 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E30
+Approval MM24 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F30
+Approval MM24 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G30
+Approval MM24 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H30
+Approval MM24 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I30
+Approval MM24 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J30
+Approval MM24 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K30
+Approval MM25,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D31
+Approval MM25 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E31
+Approval MM25 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F31
+Approval MM25 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G31
+Approval MM25 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H31
+Approval MM25 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I31
+Approval MM25 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J31
+Approval MM25 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K31
+Approval MM26,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D32
+Approval MM26 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E32
+Approval MM26 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F32
+Approval MM26 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G32
+Approval MM26 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H32
+Approval MM26 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I32
+Approval MM26 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J32
+Approval MM26 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K32
+Approval MM27,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D33
+Approval MM27 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E33
+Approval MM27 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F33
+Approval MM27 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G33
+Approval MM27 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H33
+Approval MM27 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I33
+Approval MM27 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J33
+Approval MM27 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K33
+Approval MM28,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D34
+Approval MM28 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E34
+Approval MM28 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F34
+Approval MM28 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G34
+Approval MM28 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H34
+Approval MM28 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I34
+Approval MM28 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J34
+Approval MM28 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K34
+Approval MM29,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D35
+Approval MM29 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E35
+Approval MM29 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F35
+Approval MM29 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G35
+Approval MM29 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H35
+Approval MM29 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I35
+Approval MM29 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J35
+Approval MM29 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K35
+Approval MM30,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D36
+Approval MM30 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E36
+Approval MM30 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F36
+Approval MM30 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G36
+Approval MM30 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H36
+Approval MM30 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I36
+Approval MM30 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J36
+Approval MM30 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K36
+Approval MM31,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D37
+Approval MM31 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E37
+Approval MM31 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F37
+Approval MM31 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G37
+Approval MM31 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H37
+Approval MM31 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I37
+Approval MM31 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J37
+Approval MM31 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K37
+Approval MM32,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D38
+Approval MM32 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E38
+Approval MM32 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F38
+Approval MM32 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G38
+Approval MM32 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H38
+Approval MM32 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I38
+Approval MM32 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J38
+Approval MM32 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K38
+Approval MM33,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D39
+Approval MM33 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E39
+Approval MM33 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F39
+Approval MM33 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G39
+Approval MM33 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H39
+Approval MM33 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I39
+Approval MM33 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J39
+Approval MM33 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K39
+Approval MM34,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D40
+Approval MM34 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E40
+Approval MM34 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F40
+Approval MM34 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G40
+Approval MM34 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H40
+Approval MM34 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I40
+Approval MM34 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J40
+Approval MM34 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K40
+Approval MM35,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D41
+Approval MM35 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E41
+Approval MM35 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F41
+Approval MM35 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G41
+Approval MM35 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H41
+Approval MM35 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I41
+Approval MM35 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J41
+Approval MM35 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K41
+Approval MM36,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D42
+Approval MM36 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E42
+Approval MM36 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F42
+Approval MM36 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G42
+Approval MM36 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H42
+Approval MM36 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I42
+Approval MM36 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J42
+Approval MM36 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K42
+Approval MM37,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D43
+Approval MM37 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E43
+Approval MM37 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F43
+Approval MM37 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G43
+Approval MM37 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H43
+Approval MM37 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I43
+Approval MM37 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J43
+Approval MM37 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K43
+Approval MM38,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D44
+Approval MM38 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E44
+Approval MM38 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F44
+Approval MM38 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G44
+Approval MM38 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H44
+Approval MM38 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I44
+Approval MM38 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J44
+Approval MM38 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K44
+Approval MM39,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D45
+Approval MM39 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E45
+Approval MM39 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F45
+Approval MM39 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G45
+Approval MM39 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H45
+Approval MM39 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I45
+Approval MM39 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J45
+Approval MM39 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K45
+Approval MM40,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D46
+Approval MM40 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E46
+Approval MM40 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F46
+Approval MM40 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G46
+Approval MM40 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H46
+Approval MM40 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I46
+Approval MM40 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J46
+Approval MM40 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K46
+Approval MM41,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D47
+Approval MM41 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E47
+Approval MM41 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F47
+Approval MM41 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G47
+Approval MM41 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H47
+Approval MM41 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I47
+Approval MM41 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J47
+Approval MM41 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K47
+Approval MM42,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D48
+Approval MM42 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E48
+Approval MM42 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F48
+Approval MM42 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G48
+Approval MM42 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H48
+Approval MM42 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I48
+Approval MM42 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J48
+Approval MM42 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K48
+Approval MM43,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D49
+Approval MM43 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E49
+Approval MM43 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F49
+Approval MM43 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G49
+Approval MM43 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H49
+Approval MM43 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I49
+Approval MM43 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J49
+Approval MM43 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K49
+Approval MM44,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D50
+Approval MM44 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E50
+Approval MM44 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F50
+Approval MM44 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G50
+Approval MM44 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H50
+Approval MM44 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I50
+Approval MM44 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J50
+Approval MM44 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K50
+Approval MM45,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D51
+Approval MM45 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E51
+Approval MM45 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F51
+Approval MM45 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G51
+Approval MM45 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H51
+Approval MM45 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I51
+Approval MM45 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J51
+Approval MM45 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K51
+Approval MM46,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D52
+Approval MM46 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E52
+Approval MM46 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F52
+Approval MM46 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G52
