#!/bin/sh -e # to echo from stdin #stdin=$(cat) # if [ -z $stdin ] ; then # echo "No stdin set" # fi # echo $stdin # DESCRIPTION=$1 # echo $DESCRIPTION # Escape codes eescape='\e[0m' red='\e[31m' green='\e[32m' yellow='\e[33m' brightyellow='\e[93m' declare -A MONTHS=( [01]=January [02]=February [03]=March [04]=April [05]=May [06]=June [07]=July [08]=August [09]=September [10]=October [11]=November [12]=December ) remind_full="remind -z -k~/.virtualenvs/telegram-send/bin/telegram-send %s /home/lemon/.reminders" remind_cmd="remind" if [[ $# != 3 ]] ; then echo "You need to give me four parameters. Expect FILE DATETIME (YYYYMMDDTHHMM) DESCRIPTION." exit 1 else TARGETFILE="$1" DATETIME="$2" DESCRIPTION="$3" fi # Guard against bad file names if [[ "$TARGETFILE" != "home" && "$TARGETFILE" != "work" ]] ; then echo -e "${red}Please provide either 'work' or 'home' as the first argument.$eescape" exit 1 fi dateRegex='^([[:digit:]]{4,4})([[:digit:]]{2,2})([[:digit:]]{2,2})T([[:digit:]]{2,2})([[:digit:]]{2,2})$' if [[ ! $DATETIME =~ $dateRegex ]] ; then echo "Date must be of format: YYYYMMDDTHHMM" exit 1 fi year=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} month=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} day=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} hour=${BASH_REMATCH[4]} min=${BASH_REMATCH[5]} TIME="$hour:$min" if (( $month > 12 )) ; then echo "Month number is too high." exit 1 fi # debug messages # echo "$# parameters given" # echo -e "Got day $green$day$eescape." # echo "Got month ${MONTHS[$month]}." # echo "Got year $year." # echo "Got hour $hour." # echo "Got minute $min." DESC_LENGTH=$(expr length "$DESCRIPTION") if (($DESC_LENGTH > 50)) ; then echo -e "${red}Sorry, that is too long a description... Less than 50 please.$eescape" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_HOST}" ]] ; then echo -e "${red}TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_HOST environment variable is not set. Set it to hostname of target machine.$eescape" exit 1; else echo -e "${brightyellow}TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_HOST set to $TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_HOST${eescape}" fi COMMAND="REM $day ${MONTHS[$month]} $year AT $TIME +15 *5 MSG $DESCRIPTION %1" # main # COMMENT THIS OUT WHEN TESTING ON LOCAL VM # -------------- pid_cmd="pgrep remind" remind_command_msg="${brightyellow}Run '$remind_full' in a tmux window on $TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_HOST.$eescape" # first test if pid - if not exit (SCRIPT OBVIOUSLY WILL NOT PROCEED FOR TEST SERVER) [[ -z $(ssh $TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_HOST "$pid_cmd") ]] && echo -e "${red}Failed to get remind PID. remind is not running.$eescape" && \ echo -e $remind_command_msg && exit 1 # ------------- ssh $TW_HOOK_REMIND_REMOTE_HOST " echo "$COMMAND" >> ~/.reminders/${TARGETFILE}.rem echo '' echo '${TARGETFILE}.rem remind file is now:' cat ~/.reminders/${TARGETFILE}.rem " exit 0