import configparser import csv import fnmatch import logging import os import sys from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import date, datetime from math import isclose from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill from openpyxl.utils import quote_sheetname from .process.cleansers import Cleanser logger = logging.getLogger("bcompiler.utils") rdel_cdel_merge = "" DOCS = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Documents") BCOMPILER_WORKING_D = "bcompiler" ROOT_PATH = os.path.join(DOCS, BCOMPILER_WORKING_D) SOURCE_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "source") CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, "config.ini") runtime_config = configparser.ConfigParser() CURRENT_QUARTER = runtime_config["QuarterData"]["CurrentQuarter"] try: SHEETS = [ i for i in dict((runtime_config.items("TemplateSheets"))).values() ] BLANK_TEMPLATE_FN = runtime_config["BlankTemplate"]["name"] except configparser.NoSectionError: print( "There is no config file present. Please run bcompiler-init to initialise bcompiler" ) sys.exit() def directory_has_returns_check(dir: str): if os.listdir(dir) == []: logger.critical( "Please copy populated return files to returns directory.") return False else: return True def row_check(excel_file: str): wb = load_workbook(excel_file) data = [] for sheet in wb.sheetnames: ws = wb[sheet] rows = ws.rows data.append( dict( workbook=excel_file.split("/")[-1], sheet=sheet, row_count=len(list(rows)), )) return data def row_data_formatter(csv_output=False, quiet=False) -> None: """ Prints counts of rows in each sheet in each return spreadsheet. :param: csv_output - provide True to write output to csv file in output directory. :param: quiet - output differing row counts only. Cannot be used with csv_output argument. """ if csv_output and quiet: logger.critical("Cannot use --csv and --quiet option. Choose one" " or the other.") return try: returns_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "source", "returns") except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("There is no output directory. Run bcompiler -d to " "set up working directories") try: tmpl_data = row_check( os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "source", BLANK_TEMPLATE_FN)) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("bicc_template.xlsm not found") if csv_output: csv_output_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, "row_count.csv") csv_output_file = open(csv_output_path, "w", newline="") csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_output_file)"Writing output to csv file...") elif quiet:"Looking for anomolies in row counts in each sheet...") else: print("{0:<90}{1:<40}{2:<10}".format("Workbook", "Sheet", "Row Count")) print("{:#<150}".format("")) # Start with the bicc_template.xlsm BASE data for line in tmpl_data: if csv_output: csv_writer.writerow( [line["workbook"], line["sheet"], line["row_count"]]) elif quiet: pass else: print( f"{line['workbook']:<90}{line['sheet']:<40}{line['row_count']:<10}" ) print("{:#<150}".format("")) for f in os.listdir(returns_dir): if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, "*.xlsm"): d = row_check(os.path.join(returns_dir, f)) zipped_data = zip(tmpl_data, d) for line in zipped_data: counts = [i["row_count"] for i in line] flag = counts[0] != counts[-1] if not flag: if csv_output: csv_writer.writerow([ line[1]["workbook"], line[1]["sheet"], line[1]["row_count"], ]) elif quiet: pass else: print( f"{line[1]['workbook']:<90}{line[1]['sheet']:<40}{line[1]['row_count']:<10}" ) else: if csv_output: csv_writer.writerow([ line[1]["workbook"], line[1]["sheet"], line[1]["row_count"], "INCONSISTENT WITH bicc_template.xlsm", ]) else: print( f"{line[1]['workbook']:<90}{line[1]['sheet']:<40}{line[1]['row_count']:<10} *" ) if not quiet: print("{:#<150}".format("")) else: print(".") else: logger.critical(f"{f} does not have .xlsm file extension.") if csv_output: print(f"csv output file available at {csv_output_path}") csv_output_file.close() def quick_typechecker(*args): """ Very simple function to filter allowed types (int, float). Any other type returns False. All arguments must be of same type. """ for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, (int, float, date)): pass