+Approval MM46 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H52
+Approval MM46 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I52
+Approval MM46 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J52
+Approval MM46 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K52
+Approval MM47,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D53
+Approval MM47 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E53
+Approval MM47 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F53
+Approval MM47 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G53
+Approval MM47 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H53
+Approval MM47 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I53
+Approval MM47 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J53
+Approval MM47 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K53
+Approval MM48,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D54
+Approval MM48 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E54
+Approval MM48 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F54
+Approval MM48 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G54
+Approval MM48 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H54
+Approval MM48 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I54
+Approval MM48 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J54
+Approval MM48 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K54
+Approval MM49,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D55
+Approval MM49 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E55
+Approval MM49 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F55
+Approval MM49 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G55
+Approval MM49 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H55
+Approval MM49 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I55
+Approval MM49 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J55
+Approval MM49 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K55
+Approval MM50,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,D56
+Approval MM50 Gov Type,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,E56
+Approval MM50 Ver No,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F56
+Approval MM50 Original Baseline,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,G56
+Approval MM50 Forecast / Actual,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,H56
+Approval MM50 Variance,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,I56
+Approval MM50 Status,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J56
+Approval MM50 Notes,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,K56
+IPDC approval point,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F113
+Re-baseline this quarter,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F116
+Re-baseline ALB milestones,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F118
+Re-baseline ALB cost,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F119
+Re-baseline ALB benefits,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,F120
+Re-baseline HMT milestones,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J118
+Re-baseline HMT cost,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J119
+Re-baseline HMT benefits,6a - Milestones - Approvals,TEXT,J120
+Assurance MM1,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D7
+Assurance MM1 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E7
+Assurance MM1 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F7
+Assurance MM1 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G7
+Assurance MM1 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H7
+Assurance MM1 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I7
+Assurance MM1 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J7
+Assurance MM2,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D8
+Assurance MM2 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E8
+Assurance MM2 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F8
+Assurance MM2 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G8
+Assurance MM2 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H8
+Assurance MM2 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I8
+Assurance MM2 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J8
+Assurance MM3,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D9
+Assurance MM3 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E9
+Assurance MM3 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F9
+Assurance MM3 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G9
+Assurance MM3 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H9
+Assurance MM3 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I9
+Assurance MM3 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J9
+Assurance MM4,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D10
+Assurance MM4 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E10
+Assurance MM4 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F10
+Assurance MM4 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G10
+Assurance MM4 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H10
+Assurance MM4 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I10
+Assurance MM4 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J10
+Assurance MM5,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D11
+Assurance MM5 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E11
+Assurance MM5 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F11
+Assurance MM5 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G11
+Assurance MM5 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H11
+Assurance MM5 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I11
+Assurance MM5 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J11
+Assurance MM6,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D12
+Assurance MM6 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E12
+Assurance MM6 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F12
+Assurance MM6 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G12
+Assurance MM6 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H12
+Assurance MM6 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I12
+Assurance MM6 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J12
+Assurance MM7,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D13
+Assurance MM7 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E13
+Assurance MM7 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F13
+Assurance MM7 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G13
+Assurance MM7 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H13
+Assurance MM7 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I13
+Assurance MM7 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J13
+Assurance MM8,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D14
+Assurance MM8 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E14
+Assurance MM8 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F14
+Assurance MM8 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G14
+Assurance MM8 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H14
+Assurance MM8 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I14
+Assurance MM8 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J14
+Assurance MM9,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D15
+Assurance MM9 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E15
+Assurance MM9 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F15
+Assurance MM9 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G15
+Assurance MM9 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H15
+Assurance MM9 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I15
+Assurance MM9 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J15
+Assurance MM10,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D16
+Assurance MM10 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E16
+Assurance MM10 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F16
+Assurance MM10 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G16
+Assurance MM10 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H16
+Assurance MM10 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I16
+Assurance MM10 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J16
+Assurance MM11,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D17
+Assurance MM11 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E17
+Assurance MM11 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F17
+Assurance MM11 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G17
+Assurance MM11 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H17
+Assurance MM11 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I17
+Assurance MM11 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J17
+Assurance MM12,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D18
+Assurance MM12 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E18
+Assurance MM12 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F18
+Assurance MM12 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G18
+Assurance MM12 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H18
+Assurance MM12 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I18
+Assurance MM12 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J18
+Assurance MM13,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D19
+Assurance MM13 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E19
+Assurance MM13 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F19
+Assurance MM13 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G19
+Assurance MM13 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H19
+Assurance MM13 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I19
+Assurance MM13 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J19
+Assurance MM14,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D20
+Assurance MM14 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E20
+Assurance MM14 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F20
+Assurance MM14 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G20
+Assurance MM14 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H20
+Assurance MM14 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I20
+Assurance MM14 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J20
+Assurance MM15,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D21
+Assurance MM15 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E21
+Assurance MM15 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F21
+Assurance MM15 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G21
+Assurance MM15 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H21
+Assurance MM15 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I21
+Assurance MM15 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J21
+Assurance MM16,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D22
+Assurance MM16 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E22
+Assurance MM16 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F22
+Assurance MM16 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G22
+Assurance MM16 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H22
+Assurance MM16 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I22
+Assurance MM16 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J22
+Assurance MM17,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D23
+Assurance MM17 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E23
+Assurance MM17 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F23
+Assurance MM17 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G23
+Assurance MM17 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H23
+Assurance MM17 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I23
+Assurance MM17 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J23
+Assurance MM18,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D24
+Assurance MM18 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E24
+Assurance MM18 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F24
+Assurance MM18 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G24
+Assurance MM18 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H24
+Assurance MM18 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I24
+Assurance MM18 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J24
+Assurance MM19,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D25
+Assurance MM19 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E25
+Assurance MM19 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F25
+Assurance MM19 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G25
+Assurance MM19 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H25
