import configparser import csv import fnmatch import logging import os import sys from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import date, datetime from math import isclose from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill from openpyxl.utils import quote_sheetname from .process.cleansers import Cleanser logger = logging.getLogger("bcompiler.utils") rdel_cdel_merge = "" DOCS = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Documents") BCOMPILER_WORKING_D = "bcompiler" ROOT_PATH = os.path.join(DOCS, BCOMPILER_WORKING_D) SOURCE_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "source") CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, "config.ini") runtime_config = configparser.ConfigParser() CURRENT_QUARTER = runtime_config["QuarterData"]["CurrentQuarter"] try: SHEETS = [ i for i in dict((runtime_config.items("TemplateSheets"))).values() ] BLANK_TEMPLATE_FN = runtime_config["BlankTemplate"]["name"] except configparser.NoSectionError: print( "There is no config file present. Please run bcompiler-init to initialise bcompiler" ) sys.exit() def directory_has_returns_check(dir: str): if os.listdir(dir) == []: logger.critical( "Please copy populated return files to returns directory.") return False else: return True def row_check(excel_file: str): wb = load_workbook(excel_file) data = [] for sheet in wb.sheetnames: ws = wb[sheet] rows = ws.rows data.append( dict( workbook=excel_file.split("/")[-1], sheet=sheet, row_count=len(list(rows)), )) return data def row_data_formatter(csv_output=False, quiet=False) -> None: """ Prints counts of rows in each sheet in each return spreadsheet. :param: csv_output - provide True to write output to csv file in output directory. :param: quiet - output differing row counts only. Cannot be used with csv_output argument. """ if csv_output and quiet: logger.critical("Cannot use --csv and --quiet option. Choose one" " or the other.") return try: returns_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "source", "returns") except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("There is no output directory. Run bcompiler -d to " "set up working directories") try: tmpl_data = row_check( os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "source", BLANK_TEMPLATE_FN)) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("bicc_template.xlsm not found") if csv_output: csv_output_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, "row_count.csv") csv_output_file = open(csv_output_path, "w", newline="") csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_output_file)"Writing output to csv file...") elif quiet:"Looking for anomolies in row counts in each sheet...") else: print("{0:<90}{1:<40}{2:<10}".format("Workbook", "Sheet", "Row Count")) print("{:#<150}".format("")) # Start with the bicc_template.xlsm BASE data for line in tmpl_data: if csv_output: csv_writer.writerow( [line["workbook"], line["sheet"], line["row_count"]]) elif quiet: pass else: print( f"{line['workbook']:<90}{line['sheet']:<40}{line['row_count']:<10}" ) print("{:#<150}".format("")) for f in os.listdir(returns_dir): if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, "*.xlsm"): d = row_check(os.path.join(returns_dir, f)) zipped_data = zip(tmpl_data, d) for line in zipped_data: counts = [i["row_count"] for i in line] flag = counts[0] != counts[-1] if not flag: if csv_output: csv_writer.writerow([ line[1]["workbook"], line[1]["sheet"], line[1]["row_count"], ]) elif quiet: pass else: print( f"{line[1]['workbook']:<90}{line[1]['sheet']:<40}{line[1]['row_count']:<10}" ) else: if csv_output: csv_writer.writerow([ line[1]["workbook"], line[1]["sheet"], line[1]["row_count"], "INCONSISTENT WITH bicc_template.xlsm", ]) else: print( f"{line[1]['workbook']:<90}{line[1]['sheet']:<40}{line[1]['row_count']:<10} *" ) if not quiet: print("{:#<150}".format("")) else: print(".") else: logger.critical(f"{f} does not have .xlsm file extension.") if csv_output: print(f"csv output file available at {csv_output_path}") csv_output_file.close() def quick_typechecker(*args): """ Very simple function to filter allowed types (int, float). Any other type returns False. All arguments must be of same type. """ for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, (int, float, date)): pass else: return False return True def simple_round(fl, prec): """Rounds a fl to prec precision.""" return round(fl, prec) def bc_is_close(x, y): """Returns true if acceptably close.""" if isinstance(x, (date, datetime)) or isinstance(y, (date, datetime)): return False else: return isclose(x, y, rel_tol=0.001) def cell_bg_colour(rgb=[]): """ Give it a list of integers between 0 and 255 - three of them. """ c_value = "{0:02X}{1:02X}{2:02X}".format(*rgb) return PatternFill(patternType="solid", fgColor=c_value, bgColor=c_value) def get_relevant_names(project_name, project_data): try: sro_first_name = project_data[project_name]["SRO Full Name"].split( " ")[0] except IndexError: logger.warning( "SRO Full Name ({0}) is not suitable for splitting".format( project_data[project_name]["SRO Full Name"])) try: sro_last_name = project_data[project_name]["SRO Full Name"].split( " ")[1] except IndexError: logger.warning( "SRO Full Name ({0}) is not suitable for splitting".format( project_data[project_name]["SRO Full Name"])) try: pd_first_name = project_data[project_name]["PD