#!/bin/ksh # download ISO from https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/$(uname -r)/amd64/install71.iso INC_CODE=0 usage() { print "Usage: $0 [-c]" print -R '-c - require repositories to be downloaded from github' exit 2 } while getopts 'ch' opt do case $opt in c) INC_CODE=1; print "Will fetch code from github." ;; h) usage ;; ?) usage ;; esac done dbasik_src=~/code/python/dbasik datamaps_src=~/code/python/datamaps bcompiler_src=~/code/python/bcompiler-engine command -v vim > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then doas pkg_add vim fi create_venvs() { cd $1 print "Creating the virtualenv at $1/.venv. This might take a couple of minutes..." print -n "Creating virtualenv..." python3 -m venv .venv . ./.venv/bin/activate print "ok" if [ -a requirements.txt ]; then print -n "Installing from requirements.txt..." pip install -r requirements.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 pip install -U pip > /dev/null 2>&1 print "ok" fi if [ -a requirements_dev.txt ]; then print -n "Installing from requirements_dev.txt..." pip install -r requirements_dev.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 pip install -U pip > /dev/null 2>&1 print "ok" fi deactivate && cd ~ print "virtualenv created" } doas pkg_add fzf the_silver_searcher zip if [ $INC_CODE -eq 1 ]; then ssh-add -v print -n "Creating necessary directories..." mkdir -p ~/code/python mkdir -p ~/.config/ mkdir -p ~/.fzf/ print "ok" print -n "Fetching dotfiles..." if [ ! -d ~/openbsddotfiles ]; then git clone git@github.com:yulqen/openbsddotfiles.git ~/openbsddotfiles > /dev/null 2>&1 print "ok" else print "dotfiles directory already exists." fi print -n "Fetching dbasik..." if [ ! -d $dbasik_src ]; then git clone git@github.com:yulqen/dbasik.git $dbasik_src > /dev/null 2>&1 print "ok" create_venvs $dbasik_src else print "dbasik directory already exists." fi print -n "Fetching datamaps..." if [ ! -d $datamaps_src ]; then git clone git@github.com:yulqen/datamaps.git $datamaps_src > /dev/null 2>&1 print "ok" create_venvs $datamaps_src else print "datamaps directory already exists." fi print -n "Fetching bcompiler-engine..." if [ ! -d $bcompiler_src ]; then git clone git@github.com:yulqen/bcompiler-engine.git $bcompiler_src > /dev/null 2>&1 print "ok" create_venvs $bcompiler_src else print "bcompiler-engine directory already exists." fi print -n "Creating code-related symlinks..." ln -sf openbsddotfiles/pdbrc .pdbrc ln -sf openbsddotfiles/pdbrc.py .pdbrc.py ln -sf openbsddotfiles/flake8 /home/lemon/.config/.flake8 ln -sf $(which fzf) ~/.fzf print "ok" fi print -n "Creating regular symlinks..." cd ~ ln -sf openbsddotfiles/kshrc_vm_provision .kshrc ln -sf openbsddotfiles/ksh_aliases .ksh_aliases ln -sf openbsddotfiles/profile_vm_provisioning .profile ln -sf openbsddotfiles/tmux.conf .tmux.conf ln -shf openbsddotfiles/vim ~/.vim ln -sf openbsddotfiles/gitconfig .gitconfig ln -sf openbsddotfiles/gitignore_global .gitignore_global print "ok"