+Assurance MM19 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I25
+Assurance MM19 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J25
+Assurance MM20,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D26
+Assurance MM20 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E26
+Assurance MM20 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F26
+Assurance MM20 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G26
+Assurance MM20 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H26
+Assurance MM20 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I26
+Assurance MM20 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J26
+Assurance MM21,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D27
+Assurance MM21 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E27
+Assurance MM21 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F27
+Assurance MM21 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G27
+Assurance MM21 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H27
+Assurance MM21 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I27
+Assurance MM21 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J27
+Assurance MM22,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D28
+Assurance MM22 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E28
+Assurance MM22 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F28
+Assurance MM22 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G28
+Assurance MM22 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H28
+Assurance MM22 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I28
+Assurance MM22 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J28
+Assurance MM23,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D29
+Assurance MM23 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E29
+Assurance MM23 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F29
+Assurance MM23 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G29
+Assurance MM23 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H29
+Assurance MM23 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I29
+Assurance MM23 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J29
+Assurance MM24,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D30
+Assurance MM24 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E30
+Assurance MM24 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F30
+Assurance MM24 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G30
+Assurance MM24 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H30
+Assurance MM24 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I30
+Assurance MM24 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J30
+Assurance MM25,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D31
+Assurance MM25 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E31
+Assurance MM25 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F31
+Assurance MM25 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G31
+Assurance MM25 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H31
+Assurance MM25 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I31
+Assurance MM25 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J31
+Assurance MM26,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D32
+Assurance MM26 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E32
+Assurance MM26 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F32
+Assurance MM26 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G32
+Assurance MM26 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H32
+Assurance MM26 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I32
+Assurance MM26 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J32
+Assurance MM27,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D33
+Assurance MM27 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E33
+Assurance MM27 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F33
+Assurance MM27 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G33
+Assurance MM27 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H33
+Assurance MM27 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I33
+Assurance MM27 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J33
+Assurance MM28,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D34
+Assurance MM28 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E34
+Assurance MM28 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F34
+Assurance MM28 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G34
+Assurance MM28 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H34
+Assurance MM28 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I34
+Assurance MM28 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J34
+Assurance MM29,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D35
+Assurance MM29 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E35
+Assurance MM29 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F35
+Assurance MM29 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G35
+Assurance MM29 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H35
+Assurance MM29 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I35
+Assurance MM29 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J35
+Assurance MM30,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D36
+Assurance MM30 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E36
+Assurance MM30 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F36
+Assurance MM30 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G36
+Assurance MM30 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H36
+Assurance MM30 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I36
+Assurance MM30 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J36
+Assurance MM31,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D37
+Assurance MM31 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E37
+Assurance MM31 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F37
+Assurance MM31 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G37
+Assurance MM31 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H37
+Assurance MM31 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I37
+Assurance MM31 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J37
+Assurance MM32,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D38
+Assurance MM32 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E38
+Assurance MM32 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F38
+Assurance MM32 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G38
+Assurance MM32 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H38
+Assurance MM32 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I38
+Assurance MM32 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J38
+Assurance MM33,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D39
+Assurance MM33 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E39
+Assurance MM33 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F39
+Assurance MM33 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G39
+Assurance MM33 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H39
+Assurance MM33 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I39
+Assurance MM33 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J39
+Assurance MM34,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D40
+Assurance MM34 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E40
+Assurance MM34 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F40
+Assurance MM34 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G40
+Assurance MM34 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H40
+Assurance MM34 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I40
+Assurance MM34 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J40
+Assurance MM35,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D41
+Assurance MM35 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E41
+Assurance MM35 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F41
+Assurance MM35 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G41
+Assurance MM35 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H41
+Assurance MM35 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I41
+Assurance MM35 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J41
+Assurance MM36,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D42
+Assurance MM36 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E42
+Assurance MM36 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F42
+Assurance MM36 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G42
+Assurance MM36 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H42
+Assurance MM36 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I42
+Assurance MM36 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J42
+Assurance MM37,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D43
+Assurance MM37 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E43
+Assurance MM37 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F43
+Assurance MM37 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G43
+Assurance MM37 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H43
+Assurance MM37 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I43
+Assurance MM37 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J43
+Assurance MM38,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D44
+Assurance MM38 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E44
+Assurance MM38 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F44
+Assurance MM38 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G44
+Assurance MM38 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H44
+Assurance MM38 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I44
+Assurance MM38 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J44
+Assurance MM39,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D45
+Assurance MM39 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E45
+Assurance MM39 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F45
+Assurance MM39 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G45
+Assurance MM39 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H45
+Assurance MM39 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I45
+Assurance MM39 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J45
+Assurance MM40,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D46
+Assurance MM40 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E46
+Assurance MM40 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F46
+Assurance MM40 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G46
+Assurance MM40 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H46
+Assurance MM40 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I46
+Assurance MM40 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J46
+Assurance MM41,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D47
+Assurance MM41 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E47
+Assurance MM41 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F47
+Assurance MM41 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G47
+Assurance MM41 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H47
+Assurance MM41 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I47
+Assurance MM41 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J47
+Assurance MM42,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D48
+Assurance MM42 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E48
+Assurance MM42 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F48
+Assurance MM42 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G48
+Assurance MM42 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H48
+Assurance MM42 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I48
+Assurance MM42 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J48
+Assurance MM43,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D49
+Assurance MM43 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E49
+Assurance MM43 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F49
+Assurance MM43 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G49
+Assurance MM43 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H49
+Assurance MM43 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I49
+Assurance MM43 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J49
+Assurance MM44,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D50
+Assurance MM44 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E50
+Assurance MM44 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F50
+Assurance MM44 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G50
+Assurance MM44 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H50
+Assurance MM44 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I50