else: return False return True def simple_round(fl, prec): """Rounds a fl to prec precision.""" return round(fl, prec) def bc_is_close(x, y): """Returns true if acceptably close.""" if isinstance(x, (date, datetime)) or isinstance(y, (date, datetime)): return False else: return isclose(x, y, rel_tol=0.001) def cell_bg_colour(rgb=[]): """ Give it a list of integers between 0 and 255 - three of them. """ c_value = "{0:02X}{1:02X}{2:02X}".format(*rgb) return PatternFill(patternType="solid", fgColor=c_value, bgColor=c_value) def get_relevant_names(project_name, project_data): try: sro_first_name = project_data[project_name]["SRO Full Name"].split( " ")[0] except IndexError: logger.warning( "SRO Full Name ({0}) is not suitable for splitting".format( project_data[project_name]["SRO Full Name"])) try: sro_last_name = project_data[project_name]["SRO Full Name"].split( " ")[1] except IndexError: logger.warning( "SRO Full Name ({0}) is not suitable for splitting".format( project_data[project_name]["SRO Full Name"])) try: pd_first_name = project_data[project_name]["PD Full Name"].split( " ")[0] except IndexError: logger.warning( "PD Full Name ({0}) is not suitable for splitting".format( project_data[project_name]["PD Full Name"])) try: pd_last_name = project_data[project_name]["PD Full Name"].split(" ")[1] except IndexError: logger.warning( "PD Full Name ({0}) is not suitable for splitting".format( project_data[project_name]["PD Full Name"])) try: sro_d = dict(first_name=sro_first_name, last_name=sro_last_name) except UnboundLocalError: sro_d = None try: pd_d = dict(first_name=pd_first_name, last_name=pd_last_name) except UnboundLocalError: pd_d = None return (sro_d, pd_d) def project_data_from_master(master_file: str, opened_wb=False): if opened_wb is False: wb = load_workbook(master_file) ws = else: wb = master_file ws = # cleanse the keys for cell in ws["A"]: # we don't want to clean None... if cell.value is None: continue c = Cleanser(cell.value) cell.value = c.clean() p_dict = {} for col in ws.iter_cols(min_col=2): project_name = "" o = OrderedDict() for cell in col: if cell.row == 1: project_name = cell.value p_dict[project_name] = o else: val = ws.cell(row=cell.row, column=1).value if type(cell.value) == datetime: d_value = date(cell.value.year, cell.value.month, p_dict[project_name][val] = d_value else: p_dict[project_name][val] = cell.value # remove any "None" projects that were pulled from the master try: del p_dict[None] except KeyError: pass return p_dict def project_data_line(): p_dict = {} with open(SOURCE_DIR + "master_transposed.csv", "r") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: key = row.pop("Project/Programme Name") if key in p_dict: pass p_dict[key] = row logger.debug( "Adding {} to project_data_line dictionary".format(key)) return p_dict def open_openpyxl_template(template_file): """ Opens an xlsx file (the template) and returns the openpyxl object. """ wb = load_workbook(template_file, keep_vba=True)"Opening {} as an openpyxl object".format(template_file)) return wb def working_directory(dir_type=None): """ Returns the working directory for source files :return: path to the working directory intended for the source files """ docs = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Documents") bcomp_working_d = "bcompiler" try: root_path = os.path.join(docs, bcomp_working_d) except FileNotFoundError: print("You need to run with --create-wd to", "create the working directory") if dir_type == "source": return root_path + "/source/" elif dir_type == "output": return root_path + "/output/" elif dir_type == "returns": return root_path + "/source/returns/" else: return # TODO this lot needs cleaning up - no more use of working_directory() SOURCE_DIR = working_directory("source") OUTPUT_DIR = working_directory("output") RETURNS_DIR = working_directory("returns") DATAMAP_RETURN_TO_MASTER = SOURCE_DIR + "datamap.csv" DATAMAP_MASTER_TO_RETURN = SOURCE_DIR + "datamap.csv" DATAMAP_MASTER_TO_GMPP = SOURCE_DIR + "archive/datamap-master-to-gmpp" CLEANED_DATAMAP = SOURCE_DIR + "cleaned_datamap.csv" MASTER = SOURCE_DIR + "master.csv" TEMPLATE = SOURCE_DIR + BLANK_TEMPLATE_FN GMPP_TEMPLATE = SOURCE_DIR + "archive/gmpp_template.xlsx"