Full Name"].split( " ")[0] except IndexError: logger.warning( "PD Full Name ({0}) is not suitable for splitting".format( project_data[project_name]["PD Full Name"])) try: pd_last_name = project_data[project_name]["PD Full Name"].split(" ")[1] except IndexError: logger.warning( "PD Full Name ({0}) is not suitable for splitting".format( project_data[project_name]["PD Full Name"])) try: sro_d = dict(first_name=sro_first_name, last_name=sro_last_name) except UnboundLocalError: sro_d = None try: pd_d = dict(first_name=pd_first_name, last_name=pd_last_name) except UnboundLocalError: pd_d = None return (sro_d, pd_d) def project_data_from_master(master_file: str, opened_wb=False): if opened_wb is False: wb = load_workbook(master_file) ws = else: wb = master_file ws = # cleanse the keys for cell in ws["A"]: # we don't want to clean None... if cell.value is None: continue c = Cleanser(cell.value) cell.value = c.clean() p_dict = {} for col in ws.iter_cols(min_col=2): project_name = "" o = OrderedDict() for cell in col: if cell.row == 1: project_name = cell.value p_dict[project_name] = o else: val = ws.cell(row=cell.row, column=1).value if type(cell.value) == datetime: d_value = date(cell.value.year, cell.value.month, p_dict[project_name][val] = d_value else: p_dict[project_name][val] = cell.value # remove any "None" projects that were pulled from the master try: del p_dict[None] except KeyError: pass return p_dict def project_data_line(): p_dict = {} with open(SOURCE_DIR + "master_transposed.csv", "r") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: key = row.pop("Project/Programme Name") if key in p_dict: pass p_dict[key] = row logger.debug( "Adding {} to project_data_line dictionary".format(key)) return p_dict def open_openpyxl_template(template_file): """ Opens an xlsx file (the template) and returns the openpyxl object. """ wb = load_workbook(template_file, keep_vba=True)"Opening {} as an openpyxl object".format(template_file)) return wb def working_directory(dir_type=None): """ Returns the working directory for source files :return: path to the working directory intended for the source files """ docs = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Documents") bcomp_working_d = "bcompiler" try: root_path = os.path.join(docs, bcomp_working_d) except FileNotFoundError: print("You need to run with --create-wd to", "create the working directory") if dir_type == "source": return root_path + "/source/" elif dir_type == "output": return root_path + "/output/" elif dir_type == "returns": return root_path + "/source/returns/" else: return # TODO this lot needs cleaning up - no more use of working_directory() SOURCE_DIR = working_directory("source") OUTPUT_DIR = working_directory("output") RETURNS_DIR = working_directory("returns") DATAMAP_RETURN_TO_MASTER = SOURCE_DIR + "datamap.csv" DATAMAP_MASTER_TO_RETURN = SOURCE_DIR + "datamap.csv" DATAMAP_MASTER_TO_GMPP = SOURCE_DIR + "archive/datamap-master-to-gmpp" CLEANED_DATAMAP = SOURCE_DIR + "cleaned_datamap.csv" MASTER = SOURCE_DIR + "master.csv" TEMPLATE = SOURCE_DIR + BLANK_TEMPLATE_FN GMPP_TEMPLATE = SOURCE_DIR + "archive/gmpp_template.xlsx" def index_returns_directory(): """ Prior to compiling a master, it is useful to get the order of projects by their file name, as the function traverses the directory top to bottom to build the master. We can then use this to compare with the order or projects (columns) in the old master document we are comparing the current compile. This is pretty hackish but needs must... """ target_files = [] for f in os.listdir(RETURNS_DIR): target_files.append(f) pnames_in_returns_dir = [] for f in target_files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, "*.xlsm"): wb = load_workbook(os.path.join(RETURNS_DIR, f)) ws = wb[runtime_config["TemplateSheets"]["summary_sheet"]] pnames_in_returns_dir.append(ws["B5"].value) return pnames_in_returns_dir def splat_rows(row): yield [(c.value, c.row, c.column) for c in row] def parse_csv_to_file(source_file): """ Transposes the master to a new master_transposed.csv file. :param source_file: :return: """ output = open(SOURCE_DIR + "master_transposed.csv", "w+") try: source = open(source_file, "r") except FileNotFoundError: logger.critical(f"There is no file {source_file} present.") source.close() return with open(source_file, "r") as source_f: lis = [x.split(",") for x in source_f] for i in lis: # we need to do this to remove trailing "\n" from the end of # each original master.csv line i[-1] = i[-1].rstrip() for x in zip(*lis): for y in x: output.write(y + ",") output.write("\n") output.close() def create_master_dict_transposed(source_master_csv): """ The side-effect of the following function is to ensure there is a 'master_transposed.csv' file present in SOURCE_DIR returns a list of dicts, which makes up all the data from the master """ parse_csv_to_file(source_master_csv) with open(SOURCE_DIR + "master_transposed.csv", "r") as f: r = csv.DictReader(f) ls = [row for row in r] return ls sheet_name = "Dropdown" VALIDATION_REFERENCES = { "Quarter": "{0}!$A$2:$A$9".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Joining Qtr": "{0}!$B$2:$B$25".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Classification": "{0}!$C$2:$C$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Entity format": "{0}!$D$2:$D$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Methodology": "{0}!