path: root/alphabetlearning/resources
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authorMatthew Lemon <y@yulqen.org>2024-12-23 17:09:51 +0000
committerMatthew Lemon <y@yulqen.org>2024-12-23 17:09:51 +0000
commit44ee395693980cd33413a10287bb4189afbbc74d (patch)
treea092aac821b72f599d8d718ca12cd223f2a6a2a2 /alphabetlearning/resources
parent867e09f694fce71dc8b3d7e086190507e47c3a0f (diff)
testing llms ability to liberally add comments to a func
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/alphabetlearning/resources/views.py b/alphabetlearning/resources/views.py
index 773b1c2..8b0f8c5 100644
--- a/alphabetlearning/resources/views.py
+++ b/alphabetlearning/resources/views.py
@@ -63,61 +63,84 @@ def create_featured(request):
def _extract_metadata_from_resource(resource_obj) -> ResourceInfo | None:
This function extracts the resource information from the model object and returns it as a
- ResourceInfo object
- :param resource_obj:
- :return:
+ ResourceInfo object.
+ :param resource_obj: An instance of the resource model from which metadata is extracted.
+ :return: ResourceInfo object containing the extracted metadata, or None if an error occurs.
+ # Fetch and create a list of filenames for all PDF resources linked to the given resource object.
pdf_resource_filenames = [
x.file_name for x in PDFResource.objects.filter(resource=resource_obj).all()
+ # Retrieve all PDFResource objects associated with the resource_obj.
pdf_resources = PDFResource.objects.filter(resource=resource_obj).all()
+ # Initialize a dictionary to hold mappings of PDF filenames to their associated page snapshot filenames.
snapshot_dict = {}
+ # Iterate through each PDF resource to build the snapshot_dict mapping.
for p in pdf_resources:
+ # For each PDF resource, populate the dictionary with its filename as the key
+ # and a list of its associated snapshot filenames as the value.
snapshot_dict[p.file_name] = [
x.file_name for x in PDFPageSnapshot.objects.filter(pdf_file=p).all()
+ # Initialize a dictionary to hold the URLs for the snapshots.
snapshot_url_dict = {}
- # Iterate through the snapshot dict and generate the URLs
+ # Generate the URLs for each snapshot based on the snapshot_dict.
for k, v in snapshot_dict.items():
snapshot_url_dict[k] = [
- f"snapshotted_pages/{f}",
+ settings.AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME, # Specify the bucket name for S3 storage.
+ f"snapshotted_pages/{f}", # Build the path to the snapshot image in S3.
- for f in v
+ for f in v # Iterate through the filenames in the snapshot list.
+ # Generate pre-signed URLs for the PDF files collected.
pdf_urls = [
get_presigned_obj_url(settings.AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME, f"pdfuploads/{f}")
- for f in pdf_resource_filenames
+ for f in pdf_resource_filenames # Iterate through the PDF filenames.
+ # Generate pre-signed URLs for the thumbnail images associated with the resource.
thumbnail_urls = [
get_presigned_obj_url(settings.AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME, f"thumbnails/{f}")
- for f in resource_obj.thumbnail_filenames
+ for f in resource_obj.thumbnail_filenames # Iterate through the thumbnail filenames.
+ # Safely retrieve the subcategory name from resource_obj; handle the case where subcategories might be None.
arc_name = resource_obj.subcategories.name if resource_obj.subcategories else None
+ # Create and return a ResourceInfo object, populating it with various properties from resource_obj.
return ResourceInfo(
- id=resource_obj.id,
- name=resource_obj.name,
- description=resource_obj.description,
- card_description=resource_obj.card_description,
- main_resource_category_name=resource_obj.main_resource_category.name,
- main_resource_category_colour_css_class=resource_obj.main_resource_category.colour_css_class,
- main_resource_badge_foreground_colour=resource_obj.main_resource_category.badge_foreground_colour,
- subcategories=arc_name,
- age_range=resource_obj.age_range,
- pdf_filenames=pdf_resource_filenames,
- pdf_urls=pdf_urls,
- snapshot_urls=snapshot_url_dict,
- thumbnail_filenames=resource_obj.thumbnail_filenames,
- thumbnail_urls=thumbnail_urls,
- feature_slot=resource_obj.feature_slot,
- created=resource_obj.created_at,
- updated=resource_obj.updated_at,
+ id=resource_obj.id, # Resource ID
+ name=resource_obj.name, # Resource name
+ description=resource_obj.description, # Resource description
+ card_description=resource_obj.card_description, # Description for card visuals
+ main_resource_category_name=resource_obj.main_resource_category.name, # Main category name
+ main_resource_category_colour_css_class=resource_obj.main_resource_category.colour_css_class, # CSS class for category color
+ main_resource_badge_foreground_colour=resource_obj.main_resource_category.badge_foreground_colour, # Badge color for category
+ subcategories=arc_name, # Subcategory if it exists
+ age_range=resource_obj.age_range, # Target age range for the resource
+ pdf_filenames=pdf_resource_filenames, # List of PDF filenames
+ pdf_urls=pdf_urls, # List of URLs for PDFs
+ snapshot_urls=snapshot_url_dict, # Dictionary of snapshot filenames mapped to their URLs
+ thumbnail_filenames=resource_obj.thumbnail_filenames, # List of thumbnail filenames
+ thumbnail_urls=thumbnail_urls, # List of URLs for thumbnails
+ feature_slot=resource_obj.feature_slot, # Feature slot information
+ created=resource_obj.created_at, # Creation timestamp
+ updated=resource_obj.updated_at, # Last updated timestamp
except Exception:
+ # Log an exception if there was an error during the extraction process.
logging.exception("Error extracting resource information: ")
- return None
+ return None # Return None in case of an error.