+Assurance MM44 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J50
+Assurance MM45,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D51
+Assurance MM45 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E51
+Assurance MM45 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F51
+Assurance MM45 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G51
+Assurance MM45 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H51
+Assurance MM45 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I51
+Assurance MM45 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J51
+Assurance MM46,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D52
+Assurance MM46 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E52
+Assurance MM46 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F52
+Assurance MM46 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G52
+Assurance MM46 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H52
+Assurance MM46 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I52
+Assurance MM46 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J52
+Assurance MM47,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D53
+Assurance MM47 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E53
+Assurance MM47 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F53
+Assurance MM47 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G53
+Assurance MM47 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H53
+Assurance MM47 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I53
+Assurance MM47 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J53
+Assurance MM48,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D54
+Assurance MM48 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E54
+Assurance MM48 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F54
+Assurance MM48 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G54
+Assurance MM48 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H54
+Assurance MM48 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I54
+Assurance MM48 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J54
+Assurance MM49,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D55
+Assurance MM49 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E55
+Assurance MM49 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F55
+Assurance MM49 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G55
+Assurance MM49 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H55
+Assurance MM49 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I55
+Assurance MM49 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J55
+Assurance MM50,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,D56
+Assurance MM50 LoD,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,E56
+Assurance MM50 Original Baseline,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,F56
+Assurance MM50 Forecast - Actual,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,G56
+Assurance MM50 Variance,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,H56
+Assurance MM50 Status,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,I56
+Assurance MM50 Notes,6b - Milestones - Assurance,TEXT,J56
+Project MM18,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D7
+Project MM18 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E7
+Project MM18 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F7
+Project MM18 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G7
+Project MM18 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H7
+Project MM18 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I7
+Project MM18 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J7
+Project MM19,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D8
+Project MM19 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E8
+Project MM19 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F8
+Project MM19 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G8
+Project MM19 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H8
+Project MM19 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I8
+Project MM19 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J8
+Project MM20,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D9
+Project MM20 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E9
+Project MM20 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F9
+Project MM20 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G9
+Project MM20 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H9
+Project MM20 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I9
+Project MM20 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J9
+Project MM21,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D10
+Project MM21 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E10
+Project MM21 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F10
+Project MM21 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G10
+Project MM21 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H10
+Project MM21 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I10
+Project MM21 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J10
+Project MM22,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D11
+Project MM22 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E11
+Project MM22 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F11
+Project MM22 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G11
+Project MM22 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H11
+Project MM22 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I11
+Project MM22 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J11
+Project MM23,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D12
+Project MM23 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E12
+Project MM23 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F12
+Project MM23 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G12
+Project MM23 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H12
+Project MM23 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I12
+Project MM23 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J12
+Project MM24,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D13
+Project MM24 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E13
+Project MM24 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F13
+Project MM24 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G13
+Project MM24 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H13
+Project MM24 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I13
+Project MM24 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J13
+Project MM25,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D14
+Project MM25 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E14
+Project MM25 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F14
+Project MM25 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G14
+Project MM25 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H14
+Project MM25 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I14
+Project MM25 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J14
+Project MM26,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D15
+Project MM26 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E15
+Project MM26 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F15
+Project MM26 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G15
+Project MM26 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H15
+Project MM26 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I15
+Project MM26 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J15
+Project MM27,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D16
+Project MM27 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E16
+Project MM27 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F16
+Project MM27 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G16
+Project MM27 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H16
+Project MM27 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I16
+Project MM27 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J16
+Project MM28,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D17
+Project MM28 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E17
+Project MM28 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F17
+Project MM28 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G17
+Project MM28 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H17
+Project MM28 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I17
+Project MM28 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J17
+Project MM29,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D18
+Project MM29 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E18
+Project MM29 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F18
+Project MM29 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G18
+Project MM29 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H18
+Project MM29 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I18
+Project MM29 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J18
+Project MM30,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D19
+Project MM30 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E19
+Project MM30 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F19
+Project MM30 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G19
+Project MM30 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H19
+Project MM30 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I19
+Project MM30 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J19
+Project MM31,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D20
+Project MM31 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E20
+Project MM31 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F20
+Project MM31 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G20
+Project MM31 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H20
+Project MM31 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I20
+Project MM31 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J20
+Project MM32,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D21
+Project MM32 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E21
+Project MM32 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F21
+Project MM32 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G21
+Project MM32 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H21
+Project MM32 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I21
+Project MM32 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J21
+Project MM33,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D22
+Project MM33 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E22
+Project MM33 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F22
+Project MM33 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G22
+Project MM33 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H22
+Project MM33 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I22
+Project MM33 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J22
+Project MM34,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D23
+Project MM34 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E23
+Project MM34 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F23
+Project MM34 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G23
+Project MM34 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H23
+Project MM34 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I23
+Project MM34 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J23
+Project MM35,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D24
+Project MM35 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E24
+Project MM35 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F24
+Project MM35 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G24
+Project MM35 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H24
+Project MM35 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I24
+Project MM35 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J24
+Project MM36,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D25
+Project MM36 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E25
+Project MM36 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F25
+Project MM36 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G25
+Project MM36 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H25
+Project MM36 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I25
+Project MM36 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J25
+Project MM37,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D26
+Project MM37 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E26
+Project MM37 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F26
