import pytest from slugify import slugify from ..models import Organisation, Address pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db def test_organisation_get_absolute_url(org: Organisation): slug = slugify( assert org.get_absolute_url() == f"/organisations/{slug}/" def test_create_organisation(addr: Address): Organisation(name="Big Bad OES Corporation", address=addr).save() # The organisation is saved in the db assert Organisation.objects.get(name="Big Bad OES Corporation") # The organisation has the correct address assert Organisation.objects.get(name="Big Bad OES Corporation").address.type.descriptor == "Primary Address" def test_delete_organisation(org: Organisation): orgs = Organisation.objects.all() assert org in orgs Organisation.delete(org) # Assert that the record has been deleted assert Organisation.objects.count() == 0 def test_update_organisation(org: Organisation): # Change the name of the organisation = "Tonkers Ltd" # Get current value of line1 of the address addr_line1 = org.address.line1 assert == "Tonkers Ltd" # Assert that the address hasn't changed assert addr_line1 == org.address.line1