import random from random import randint, choice from import BaseCommand from import CommandParser from ctrack.caf.tests.factories import ( GradingFactory, FileStoreFactory, CAFFactory, EssentialServiceFactory, ) from ctrack.organisations.models import AddressType from ctrack.organisations.models import Mode from ctrack.organisations.models import Submode from ctrack.organisations.tests.factories import AddressFactory from ctrack.organisations.tests.factories import OrganisationFactory from ctrack.organisations.tests.factories import PersonFactory from ctrack.organisations.tests.factories import RoleFactory from ctrack.organisations.tests.factories import UserFactory from ctrack.register.tests.factories import EngagementEventFactory from ctrack.register.tests.factories import EngagementTypeFactory fnames = [ "Clock Pylon Systems", "Ultramarine Hanglider Navigator", "Membranous Floor Heaters", "Alan's Wardrobe Hinge Circuits", "Marine Sluicegate Extension Pulleys", "Ironway Prob Modelling Area", "Bufferage Clippers", "Slow Gauze Thread Manipulator", "Terratoast Piling", "Accounting and Warehouse Conducer", "Able Hopscotch Mirrors", "Jolly Main Legacy Circuitry", ] class Command(BaseCommand): help = """ Creates a bunch of people and organisations for them to work in. Also creates users and roles as these are required fields. """ def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: parser.add_argument("number", nargs=1, type=int) def handle(self, *args, **options): number = options["number"][0] # Set up some reasonable Modes and SubModes m1 = Mode.objects.create(descriptor="Rail") m2 = Mode.objects.create(descriptor="Maritime") sb1 = Submode.objects.create(descriptor="Light Rail", mode=m1) sb2 = Submode.objects.create(descriptor="Rail Maintenance", mode=m1) sb3 = Submode.objects.create(descriptor="Rail Infrastructure", mode=m1) sb4 = Submode.objects.create(descriptor="International Rail", mode=m1) sb5 = Submode.objects.create(descriptor="Passenger Port", mode=m2) sb6 = Submode.objects.create(descriptor="Freight Port", mode=m2) sb7 = Submode.objects.create(descriptor="Shipping Infrastructure", mode=m2) submodes = [sb1, sb2, sb3, sb4, sb5, sb6, sb7] # we need a User object to completed the updated_by fields in Organisation and Person user = ( UserFactory.create() ) # we need to have at least one user for the updated_by field # Create 40 Organisation objects orgs = [ OrganisationFactory.create(submode=submodes[randint(0, len(submodes) - 1)]) for org in range(40) ] # Create 40 Address objects addr_type = AddressType.objects.create(descriptor="Primary Address") for org in orgs: AddressFactory.create(type=addr_type, organisation=org) roles = [ RoleFactory.create() for x in range(10) ] # because we have a many-to-many relationship with Role, we need to create one and pass it in for org in orgs: PersonFactory.create( role=choice(roles), updated_by=user, predecessor=None, organisation__submode=choice(submodes), organisation=org, ) inspector_role = RoleFactory.create(name="Compliance Inspector") # set up some EngagementEvents p1 = PersonFactory.create( role=choice(roles), updated_by=user, predecessor=None, organisation__submode=choice(submodes), organisation=org, ) p2 = PersonFactory.create( role=choice(roles), updated_by=user, predecessor=None, organisation__submode=choice(submodes), organisation=org, ) p3 = PersonFactory.create( role=choice(roles), updated_by=user, predecessor=None, organisation__submode=choice(submodes), organisation=org, ) regulator_org = OrganisationFactory.create( submode=None, name="The Regulator", designation_type=3, registered_company_name="The Regulator - HMG", comments="This is the real regulator.", ) inspectors = [ PersonFactory.create( role=inspector_role, updated_by=user, job_title="Compliance Inspector", predecessor=None, organisation__submode=None, organisation=regulator_org, ) for _ in range(5) ] etf1 = EngagementTypeFactory(descriptor="Information Notice") etf2 = EngagementTypeFactory(descriptor="Designation Letter") etf3 = EngagementTypeFactory(descriptor="CAF - Initial Submission", enforcement_instrument=False) ee1 = EngagementEventFactory.create(type=etf1, user=user, participants=[p1, p2]) ee2 = EngagementEventFactory.create(type=etf2, user=user, participants=[p3]) # Quality gradings q_descriptors = ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Q5"] for g in q_descriptors: GradingFactory.create(descriptor=g, type="QUALITY") # Confidence gradings c_descriptors = ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5"] for g in c_descriptors: GradingFactory.create(descriptor=g, type="CONFIDENCE") # File store fs = FileStoreFactory.create(physical_location_organisation=orgs[1]) # Some CAF objects cafs = [ CAFFactory.create( owner=random.choice(orgs), quality_grading__descriptor=random.choice(q_descriptors), confidence_grading__descriptor=random.choice(c_descriptors), triage_review_date=None, triage_review_inspector=None, ) for _ in range(35) ] es = [ EssentialServiceFactory.create( name=random.choice(fnames), organisation=random.choice(orgs), caf=random.choice(cafs), ) for _ in range(35) ] # CAF submissions - they create EngagementEvents ee3 = EngagementEventFactory.create( type=etf3, user=user, participants=[inspectors[1], p2], related_caf=cafs[1] ) # TODO - adapt this so that it records more than just Persons created self.stdout.write( f"Created {number} Person object[s]! Go forth and multiply." ) )