+Project MM37 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G26
+Project MM37 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H26
+Project MM37 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I26
+Project MM37 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J26
+Project MM38,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D27
+Project MM38 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E27
+Project MM38 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F27
+Project MM38 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G27
+Project MM38 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H27
+Project MM38 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I27
+Project MM38 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J27
+Project MM39,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D28
+Project MM39 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E28
+Project MM39 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F28
+Project MM39 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G28
+Project MM39 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H28
+Project MM39 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I28
+Project MM39 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J28
+Project MM40,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D29
+Project MM40 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E29
+Project MM40 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F29
+Project MM40 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G29
+Project MM40 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H29
+Project MM40 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I29
+Project MM40 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J29
+Project MM41,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D30
+Project MM41 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E30
+Project MM41 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F30
+Project MM41 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G30
+Project MM41 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H30
+Project MM41 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I30
+Project MM41 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J30
+Project MM42,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D31
+Project MM42 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E31
+Project MM42 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F31
+Project MM42 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G31
+Project MM42 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H31
+Project MM42 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I31
+Project MM42 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J31
+Project MM43,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D32
+Project MM43 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E32
+Project MM43 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F32
+Project MM43 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G32
+Project MM43 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H32
+Project MM43 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I32
+Project MM43 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J32
+Project MM44,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D33
+Project MM44 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E33
+Project MM44 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F33
+Project MM44 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G33
+Project MM44 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H33
+Project MM44 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I33
+Project MM44 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J33
+Project MM45,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D34
+Project MM45 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E34
+Project MM45 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F34
+Project MM45 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G34
+Project MM45 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H34
+Project MM45 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I34
+Project MM45 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J34
+Project MM46,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D35
+Project MM46 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E35
+Project MM46 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F35
+Project MM46 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G35
+Project MM46 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H35
+Project MM46 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I35
+Project MM46 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J35
+Project MM47,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D36
+Project MM47 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E36
+Project MM47 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F36
+Project MM47 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G36
+Project MM47 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H36
+Project MM47 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I36
+Project MM47 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J36
+Project MM48,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D37
+Project MM48 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E37
+Project MM48 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F37
+Project MM48 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G37
+Project MM48 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H37
+Project MM48 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I37
+Project MM48 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J37
+Project MM49,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D38
+Project MM49 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E38
+Project MM49 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F38
+Project MM49 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G38
+Project MM49 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H38
+Project MM49 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I38
+Project MM49 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J38
+Project MM50,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D39
+Project MM50 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E39
+Project MM50 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F39
+Project MM50 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G39
+Project MM50 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H39
+Project MM50 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I39
+Project MM50 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J39
+Project MM51,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D40
+Project MM51 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E40
+Project MM51 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F40
+Project MM51 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G40
+Project MM51 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H40
+Project MM51 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I40
+Project MM51 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J40
+Project MM52,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D41
+Project MM52 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E41
+Project MM52 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F41
+Project MM52 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G41
+Project MM52 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H41
+Project MM52 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I41
+Project MM52 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J41
+Project MM53,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D42
+Project MM53 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E42
+Project MM53 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F42
+Project MM53 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G42
+Project MM53 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H42
+Project MM53 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I42
+Project MM53 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J42
+Project MM54,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D43
+Project MM54 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E43
+Project MM54 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F43
+Project MM54 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G43
+Project MM54 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H43
+Project MM54 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I43
+Project MM54 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J43
+Project MM55,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D44
+Project MM55 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E44
+Project MM55 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F44
+Project MM55 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G44
+Project MM55 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H44
+Project MM55 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I44
+Project MM55 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J44
+Project MM56,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D45
+Project MM56 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E45
+Project MM56 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F45
+Project MM56 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G45
+Project MM56 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H45
+Project MM56 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I45
+Project MM56 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J45
+Project MM57,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D46
+Project MM57 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E46
+Project MM57 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F46
+Project MM57 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G46
+Project MM57 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H46
+Project MM57 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I46
+Project MM57 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J46
+Project MM58,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D47
+Project MM58 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E47
+Project MM58 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F47
+Project MM58 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G47
+Project MM58 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H47
+Project MM58 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I47
+Project MM58 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J47
+Project MM59,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D48
+Project MM59 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E48
+Project MM59 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F48
+Project MM59 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G48
+Project MM59 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H48
+Project MM59 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I48
+Project MM59 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J48
+Project MM60,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D49
+Project MM60 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E49
+Project MM60 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F49
+Project MM60 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G49
+Project MM60 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H49
+Project MM60 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I49
+Project MM60 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J49
+Project MM61,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D50
+Project MM61 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E50
+Project MM61 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F50
+Project MM61 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G50
+Project MM61 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H50
+Project MM61 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I50
+Project MM61 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J50
+Project MM62,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D51
+Project MM62 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E51
+Project MM62 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F51
+Project MM62 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G51
+Project MM62 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H51
+Project MM62 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I51
+Project MM62 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J51
+Project MM63,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D52
+Project MM63 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E52
