How To - Project Documentation ====================================================================== Get Started ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation can be written as rst files in `pyblackbird_cc/docs`. To build and serve docs, use the commands:: docker compose -f local.yml up docs Changes to files in `docs/_source` will be picked up and reloaded automatically. `Sphinx `_ is the tool used to build documentation. Docstrings to Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The sphinx extension `apidoc `_ is used to automatically document code using signatures and docstrings. Numpy or Google style docstrings will be picked up from project files and available for documentation. See the `Napoleon `_ extension for details. For an in-use example, see the `page source <_sources/users.rst.txt>`_ for :ref:`users`. To compile all docstrings automatically into documentation source files, use the command: :: make apidocs This can be done in the docker container: :: docker run --rm docs make apidocs