path: root/ctrack/organisations/tests
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diff --git a/ctrack/organisations/tests/test_views.py b/ctrack/organisations/tests/test_views.py
index dbd717f..a567fab 100644
--- a/ctrack/organisations/tests/test_views.py
+++ b/ctrack/organisations/tests/test_views.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ from ctrack.organisations.tests.factories import (
-from ctrack.organisations.views import IncidentReportCreateView
+from ctrack.organisations.views import IncidentReportCreateView, OrganisationDetailView
+from ..utils import filter_private_events
from ..views import OrganisationListView
pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db
@@ -42,6 +42,139 @@ def test_meetings_in_organisation_detail_view(user, client, org_with_people):
assert "First Meeting" in html
+def test_private_event_filter(user, org_with_people):
+ """
+ In this test we are creating five events, using two different users.
+ Each event will be set to either private or not private. We are testing
+ a function that will only allow private notes belonging to the logged in,
+ or request.user user to be added to the view context. The context is not
+ referred to here - only the utility function under test. The output from
+ that filter function will go forward into the view context.
+ """
+ person = org_with_people.person_set.first()
+ e1_user = SingleDateTimeEventFactory(
+ type_descriptor="MEETING",
+ short_description="First Event with user",
+ private=True,
+ user=user,
+ )
+ e2_user = SingleDateTimeEventFactory(
+ type_descriptor="MEETING",
+ short_description="Second Event with user",
+ private=False,
+ user=user,
+ )
+ e3_user = SingleDateTimeEventFactory(
+ type_descriptor="MEETING",
+ short_description="Third Event with user",
+ private=True,
+ user=user,
+ )
+ e1_user.participants.add(person)
+ e1_user.save()
+ e2_user.participants.add(person)
+ e2_user.save()
+ e3_user.participants.add(person)
+ e3_user.save()
+ user2 = get_user_model().objects.create(username="sam", email="asd@asdsd.com", password="123")
+ e1_user2 = SingleDateTimeEventFactory(
+ type_descriptor="MEETING",
+ short_description="First Event with user2",
+ private=False,
+ user=user2,
+ )
+ e2_user2 = SingleDateTimeEventFactory(
+ type_descriptor="MEETING",
+ short_description="Second Event with user2",
+ private=True,
+ user=user2,
+ )
+ e1_user2.participants.add(person)
+ e1_user2.save()
+ e2_user2.participants.add(person)
+ e2_user2.save()
+ # This user needs permission to access the list view
+ org_list_permission = Permission.objects.get(name="Can view organisation")
+ assert user.user_permissions.count() == 0
+ user.user_permissions.add(org_list_permission)
+ assert user.has_perm("organisations.view_organisation")
+ user.save()
+ factory = RequestFactory()
+ request = factory.get(reverse("organisations:detail", args=[org_with_people.slug]))
+ request.user = user
+ response = OrganisationDetailView.as_view()(request, slug=org_with_people.slug)
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ events = person.get_single_datetime_events()
+ assert events.count() == 5
+ assert len(filter_private_events(events, user2)) == 3
+def test_logged_in_user_can_only_see_their_private_events(
+ user, org_with_people, client
+ org_list_permission = Permission.objects.get(name="Can view organisation")
+ assert user.user_permissions.count() == 0
+ user.user_permissions.add(org_list_permission)
+ assert user.has_perm("organisations.view_organisation")
+ user.save()
+ person = org_with_people.person_set.first()
+ # This user creates three events
+ e1 = SingleDateTimeEventFactory(
+ type_descriptor="MEETING",
+ short_description="First Event",
+ private=True,
+ user=user,
+ )
+ e2 = SingleDateTimeEventFactory(
+ type_descriptor="MEETING",
+ short_description="Second Event",
+ private=False,
+ user=user,
+ )
+ e3 = SingleDateTimeEventFactory(
+ type_descriptor="MEETING",
+ short_description="Third Event",
+ private=True,
+ user=user,
+ )
+ e1.participants.add(person)
+ e1.save()
+ e2.participants.add(person)
+ e2.save()
+ e3.participants.add(person)
+ e3.save()
+ response = client.get(
+ reverse("organisations:detail", kwargs={"slug": org_with_people.slug})
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ html = response.content.decode("utf-8")
+ assert "First Event" in html
+ assert "Second Event" in html
+ assert "Third Event" in html
+ assert "PRIVATE" in html
+ # A second user adds events based on this person/organisation
+ user2 = get_user_model().objects.create(
+ username="bobbins", email="bobbins@gog.com", password="bobbins123345"
+ )
+ user2.user_permissions.add(org_list_permission)
+ assert user2.has_perm("organisations.view_organisation")
+ user2.save()
+ client.logout()
+ client.force_login(user2)
+ response2 = client.get(
+ reverse("organisations:detail", kwargs={"slug": org_with_people.slug})
+ )
+ html2 = response2.content.decode("utf-8")
+ assert response2.status_code == 200
+ # They should not be able to see First Event which was created by another
+ # user and marked private.
+ assert "First Event" not in html2
+ assert "Second Event" in html2
+ assert "Third Event" not in html2
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/testing/advanced/#example
def test_organisation_list_view():