+Project MM63 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F52
+Project MM63 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G52
+Project MM63 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H52
+Project MM63 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I52
+Project MM63 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J52
+Project MM64,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D53
+Project MM64 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E53
+Project MM64 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F53
+Project MM64 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G53
+Project MM64 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H53
+Project MM64 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I53
+Project MM64 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J53
+Project MM65,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D54
+Project MM65 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E54
+Project MM65 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F54
+Project MM65 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G54
+Project MM65 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H54
+Project MM65 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I54
+Project MM65 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J54
+Project MM66,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D55
+Project MM66 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E55
+Project MM66 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F55
+Project MM66 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G55
+Project MM66 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H55
+Project MM66 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I55
+Project MM66 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J55
+Project MM67,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,D56
+Project MM67 CP,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,E56
+Project MM67 Original Baseline,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F56
+Project MM67 Forecast - Actual,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,G56
+Project MM67 Variance,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,H56
+Project MM67 Status,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,I56
+Project MM67 Notes,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,J56
+Milestone Commentary,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F110
+SRO Schedule Confidence,6c - Milestones - Delivery,TEXT,F109
+Project stage,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E6
+Project Stage if Other,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E7
+Latest Treasury Approval Point (TAP) or equivalent,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E10
+Version Number Of Document used to Source Figures (GMPP - TAP version Number),7 - Business Case,TEXT,E11
+Business Case & Version No.,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E12
+Date of TAP used to source figures,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E13
+If no HMT Business Case please advise why?,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E14
+Is your HMT Business case updated / approved annually by HMT or more frequently?,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E15
+Does the HMT Businesss Case cover the full life of the project?,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E16
+If not please provide explanation as to why,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E17
+If not please advise how many years are covered,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E18
+If not please advise how much cost is covered as a percentage,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E19
+Are the baselines in this return from the most recent HMT Approved Business Case?,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E20
+If not what is the source of baselines in this returns?,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E21
+If not please give a reason why baselines,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E22
+What is the source of all forecasts in this return?,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E23
+Please provide details of any formal arrangement with HMT regarding Business cases that are outside the classical model,7 - Business Case,TEXT,E24
+Real or Nominal - Baseline,8 - Finance,TEXT,E6
+Real or Nominal - Actual/Forecast,8 - Finance,TEXT,E7
+Index Year,8 - Finance,TEXT,E8
+Deflator,8 - Finance,TEXT,E9
+Are you reporting the full costs of the project?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E10
+If no please provide reason why?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E11
+Does this project create income?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E14
+Who recieves the income?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E15
+Do you net the income with your costs in the GMPP return,8 - Finance,TEXT,E16
+Income Against which Cost category?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E17
+Income Baseline - Real or Nominal,8 - Finance,TEXT,E18
+Income Forecast - Real or Nominal,8 - Finance,TEXT,E19
+Income If real Index Year used?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E20
+Income If real Deflator used?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E21
+Are you reporting the full income of the project?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E22
+Income If no please provide reason why?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E23
+Does this project create monetised benefits?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E26
+Benefits Baseline - Real or Nominal,8 - Finance,TEXT,E27
+Benefits Forecast - Real or Nominal,8 - Finance,TEXT,E28
+Benefits If real Index Year used,8 - Finance,TEXT,E29
+Benefits If real Deflator used,8 - Finance,TEXT,E30
+Are you reporting the full benefits of the project?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E31
+Benefits If no please provide reason why?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E32
+Source of Finance,8 - Finance,TEXT,E35
+Other Finance type Description,8 - Finance,TEXT,E36
+Has this project applied cost uplifts using Optimism Bias,8 - Finance,TEXT,E37
+Is this Optimism Bias included within the WLC?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E38
+Overall figure for Optimism Bias (m),8 - Finance,TEXT,E39
+Does this project have allocated contingency,8 - Finance,TEXT,E40
+Is this Continency amount included within the WLC?,8 - Finance,TEXT,E41
+Overall contingency,8 - Finance,TEXT,E42
+NPV for all projects and NPV for programmes if available,8 - Finance,TEXT,E43
+Adjusted Benefits Cost Ratio (BCR),8 - Finance,TEXT,E45
+Benefits Map,8 - Finance,TEXT,E49
+Benefits Analysed,8 - Finance,TEXT,E50
+Benefits Realisation Plan,8 - Finance,TEXT,E51
+Initial Benefits Cost Ratio (BCR),8 - Finance,TEXT,E46
+VfM Category single entry,8 - Finance,TEXT,E52
+VfM Category lower range,8 - Finance,TEXT,E53
+VfM Category upper range,8 - Finance,TEXT,E54
+Present Value Cost (PVC),8 - Finance,TEXT,E47
+Present Value Benefit (PVB),8 - Finance,TEXT,E48
+Project Costs Narrative,9 - Costs,TEXT,E6
+Cost comparison with last quarters cost narrative,9 - Costs,TEXT,E7
+Cost comparison within this quarters cost narrative,9 - Costs,TEXT,E8
+Total BL,9 - Costs,TEXT,F20
+Total Forecast,9 - Costs,TEXT,H20
+Pre 19-20 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E27
+Pre 19-20 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F27
+Pre 19-20 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G27
+Pre 19-20 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H27
+Pre 19-20 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I27
+Pre 19-20 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L27
+Pre 19-20 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E28
+Pre 19-20 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F28
+Pre 19-20 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G28
+Pre 19-20 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H28
+Pre 19-20 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I28
+Pre 19-20 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L28
+19-20 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E29
+19-20 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F29
+19-20 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G29
+19-20 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H29
+19-20 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I29
+19-20 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L29
+19-20 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E30
+19-20 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F30
+19-20 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G30
+19-20 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H30
+19-20 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I30
+19-20 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L30
+20-21 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E31
+20-21 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F31
+20-21 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G31
+20-21 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H31
+20-21 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I31
+20-21 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L31
+20-21 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E32
+20-21 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F32
+20-21 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G32
+20-21 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H32
+20-21 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I32
+20-21 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L32
+21-22 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E33
+21-22 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F33
+21-22 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G33
+21-22 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H33
+21-22 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I33
+21-22 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L33
+21-22 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E34
+21-22 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F34
+21-22 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G34
+21-22 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H34
+21-22 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I34
+21-22 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L34
+22-23 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E35
+22-23 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F35
+22-23 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G35
+22-23 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H35
+22-23 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I35
+22-23 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L35
+22-23 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E36
+22-23 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F36
+22-23 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G36
+22-23 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H36
+22-23 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I36
+22-23 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L36
+23-24 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E37
+23-24 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F37
+23-24 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G37
+23-24 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H37
+23-24 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I37
+23-24 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L37
+23-24 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E38
+23-24 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F38
+23-24 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G38
+23-24 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H38
+23-24 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I38
+23-24 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L38
+24-25 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E39
+24-25 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F39
+24-25 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G39
+24-25 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H39
+24-25 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I39
+24-25 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L39
+24-25 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E40
+24-25 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F40
+24-25 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G40
+24-25 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H40
+24-25 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I40
+24-25 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L40
