path: root/ctrack/organisations/management/commands/generate_people.py
diff options
authorMatthew Lemon <matt@matthewlemon.com>2020-02-19 21:22:21 +0000
committerMatthew Lemon <matt@matthewlemon.com>2020-02-19 21:22:21 +0000
commitac2a715c0bc38e8a03640c604b8ed082456b2109 (patch)
treedec73bfcbf7920e18e94c493484e7368641d3387 /ctrack/organisations/management/commands/generate_people.py
parentafed43baeb9b4f9ee9f449b7be4e8a89a65ce9a8 (diff)
new migrations and working through factory issue
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/ctrack/organisations/management/commands/generate_people.py b/ctrack/organisations/management/commands/generate_people.py
index 0cb8c5b..d61902e 100644
--- a/ctrack/organisations/management/commands/generate_people.py
+++ b/ctrack/organisations/management/commands/generate_people.py
@@ -1,99 +1,4 @@
-from datetime import datetime
-import random
-import factory
-from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
-from factory import DjangoModelFactory, Faker, SubFactory, post_generation
-from ctrack.organisations.models import Organisation, Person, Submode, Mode
-def _random_mode():
- sms = [
- "Aviation",
- "Rail",
- "Maritime",
- "Animal",
- "Stellar",
- ]
- return sms[random.randint(0, len(sms) - 1)]
-def _random_submode():
- sms = [
- "Light Rail",
- "Heavy Rail",
- "Passenger Rail",
- "Animal Transport",
- "Infrastructure",
- ]
- return sms[random.randint(0, len(sms) - 1)]
-class ModeFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
- class Meta:
- model = Mode
- descriptor = factory.LazyFunction(_random_mode)
-class SubModeFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
- class Meta:
- model = Submode
- descriptor = factory.LazyFunction(_random_submode)
- mode = SubFactory(ModeFactory)
-class OrganisationFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
- class Meta:
- model = Organisation
- name = Faker("company")
- slug = Faker("lexify", text="????", letters="abcdsg")
- submode = SubFactory(SubModeFactory)
- designation_type = 1
- registered_company_name = Faker("company")
- registered_company_number = Faker("numerify", text="######")
- date_updated = Faker("date_this_year", before_today=True)
- updated_by = SubFactory(
- "ctrack.organisations.management.commands.generate_people.PersonFactory"
- )
- comments = Faker("paragraph", nb_sentences=3)
- active = True
-class PersonFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
- class Meta:
- model = Person
- primary_nis_contact = True
- voluntary_point_of_contact = True
- has_egress = False
- title = Faker("prefix")
- job_title = Faker("job")
- first_name = Faker("first_name")
- last_name = Faker("last_name")
- organisation = SubFactory(OrganisationFactory)
- role = Faker("job")
- email = Faker("ascii_company_email")
- secondary_email = "ascii_company_email"
- mobile = Faker("msisdn", locale="en_GB")
- landline = Faker("phone_number", locale="en_GB")
- date_updated = factory.LazyFunction(datetime.now)
- updated_by = SubFactory(
- "ctrack.organisations.management.commands.generate_people.PersonFactory"
- )
- clearance = factory.LazyFunction(datetime.now)
- clearance_sponsor = Faker("name", locale="en_GB")
- clearance_start_date = factory.LazyFunction(datetime.now)
- clearance_last_checked = factory.LazyFunction(datetime.now)
- clearance_expiry = factory.LazyFunction(datetime.now)
- active = True
- date_ended = Faker("date_this_year")
- predecessor = SubFactory(
- "ctrack.organisations.management.commands.generate_people.PersonFactory"
- )
- comments = "Yaa!"
+from django.core.management import BaseCommand
class Command(BaseCommand):