$E$2:$E$10".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Category": "{0}!$F$2:$H$11".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Scope Changed": "{0}!$G$2:$I$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Monetised / Non Monetised Benefits": "{0}!$H$2:$H$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "RAG": "{0}!$I$2:$I$6".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "RAG 2": "{0}!$J$2:$J$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "RPA level": "{0}!$K$2:$K$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Capability RAG": "{0}!$L$2:$L$5".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "MPLA / PLP": "{0}!$M$2:$M$30".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "PL Changes": "{0}!$N$2:$N$31".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Stage": "{0}!$O$2:$O$10".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Business Cases": "{0}!$P$2:$P$11".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Milestone Types": "{0}!$Q$2:$Q$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Finance figures format": "{0}!$R$2:$R$3".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Index Years": "{0}!$S$2:$S$27".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Discount Rate": "{0}!$T$2:$T$32".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Finance type": "{0}!$U$2:$U$6".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Yes/No": "{0}!$V$2:$V$3".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Years (Spend)": "{0}!$W$2:$W$90".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Years (Benefits)": "{0}!$X$2:$X$90".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Snapshot Dates": "{0}!$Y$2:$Y$9".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Percentage of time spent on SRO role": "{0}!$Z$2:$Z$21".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "AR Category": "{0}!$AA$2:$AA$5".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Project Lifecycle": "{0}!$AB$2:$AB$6".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Programme Lifecycle": "{0}!$AC$2:$AC$7".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Other": "{0}!$AD$2:$AD$19".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Start / Year end - FY": "{0}!$AE$3:$AE$22".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Count": "{0}!$AF$2:$AF$22".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "VFM": "{0}!$AG$2:$AG$11".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "DfT Group": "{0}!$AH$2:$AH$7".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "DfT Division": "{0}!$AI$2:$AI$15".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Agency": "{0}!$AJ$2:$AJ$9".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "High Speed Rail": "{0}!$AK$2:$AK$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Rail Group": "{0}!$AL$2:$AL$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Roads, Devolution & Motoring": "{0}!$AM$2:$AM$5".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "International, Security and Environment": "{0}!$AN$2:$AN$4".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Resource and Strategy": "{0}!$AO$2:$AO$2".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "Non-Group": "{0}!$AP$2:$AP$2".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "GMPP Annual Report Category": "{0}!$AQ$2:$AQ$2".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), "SDP": "{0}!$AR2:$AR$5".format(quote_sheetname(sheet_name)), } def row_accessor(row: tuple): """ Utility generator yielding tuple of form (str, str); e.g ('A10', 'Project/Programme Name'). :param row: :return: """ for item in row: yield ("".join([item.column, str(item.row)]), item.value) def gen_sheet_data(workbook: str) -> dict: """ Returns a dict containing data from a given xlsx file, by sheet within that workbook. :param path to xlsx file: :return: dict of data by sheet in workbook """ wb = load_workbook(workbook) sheets = wb._sheets data = {} for s in sheets: rows = s.rows title = s.title data[title] = [list(row_accessor(x)) for x in rows] return data def parse_data_row(row: list) -> tuple: """ Utility generator which processes two-item tuples in a list. :param row: :return: tuple of form (str, str); e.g. ('A10', 'Project/Programme Name') """ for item in row: yield item[0], item[1] def get_sheets_in_workbook(real_template: str) -> list: """ Utility function to return a list of sheet names from an xlsx file. :param real_template: :return: list of sheet names """ wb = load_workbook(real_template) sheets = wb._sheets return sheets def generate_test_template_from_real(real_template: str, save_path: str) -> None: """ Given the bicc_template.xlsm file, this function strips it of everything but cell data. :param real_template: str path of location of bicc_template.xlsm :param save_path: str path of output directory; file will be named 'gen_bicc_template.xlsm', of the form "~/Documents" :return: """ data = gen_sheet_data(real_template) sheets = get_sheets_in_workbook(real_template) blank = Workbook() sheet_order = 0 for sheet in sheets: summary_sheet = blank.create_sheet(sheet.title, sheet_order) for row in data[sheet.title]: r = parse_data_row(row) for cell in r: summary_sheet[cell[0]] = cell[1] sheet_order += 1 if save_path.endswith("/"): save_path = save_path[:-1]"".join([save_path, "/gen_bicc_template.xlsm"]))