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DfT's Cyber Compliance Team's proof of concept information management system, used to track all core components of the NIS regime.
ctrack is developed in-house by the Cyber Compliance Team at the UK Department for Transport that aims to demonstrate the improvements in workflow possible by storing data associated with OES and its associated CAF data in a relational database. It focuses on the absolute basics of managing any business data: Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) functionality and demonstrates how collection and analysis of ongoing assessment data - using the CAF as the foundation (the framework, not the spreadsheet) - can be exponentially improved using the simplest of form-based web application.
NIS Directive | NCSC NIS Guidance | UK Cyber Strategy
There are currently {{ no_orgs }} organisations on ctrack, of which {{ no_oes }} are OES, comprising {{ no_people }} people. OES are responsible for {{ no_essential_services }} NIS essential services. There have been a total of X interactions with OES by inspectors, including X emails, X phone calls, X video conferences, and X meetings.
Use these high level lists to view things by lead inspector, sub-mode and other attributes:
There are {{ no_cafs }} CAFs on ctrack, providing data on {{ no_systems }} critical systems. Of these, 12 have been validated. X are currently undergoing validation and X are currently being updated by OES.
Use these high level lists to view things by lead inspector, sub-mode and other attributes:
Inspectors are allocated to an organisation and can therefore be grouped by the sector that organisation belongs to. This usually means there is one lead inspector for each submode, but it is possible for an inspector to lead for an organistion in another sector. The applies for deputy inspector roles.
There are currently 53 organisations on ctrack, comprising 124 people.
#} {# #} {#Donec sed odio dui. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Vestibulum id ligula porta#} {# felis euismod semper. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum#} {# massa justo sit amet risus.
#} {# #} {#ctrack source code is open source and available on Github