+25-26 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E41
+25-26 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F41
+25-26 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G41
+25-26 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H41
+25-26 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I41
+25-26 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L41
+25-26 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E42
+25-26 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F42
+25-26 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G42
+25-26 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H42
+25-26 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I42
+25-26 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L42
+26-27 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E43
+26-27 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F43
+26-27 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G43
+26-27 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H43
+26-27 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I43
+26-27 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L43
+26-27 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E44
+26-27 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F44
+26-27 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G44
+26-27 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H44
+26-27 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I44
+26-27 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L44
+27-28 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E45
+27-28 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F45
+27-28 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G45
+27-28 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H45
+27-28 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I45
+27-28 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L45
+27-28 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E46
+27-28 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F46
+27-28 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G46
+27-28 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H46
+27-28 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I46
+27-28 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L46
+28-29 RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E47
+28-29 RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F47
+28-29 RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G47
+28-29 RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H47
+28-29 RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I47
+28-29 RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L47
+28-29 RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E48
+28-29 RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F48
+28-29 RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G48
+28-29 RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H48
+28-29 RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I48
+28-29 RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L48
+Unprofiled RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E49
+Unprofiled RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F49
+Unprofiled RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G49
+Unprofiled RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H49
+Unprofiled RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I49
+Unprofiled RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L49
+Unprofiled RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E50
+Unprofiled RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F50
+Unprofiled RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G50
+Unprofiled RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H50
+Unprofiled RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I50
+Unprofiled RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L50
+Total RDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E51
+Total RDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F51
+Total RDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G51
+Total RDEL BL Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H51
+Total RDEL BL Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I51
+Total RDEL BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L51
+Total RDEL Forecast one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E52
+Total RDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F52
+Total RDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G52
+Total RDEL Forecast Non Gov costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,H52
+Total RDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,I52
+Total RDEL Forecast Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L52
+Year RDEL spend stops,9 - Costs,TEXT,E53
+Pre 19-20 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E56
+Pre 19-20 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F56
+Pre 19-20 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G56
+Pre 19-20 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H56
+Pre 19-20 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I56
+Pre 19-20 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L56
+Pre 19-20 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E57
+Pre 19-20 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F57
+Pre 19-20 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G57
+Pre 19-20 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H57
+Pre 19-20 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I57
+Pre 19-20 Actual Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L57
+19-20 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E58
+19-20 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F58
+19-20 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G58
+19-20 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H58
+19-20 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I58
+19-20 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L58
+19-20 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E59
+19-20 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F59
+19-20 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G59
+19-20 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H59
+19-20 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I59
+19-20 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L59
+20-21 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E60
+20-21 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F60
+20-21 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G60
+20-21 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H60
+20-21 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I60
+20-21 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L60
+20-21 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E61
+20-21 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F61
+20-21 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G61
+20-21 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H61
+20-21 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I61
+20-21 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L61
+21-22 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E62
+21-22 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F62
+21-22 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G62
+21-22 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H62
+21-22 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I62
+21-22 BL - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L62
+21-22 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E63
+21-22 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F63
+21-22 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G63
+21-22 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H63
+21-22 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I63
+21-22 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L63
+22-23 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E64
+22-23 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F64
+22-23 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G64
+22-23 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H64
+22-23 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I64
+22-23 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L64
+22-23 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E65
+22-23 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F65
+22-23 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G65
+22-23 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H65
+22-23 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I65
+22-23 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L65
+23-24 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E66
+23-24 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F66
+23-24 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G66
+23-24 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H66
+23-24 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I66
+23-24 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L66
+23-24 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E67
+23-24 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F67
+23-24 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G67
+23-24 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H67
+23-24 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I67
+23-24 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L67
+24-25 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E68
+24-25 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F68
+24-25 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G68
+24-25 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H68
+24-25 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I68
+24-25 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L68
+24-25 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E69
+24-25 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F69
+24-25 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G69
+24-25 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H69
+24-25 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I69
+24-25 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L69
+25-26 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E70
+25-26 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F70
+25-26 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G70
+25-26 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H70
+25-26 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I70
+25-26 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L70
+25-26 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E71
+25-26 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F71
+25-26 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G71
+25-26 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H71
+25-26 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I71
+25-26 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L71
+26-27 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E72
+26-27 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F72
+26-27 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G72
+26-27 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H72
+26-27 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I72
+26-27 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L72
+26-27 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E73
+26-27 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F73
+26-27 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G73
+26-27 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H73
+26-27 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I73
+26-27 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L73
+27-28 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E74
+27-28 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F74
+27-28 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G74
+27-28 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H74
+27-28 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I74
+27-28 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L74
+27-28 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E75
+27-28 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F75
+27-28 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G75
+27-28 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H75
+27-28 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I75
+27-28 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L75
+28-29 CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E76
+28-29 CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F76
+28-29 CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G76
+28-29 BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H76
