#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile if subprocess.run(["git", "branch", "--show-current"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).stdout.decode().strip() != "master": print("WARNING! Not on the master branch.") subprocess.run(["git", "pull", "--rebase"]) p = subprocess.run(["git", "describe", "--abbrev=0"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) describe = p.stdout.decode().strip() old_version = describe.split("-")[0].split(".") if len(old_version) == 2: [major, minor] = old_version [major, minor] = map(int, [major, minor]) patch = 0 else: [major, minor, patch] = old_version [major, minor, patch] = map(int, [major, minor, patch]) p = subprocess.run(["git", "shortlog", "--no-merges", f"{describe}..HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) shortlog = p.stdout.decode() new_version = None if sys.argv[1] == "patch": patch += 1 elif sys.argv[1] == "minor": minor += 1 patch = 0 elif sys.argv[1] == "major": major += 1 minor = patch = 0 else: new_version = sys.argv[1] if new_version is None: if len(old_version) == 2 and patch == 0: new_version = f"{major}.{minor}" else: new_version = f"{major}.{minor}.{patch}" p = None if os.path.exists("contrib/_incr_version"): p = subprocess.run(["contrib/_incr_version", describe, new_version]) elif os.path.exists(".git/_incr_version"): print("Warning: _incr_version found at legacy path") p = subprocess.run([".git/_incr_version", describe, new_version]) else: print("Warning: no _incr_version script. " + "Does this project have any specific release requirements?") if p and p.returncode != 0: print("Error: _incr_version returned nonzero exit code") sys.exit(1) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: basename = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) f.write(f"{basename} {new_version}\n\n".encode()) f.write(shortlog.encode()) f.flush() subprocess.run(["git", "tag", "-e", "-F", f.name, "-a", new_version]) print(new_version)