import pytest from ctrack.organisations.forms import AddressCreateForm from ctrack.organisations.models import AddressType pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db # # is instructive # Can the form accept an org_id? We need this. def test_add_new_address_for_organisation_form(org): AddressCreateForm(org=org) # Will our form raise an exception if the org_id isn't specified? def test_add_new_address_init_without_org_id(org): with pytest.raises(KeyError): AddressCreateForm() def test_add_new_address_with_valid_data(org): at = AddressType.objects.create(descriptor="Primary Address").pk form = AddressCreateForm({ "type": at, "line1": "10 Bawbags Lane", "line2": "Awful Area", "line3": "Chudleigh Meadows", "city": "Curstan", "county": "East Suncto", "postcode": "ET31 3PF", "country": "UK", "other_details": "There is nothing great about this place!", }, org=org) def test_add_new_address_blank_data(org): form = AddressCreateForm({}, org=org) assert not form.is_valid() assert form.errors == { "type": ["This field is required."], "line1": ["This field is required."], "country": ["This field is required."], "postcode": ["This field is required."], "city": ["This field is required."], }