+28-29 CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I76
+28-29 BL Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L76
+28-29 CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E77
+28-29 CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F77
+28-29 CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G77
+28-29 Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H77
+28-29 CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I77
+28-29 Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L77
+Unprofiled CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E78
+Unprofiled CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F78
+Unprofiled CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G78
+Unprofiled BL Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H78
+Unprofiled CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I78
+Unprofiled BL Income,9 - Costs,TEXT,L78
+Unprofiled CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E79
+Unprofiled CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F79
+Unprofiled CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G79
+Unprofiled Forecast Non-Gov,9 - Costs,TEXT,H79
+Unprofiled CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I79
+Unprofiled Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L79
+Total CDEL BL one off new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,E80
+Total CDEL BL recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F80
+Total CDEL BL recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G80
+Non-Gov Total Budget/BL,9 - Costs,TEXT,H80
+Total CDEL BL WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I80
+Total Baseline - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L80
+Total CDEL Forecast Total,9 - Costs,TEXT,E81
+Total CDEL Forecast recurring new costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,F81
+Total CDEL Forecast recurring old costs,9 - Costs,TEXT,G81
+Non-Gov Total Forecast,9 - Costs,TEXT,H81
+Total CDEL Forecast Total WLC,9 - Costs,TEXT,I81
+Total Forecast - Income both Revenue and Capital,9 - Costs,TEXT,L81
+Year CDEL spend stops,9 - Costs,TEXT,E82
+SRO Finance confidence,9 - Costs,TEXT,E118
+Benefits Narrative,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E6
+Ben comparison with last quarters cost - narrative,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E7
+Ben comparison within this quarters cost - narrative,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E8
+Narrative on any project Non-Monetised benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E9
+If benefits profile (by years) not provided please provide reason and date for when they will be,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E10
+Pre 19-20 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E25
+Pre 19-20 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F25
+Pre 19-20 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G25
+Pre 19-20 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H25
+Pre 19-20 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K25
+Pre 19-20 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E26
+Pre 19-20 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F26
+Pre 19-20 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G26
+Pre 19-20 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H26
+Pre 19-20 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K26
+19-20 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E27
+19-20 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F27
+19-20 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G27
+19-20 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H27
+19-20 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K27
+19-20 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E28
+19-20 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F28
+19-20 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G28
+19-20 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H28
+19-20 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K28
+20-21 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E29
+20-21 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F29
+20-21 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G29
+20-21 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H29
+20-21 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K29
+20-21 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E30
+20-21 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F30
+20-21 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G30
+20-21 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H30
+20-21 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K30
+21-22 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E31
+21-22 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F31
+21-22 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G31
+21-22 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H31
+21-22 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K31
+21-22 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E32
+21-22 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F32
+21-22 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G32
+21-22 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H32
+21-22 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K32
+22-23 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E33
+22-23 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F33
+22-23 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G33
+22-23 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H33
+22-23 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K33
+22-23 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E34
+22-23 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F34
+22-23 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G34
+22-23 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H34
+22-23 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K34
+23-24 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E35
+23-24 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F35
+23-24 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G35
+23-24 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H35
+23-24 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K35
+23-24 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E36
+23-24 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F36
+23-24 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G36
+23-24 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H36
+23-24 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K36
+24-25 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E37
+24-25 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F37
+24-25 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G37
+24-25 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H37
+24-25 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K37
+24-25 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E38
+24-25 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F38
+24-25 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G38
+24-25 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H38
+24-25 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K38
+25-26 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E39
+25-26 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F39
+25-26 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G39
+25-26 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H39
+25-26 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K39
+25-26 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E40
+25-26 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F40
+25-26 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G40
+25-26 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H40
+25-26 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K40
+26-27 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E41
+26-27 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F41
+26-27 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G41
+26-27 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H41
+26-27 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K41
+26-27 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E42
+26-27 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F42
+26-27 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G42
+26-27 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H42
+26-27 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K42
+27-28 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E43
+27-28 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F43
+27-28 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G43
+27-28 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H43
+27-28 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K43
+27-28 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E44
+27-28 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F44
+27-28 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G44
+27-28 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H44
+27-28 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K44
+28-29 BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E45
+28-29 BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F45
+28-29 BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G45
+28-29 BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H45
+28-29 BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K45
+28-29 BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E46
+28-29 BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F46
+28-29 BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G46
+28-29 BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H46
+28-29 BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K46
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E47
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F47
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G47
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H47
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K47
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E48
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F48
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G48
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H48
+Unprofiled Remainder BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K48
+Total BEN Baseline - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E49
+Total BEN Baseline - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F49
+Total BEN Baseline - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G49
+Total BEN Baseline - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H49
+Total BEN Baseline - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K49
+Total BEN Forecast - Gov. Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E50
+Total BEN Forecast - Gov. Non-Cashable,10 - Benefits,TEXT,F50
+Total BEN Forecast - Economic (inc Private Partner),10 - Benefits,TEXT,G50
+Total BEN Forecast - Disbenefit UK Economic,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H50
+Total BEN Forecast - Total Monetised Benefits,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K50
+Year BEN spend stops,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E51
+No Deductions - Net Benefits Provided,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K54
+Deduct RDEL One Off New Costs?,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K55
+Deduct CDEL one off New Costs?,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K56
+Deduct RDEL Recurring New Costs?,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K57
+Deduct CDEL Recurring New Costs?,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K58
+Deduct RDEL Recurring Old Costs?,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K59
+Deduct CDEL Recurring Old Costs?,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K60
+No Monetised Benefits / Initial Business Case Being Prepared,10 - Benefits,TEXT,K61
+No Deductions - Net Benefits Provided stored,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H54
+Deduct RDEL One Off New Costs? Stored,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H55
+Deduct CDEL one off New Costs? Stored,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H56
+Deduct RDEL Recurring New Costs? Stored,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H57
+Deduct CDEL Recurring New Costs? Stored,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H58
+Deduct RDEL Recurring Old Costs? Stored,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H59
+Deduct CDEL Recurring Old Costs? Stored,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H60
+No Monetised Benefits / Initial Business Case Being Prepared Stored,10 - Benefits,TEXT,H61
+SRO Benefits RAG,10 - Benefits,TEXT,E64